
Which game will be the biggest of 2009?

The Globe and Mail's game columnist speculates on which game released in 2009 will sell the most copies. From the story:

Every September as hype begins to build up for fall releases I begin to grow curious about which games will end up selling the most units for the current year.

I've already predicted that Wii Sports Resort, which comes bundled with Nintendo's new Wii Motion Plus peripheral, will be the biggest game of 2009, and I stand by that claim. It's sold nearly 4 million copies globally in its first five weeks (all numbers from VGChartz, a global game sales estimation website based in the U.S.).

What's more, Nintendo's first-party casual titles have proven that they have extraordinarily long tails, often selling hundreds of thousands of copies per week 60 or 70 weeks post release (last year's Wii Fit was still selling more than a million copies per month this summer, and Mario Kart Wii's performance hasn't been far behind). And as more games that make use of the Wii Motion Plus peripheral are released, more consumers will look at Wii Sports Resort as a cost effective way to procure the device.

I'd be surprised if it hasn't moved 15 million copies by this time next year.

Still, its coronation as the biggest game of 2009 isn't a sure thing...

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shingo5495d ago

awesome, goty wise = uncharted 2

sales wise = modern warfare 2

Nitrowolf25495d ago

I will agree with that. MW2 no doudbt will sell more then any other game out there. I would pick UC2 over MW2 anyday.
UC2 is def GOTY material.

Product5495d ago

You guys do understand that New Super Mario Bros on the DS sold 20 million copies right? I expect NSMB to kill MW2 in total sales when it is all said in done, BUT MW2 will be front loaded meaning everyone will buy it in the first month or so ....soooo I believe either MW2 or Wii Sports Resort will take the top spot for game of the year in sales.

bnaked5494d ago

and the "biggest" one will be GT5 :-)


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misterandy458d ago

Am I missing something? It looks exactly the same, just higher resolution… Is this sarcasm?

specialguest458d ago

Yes, you're not observant if you think it looks exactly the same. It immediately appeared different to me from the start. Mario's 3D model will always be the same, so not much difference there. However, the animation they've given the Super Mario Wonder makes it look more like a CGI Mario animation where as the New Mario Bros game looks more like typical video game animation movements


__SteakDeck__457d ago

@specialguest Yeah those animations are insane.

FinalFantasyFanatic458d ago

You really didn't notice the difference? It's really obvious, I was surprised when I first saw the trailer.

Asplundh457d ago

"Am I missing something?"

Your glasses maybe?

Juancho51458d ago

This Mario game looks great, getting a switch for this and Mario RPG. CANT WAIT, TITS JACKED.

Profchaos457d ago

Yeah I liked how much more emotion could be conveyed through the new style at first glance I didn't see much difference but then rewatching the trailer I'm seeing more and more animations that remind me of the Mario artwork from the manual of smb3

Outlawzz457d ago

I hated the new super Mario bros Style. This new one seems a lot more expressive and less generic. I hope it's a good game

shinoff2183457d ago

I prefer the 2d Mario's. Me and my girl have played them all together and mario galaxy , Mario odyssey. The 2nd player option is extremely eh

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