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PS3 Slim Slower Than PS3?

Sony's much vaunted PS3 Slim is practically released, allowing curious testers to make the shocking discovery that the slimline version is actually slower than the corpulent original.

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Armyless5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
n4gn4gn4gn4g5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
n4gn4gn4gn4g5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
NotSoSilentBob5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
NOT SAFE FOR WORK!!!!! Porn ads everywhere!!!
prejur5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
beavis4play5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
sourcewebsite has p0rn
Ocelot5255404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
it's actually faster for games , and slightly slower for movies
Atomic5404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
I article only deals with the startup time compared between PS3 and PS3 Slim. That's lame.
Bordel_19005404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
This is news from a porn site.
Bordel_19005404d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
morganfell5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
morganfell5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Link is riddled with porn
RockmanII75405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
The start-up really has nothing to do with the console's speed.
NJShadow5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Website contains porn. "speed test" is done by some youtube user using his camera.
beardpapa5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
tripewire5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
porn site virus alert
Boody-Bandit5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Test the console when it's actually released.
shadow-sentinel5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Website has links to hentai/porn.
shadow-sentinel5405d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
ps921175405d ago

Performance change is very small, and it doesn't affect graphics.

gamesR4fun5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

doubt this test is anything conclusive

jus some guy with a web cam n at least 2 treys...

props for the flamable title

bbq at my place BUOBNP (Bring Ur Own Beer N Popcorn)

Masta_fro5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

i dont even know why i keep coming to this site...

if you're ever in the need to reed a completely ridiculous piece of news...N4g is the way to go

WTF man its half a second and the slim is actually faster loading games...

im just gonna stop clicking on anything that seems to be an "anything for attention" article

And why do bullsh!t articles always have a question mark at the end?
i know why, cause it gives them the right to make up any sh!t they want because its a "rumor"...

just stop hitting the fking link so people stop posting this crap.

F#ck this im out.

soljah5405d ago

wtf did this guy state the hard drive was a 7200 speed?
at least they could compare what sony actually ships with the system.
7200 will toast the system with in months if you are not careful

usern4g5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )


" Preformance should be...better on PS3 slim" because of 45nm die size...?

Uhm, no.

The same chip merely smaller performs exactly the same, with less energy and heat. Clock cycles and instructions are unchanged due to die size.

What you see here is something else -- perhaps a firmware change on the disc controller or disc drive? Perhaps a performance problem due to actual hardware changes.


The video shows you that the Slim is SLOWER. Not a debate. It's clear in the video -- what are _you_talking_about_?

gambare5405d ago

hum..... the only different speed I notice was the bios start up....

because the games (in Batman) the load was even faster.....

Different Bios different boot...........

The Slim is even faster on the load times..

Masta_fro5405d ago

watch the videos again you douche, ps3 slim is faster in last 2 videos

try to know what you're arguing about before you argue

jwatt5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

So basically the ps3 slim start up is slower but loads games faster. How in the world does that make it slower? Wow Sony can't catch a break, the ps3 slim loads games faster but yet people say it's slower.

Sarcasm5405d ago

You know how much stuff you can do in 3 whole seconds? Jesus. You can like, scratch your butt or glance to the right. The difference is huge isn't it!

/my name

I have a Slim and an original and I can confirm it's about 3 seconds longer when you first turn on the system. But who really cares man? The games play the same. The Blu-Ray's look the same. Everything's the same and that's a damn good thing considering it's $299 and smaller.

badz1495404d ago

what classic! a fvcking 2-3 seconds slower bootup on the slim, so? this is so LAME it's like comparison of a multiplat game where one version has 1-2 more fps compared to the other! it's a smaller, cheaper and more power efficient PS3, why the hell does anybody wants to nitpick it so hard?

Microsoft Xbox 3605404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

What a lame attempt to derail the momentum of the PS3 slim. You lose 3 seconds at system bootup but you save just as much seconds when booting a game. In the end both the fat and slim ps3's are the same speed and this article is useless. This only goes to show the desperate attempts of a 360 fanboy.

Raz5404d ago

Doesn't look like much of a difference. But I'll hang on to the old SKU and keep my backwards compatibility, thank you very much. Mmm..might be good for playing LAN games, though...

I_am_rushin5404d ago

The slim is only faster on the AA videos because the fat still displays the [PLAYSTATION3] logo which will be removed in 3.00 to boost performance.

vhero5404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

Watch the left vid in the first 2 comparisons theres always jumps in the video meaning its probably faked in some way. I have a fat myself just replaced my 60gb with an 80gb :(. I think though this is a fake comparison. The game loading seems slightly faster but that could be due to firmware..

Sibs5404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

It has 2 vids going slower, 2 faster. How is that evidence that the slim is, on average, any different from the phat?

And anyways, don't both PS3s have different firmware on them? That should also affect performance.

54percent5404d ago

the boot on BD and startup maybe slower but I hope the rumor is truth they are working in the firmwares to speed that, for now the load times are way faster than the fat version in games

Ju5404d ago

Two complete different firmware versions. The slim run fw3, behaves completely different as shown in the videos, and yet fw3 boots games faster. Maybe they want to upgrade the fat to fw3 and do that comparison again ? That would help to make this objective.

jadenkorri5404d ago

360 fanboys are the stupidest people on this planet, I know sony fanboys are bad too, but i always find 360 always to be the worst of the 2. Claiming the ps3slim is slower, but yet display/post 4 videos, 2 being 1-2, granted 3 secs longer to load, and the other 2 loading faster....Seriously what blonde fanboy posted this... This reminds me of the time 360 fanboys claimed sony took out sixaxis out of the dualshock and couldn't play any games that supported sixaxis....
anyways, another flamebait article on N4G, what could be new.

PS3is4D5403d ago (Edited 5403d ago )

I prefer quieter and lower power consumption then faster and higher power consumption.

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Saaking5405d ago

Another negative PS3 article in a plethora of positive articles. MS and bots are getting more desperate by the day.

ps921175405d ago

I assure you I'm no xbot, no where near an xbot. This is interesting news that I found, so I decided to post it.

sunil5405d ago

Its considerably faster for games... thats all I want...

@author - you should modify the articles title

Saaking5405d ago

I'm not accusing the contributor, just the article itself.

ps921175405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

I really doubt he is, I could dig up urls where he is bashed for being a PS3 fanboy, but perhaps he is just trying to clear up his image.

@1.2, like I said the original story title had a question mark for a reason, I don't believe anything needs editing.

SonySoldiers5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )




@ps92117, i am a SONY fanboy trying to give XBOT360 owners a bad name by acting like an extreme PS3 fanboy. FIXED!!

ps921175405d ago

@SonySoldier, your a 360 fanboy trying to give PS3 owners a bad name by acting like an extreme PS3 fanboy.

JonnyBadfinger5405d ago

Hooray for Asian engineering!

Almost as bad as American engineering!

Thats right i too can troll.

HIGH FIVE!!!.......... no?........nobody?........ guess i win then.

DonCorneo5405d ago

some just bang kangaroos all day and suck koala nuts.. i've never heard of a kangaroo car, matey

the slim actually loads the game faster. but the two-second difference is insignificant. the crapbox going RRODead in 2 second is a different story, though.

Nelson M5405d ago

You are a Troll
Thy Silly Little BoT

JonnyBadfinger5404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

LOL matey?!.... what are you? a pirate? leave it to a american to bring up beastiality (or as we call it, Buggery). But hey you aint doing your country or Console of choice any justice by going off at me...... your just continuing to show me that PS3 is just the haters machine, and belongs to the sad little kids who think rachet and clank is actually cool.

Youve never heard of a Kangaroo car?!?!!

Hmm well little do you now all those Pontiac's you see everyday are actually all Australian made cars, so are Vauxhalls. They just take the Holden badges and slap their own on and convert the drivers seat to the other side.

And what they hell are you talking about.... name 1 GOOD American car. Oh and i would like to point out you cant name any simply because they are all designed by Germans and Brits.

And @ Nelson M
You are my inspiration to troll, you lead the way for all trolls. Im thinking about getting your picture and putting it on the back of my door so i can see you everyday. Call it a man crush if you will.

prabx5404d ago

This guy has a "phat" PS3, and a slim PS3, so why doesnt he have PiP on his Samsung LCD like me? ...PiP = picture in picture, where you can split the screen and view two things at the same time..which would make this test more fair.

Sir Ken_Kutaragi5404d ago

Nothing they can do or say will stop the PS3 from WORLD DOMINATION!!! ;-P

3 years of this CR*P but the PS3 is still here...hell!!!we even have a New version of the PS3 now... ;-P

AngryTypingGuy5404d ago

That's not true, the Slim is way faster. I threw both a PS3 and a PS3 Slim down the stairs and due to the Slim being more aerodynamic, it got there in record time.

saimcheeda5404d ago

f@ggybotfinger finally comes out in public...ur boyfriend wont be happy!, and whats with this new account f@g? wanted more bubbles....dont worry ur gonna lose these bubbles too!

El Botto5404d ago

The slim performs on the same level as the PS3 except for the Blu Ray which is just a tiny bit slower than the fat one. Performance did not take a hit and nobody notices anything when they both are running.

The only difference is the number.

So this article is fail and nothing but xbot preparing another attack.

5404d ago
AngryTypingGuy5404d ago

That YouTube video is hilarious!

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Gue15405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

I'm confused... For blu-ray movies the slim it's slower but for games it's faster?



ps921175405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

I posted the title that came with the original story, you make of the content as you will.

Now that I think about it, it has a "?" in the title for a reason.

sunil5405d ago

PS3 Slim is first and foremost a gaming console and it has performance improvements as far as gaming is concerned

faster loading times for games + faster startup times for games

usern4g5405d ago

"PS3 Slim..faster loading times for games + faster startup times for games"

Are you commenting from another planet? Did you read the article/watch the videos?

Without a doubt -- the videos clearly demonstrate -- that the PS3 Slim **IN FACT** has slower game load times and slower boot time...

And here you are, saying *exactly* the opposite of what everyone here can clearly see is *NOT* the case.

From a person with 8 bubbles. *wow*

TheBand1t5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

Why are you here, Cherrypie?

Watch the last video AGAIN. It loaded up Arkham Asylum faster than the 80 gig. Are you blind or something?

SnuggleBandit5404d ago

ya i think the term is blind fanboy...its probably so bad he would compare killzone 2 and Gears of War lol

sunil5404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

1st video - game startup complete at 40 sec in the ps3 slim, phat loads at 42-43 seconds

2nd video - game load complete at 20 sec in the ps2 slim, phat loads at 23 seconds

Before calling somebody a fanboy go get your eye checked

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rebirthofcaos5405d ago

how the 360 people are trying to carve really deep( in the internet) for something negative agains the ps3. Sad

sunil5405d ago

How is performance improvements for gaming a bad thing?

Yes Blu ray performance seems slower than the PS3 phat, but game startup times and game load times are way faster.

ps921175405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )

The author of the story is called a PS3 fanboy most of the time, I too am called a PS3 fanboy most of the time. This is porn site that I visit often but they also had this story which I found to be interesting. Plus this isn't the end of PS3 just because there is a 1/2 second speed diffrence in loading.

Rigmaster5405d ago

"The author of the story is called a PS3 fanboy most of the time, I too am called a PS3 fanboy most of the time"

What the hell does that have to do with this fake story?

People reporting loading times for games being slightly faster on the Slim == "PS3 Slim Slower Than PS3?"


usern4g5405d ago (Edited 5405d ago )


"360 people are trying to carve really deep( in the internet) for something negative agains the ps3"

It's pretty obvious that the videos were made by SOMEONE WHO OWNS TWO PS3s! Xbox 360 owners have *NOTHING* to do with this.


"Yes Blu ray performance seems slower than the PS3 phat, but game startup times and game load times are way faster. "

The videos show that GAME STARTUP and CONSOLE BOOT is clearly slower. That is the point of the videos, this article and the conversation.

What is wrong with you? Watch this FFS:

TheBand1t5405d ago

Watch the VIDEO AGAIN YOU DOPE. It loaded Arkham Asylum faster. Do you have selective vision?

blu-ray loaded slower, it booted up slower, but the game loaded up quicker. Go to an eye doctor, Cherrypie.

beardpapa5405d ago

Contributors shouldn't be linking articles from sites that contain hentai/porn especially when the site has hentai that's considered underage/loli and other hentai articles regarding raep, etc. Either put the NSFW tag at the title or you can call us all sex offenders for accidentally getting those images in our cache.

Ocelot5255404d ago (Edited 5404d ago )

like beardpapa said, going to this site is a crime in some countries I think. This article should be removed.

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Madden NFL 25 New Gameplay Features for PS5, Xbox Series and PC Revealed, Closed Beta Kicks Off

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GamerRN1h ago

Is there anything they can really do to fix this franchise?

just_looken54m ago

Though i agree the truth is that it always sells well and then millions are made in ultimate team.


Minecraft's Tricky Trials Update Makes a Good Case for a Village Update

With Minecraft’s June 13 update, new features include a stronger Bad Omen effect and raid rewards, meaning a new village overhaul should come next.

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Why I Can't Get Enough Of Shadow Of The Colossus

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Sajjad_Hussain1d 10h ago
PRIMORDUS1d 1h ago

Shadow of the Colossus and Ico should be remade in UE5. I know Shadow of the Colossus was in 2018 but I say remake both of them for PS5 and PC.

isarai21h ago

The remake and Blupoints in house engine is more impressive as a whole than anything ive seen from UE5 so far. Id rather they stick to their own engine.

Cacabunga4h ago

SoTC doesn’t need another remake.. last one was awesome


Fine let it be Bluepoints engine. The whole point I was trying to make was I would love them both to be remade for PC since the PC never had them to begin with (I threw in PS5) and now that Sony is bringing over their games it would be awesome.

FinalFantasyFanatic16h ago

I wouldn't mind a PC port even though I own it on PS4, it really doesn't need a remake though.

DarXyde1d 1h ago

Shadow of the Colossus is kind of a perfect game, at least to me.

Man, this has me nostalgic. I know how I'm spending my Sunday evening.

robtion17h ago

It's really timeless. Put SOTC together with The Last Guardian and ICO and you have one amazing trilogy. I think Fumito Ueda is a genuine auteur.

chicken_in_the_corn1d 1h ago

I tried the remake but couldn't get into it. Time to give it another go.

Elda1d 1h ago

I tried both versions of the game & I can never get past the 4th boss.

Inverno23h ago

Well if anyone else can't get enough of this game you should check out Project Tribute. Basically a fan remake with all the cut colossi for PC.

isarai21h ago

HOLY CRAP!!! why have i mever heard of this?! They even got the worm! Of all the cut ones the worm was the most fascinating to me

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