
Review Busters: Science Papa Review

Review Busters writes: "I wish my thoughts of Science Papa were still good when the game was first announced in 2008. Playing this game really made me want to play Cooking Mama. Hell I had a small urge to play Gardening Mama again and that is pretty sad. If Activision is going to pump out a Science Papa every year then the world as we know it is doomed".

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Activision-Blizzard Updated Release Schedule

Activision-Blizzard have today released an updated release schedule for their autumn/winter line-up. Within the schedule are release dates for all of Activision-Blizzard's highly-anticipated releases throughout October, November and December 2009, including DJ Hero, Band Hero and possibly one of the strongest releases of 2009, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

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FantasyStar5466d ago

Unfortunately, CoD:MW2 PC is on the 24th, as I feared from the other article on N4G. *sigh*

jonnyp7775466d ago

That Wii and DS get a Modern Warfare game, but yet again, the PSP gets nothing. I guess they need that second analog nub. The PSP2 better have two nubs to bring better FPS games.


GamesRadar: Science Papa Review

GamesRadar writes: "Science Papa, despite the name, has nothing to do with Cooking Mama. But however tired we may be of Mama's one-trick slicing and frying, her culinary antics seem like high-octane stunts next to the unbearably dull screen-prodding here. The stylus controls are unresponsive, the graphics are uninspiring, the story is inconsequential, the tasks are repetitive and the music's appalling. It's worrying to think that parents might buy this thinking it will spark their children's interest in the scientific arts. On the contrary, it'll turn them all into celebrity chefs as they realize that Cooking Mama is more fun".

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Games Abyss: Science Papa Review

With the popularity of the Cooking Momma franchise, one would think that applying the same basic principals to an entirely different field would be a formula for success. Such is the case with Science Papa, Activision's take on the Cooking Momma series. Only instead of having players cut, dice, and chop their way through a kitchen to complete certain recipes, you will have to take on the role of lab assistant and try your best to come out on top in the game's numerous science competitions.

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