
Guitar Hero 5 Leaked on to Torrent Sites

Dualshockers Writes:

"It seems like the latest game to fall victim to game piracy is Activision's own pride and joy: Guitar Hero 5. The latest iteration of the king of rhythm games was due to hit shelves on September 1st … but is now hitting hard drives all over the interwebs. It wasn't just the leak of one SKU as both the XBOX 360, and Wii versions are now readily available. I know the cost of games can be steep but piracy is just wrong. Guess someone at Activision has got some explaining to do..."

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taz80805445d ago

Piracy is becoming pretty rampant nowadays

BROOKLYN N-M-E5445d ago

This, then competing with Beatles Rock band!!

OhNoez5444d ago

every single 360 game leaks, whats the big deal about GH5?

FamilyGuy5444d ago (Edited 5444d ago )

Games are leaked/up for download everyday, what's so special about this case?

Wii version up for download too

LOL http://www.rlslog.net/categ...

marcus j5444d ago

I understand some are still annoyed about raising the prices of mw2(i live in england so it effects me)but you can't just use it as a excuse to pirate a game.

Gobot5444d ago

I hope you're still saying that when you're buying a Activision game for the price of a Wii.

rubarb235444d ago

I hope everyone out there pirates the sh1t out of this game. Actually f*ck activision, guitar hero, rock band (not sure if i'm missing one). I'm done with these stupid ass games.

joemayo765444d ago

the walmart close to where i live (Brampton, Canada) was sellin 360 and ps2 GH5s a couple days ago (disc only) which i find incredibly odd

xxsnowmanxx5444d ago

i know that girl in your avatar... she went to HS with me.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5444d ago
jpod5444d ago

I don't know why someone made news story about this. About every 360 game gets leaked. Batman was out 1 week early and GH5 is just a few days early. Then next week, some game will be leaked too.

B-Real2065444d ago

It's true. I see a new one every week.

xabmol5444d ago

This is an Activision game.

*evil grin*

- Ghost of Sparta -5444d ago

Where's the PS3 version? Oh wait, PS3 runs on new tech. My bad.

NaiNaiNai5444d ago

So does PC, and yet PC games are leaked more often.

Ninver5444d ago

lol third party devs will continue to loose money on the last gen piece of trash called 3FixMe. Anyway too bad for moneyvision.

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David Bowie PlayStation tribute - 5 games that feature the legend's music

PlayStation Universe takes a look back at some of the games and moments where David Bowie's music struck a chord in videogames.

TheCommentator3119d ago

Dance Magic, Dance. He will be missed. This is ground control to Major Tom, signing off...

ironcrow23863119d ago

Ended up doing quite well with ziggy stardust on GH; was only on medium but I still consider it an achievement 😃

KingofGambling3119d ago (Edited 3119d ago )

Wasn't David Bowie in a Quantic Dreams game during the PS2 era?

3119d ago

Five songs that owe Guitar Hero a massive debt

These tracks wouldn’t be half as big if it wasn’t for Activision’s button-shredding megafranchise.

btmgov3202d ago

The writer of this article is obviously musically incompetent. Free Bird, nor Lynyrd Skynyrd, owes debt to anyone concerning their music and especially concerning Free Bird. It is one of the greatest and most highly ranked songs in the history of rock music, not to mention it contains one of the top ten guitar solos in rock history. I realize that in order to be considered great in the music industry these days all you have to do is copy something that someone else did years ago, but you should do a little research before making totally ridiculous and inaccurate statements.


Long Live Rock: Diving Back Into Guitar Hero

Surprisingly enough, Thanksgiving is the perfect time to rediscover this gem.

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Sayburr3532d ago

Funny, went to my Daughter's house over the weekend. We played Rock Band, first time in about two years. It was just as much fun as I remembered.

christianxbelland3532d ago

I honestly never thought I'd play Guitar Hero again and just by happenstance my family bought some used guitars. I'm having a real blast playing it.

Sayburr3532d ago

Never thought I would either, as much as I loved the game, I just stopped playing. Used to have "Rock Band Nights" at the house with bunches of people over... then, people just stopped coming and I just never got into the game as a solo person, it was always local multiplayer that was so fun... NOT WAS, IS so fun.

I am just not sure if the games are ready for re-release. I play RockSmith now... it is fun playing it solo since it is more of a practice simulator.

darthv723532d ago

This is the game that got my son into wanting to play a real guitar. He cant play this game anymore as it throws him off when he was so good at it years ago.

christianxbelland3532d ago

Like I said in my article, Guitar Hero is definitely one of the factors that pushed me to learn drums and, later down the line, piano. Guitar Hero gave me my first taste of how much fun musical expression is.

christianxbelland3532d ago

I've only dabbled in Rocksmith, but it was fun and pretty practical. I'm also not sure if rhythm games are ready for a comeback or re-release quite yet. I think something like "Guitar Hero: Reunion Tour" would do well if they try and cash in the nostalgic value.

Newmanator3532d ago

@ Sayburr: "Rock Band Night" was a frequently used term for me and my mates too !

Sayburr3531d ago

OH, man, I loved our Rock Band Nights. A few adult beverages, a couple of crock-pots of food, and (at the end) 1089 songs to choose from... and I was 41 at the time of release, an old geezer playing.

Things kinda fizzled out with RB3...

Newmanator3531d ago

Haha alcoholic beverages were a must - scores decreased but fun increased!