
Hi. I'm a Guitar Hero. And I'm a Rock Band.

Globe and Mail game columnist writes:

"Overheard last night in my living room while playing Activision's latest volley in the highly competitive music game genre: "Guitar Hero is basically white trash Rock Band."

While I don't necessarily agree with (or even completely understand) this remark, which was spoken by my wife as we worked our way through a particularly tricky dozen song set in the recently released Guitar Hero 5, it does hit upon what seems to me to be an expanding divide in the world of music games.

Never mind the fact that the Rock Band and Guitar Hero franchises were originally conceived of and developed by the same studio (Harmonix), or that they feature, for all intents and purposes, nearly identical play mechanics. People are increasingly identifying themselves as either Rock Band devotees or Guitar Hero groupies..."

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David Bowie PlayStation tribute - 5 games that feature the legend's music

PlayStation Universe takes a look back at some of the games and moments where David Bowie's music struck a chord in videogames.

TheCommentator3085d ago

Dance Magic, Dance. He will be missed. This is ground control to Major Tom, signing off...

ironcrow23863085d ago

Ended up doing quite well with ziggy stardust on GH; was only on medium but I still consider it an achievement 😃

KingofGambling3085d ago (Edited 3085d ago )

Wasn't David Bowie in a Quantic Dreams game during the PS2 era?

3085d ago

Five songs that owe Guitar Hero a massive debt

These tracks wouldn’t be half as big if it wasn’t for Activision’s button-shredding megafranchise.

btmgov3168d ago

The writer of this article is obviously musically incompetent. Free Bird, nor Lynyrd Skynyrd, owes debt to anyone concerning their music and especially concerning Free Bird. It is one of the greatest and most highly ranked songs in the history of rock music, not to mention it contains one of the top ten guitar solos in rock history. I realize that in order to be considered great in the music industry these days all you have to do is copy something that someone else did years ago, but you should do a little research before making totally ridiculous and inaccurate statements.


The Beatles: Rock Band - Here comes the fun little darling.

"The rhythm action game is probably the best example of a genre which killed itself through market saturation. "

The Marb looks back on The Beatles: Rock Band and assess whether the rhythym action game did the legnedary band justice.

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