
EA Sports Active: More Workouts takes to the track at Cologne

Publisher EA has for the first time demonstrated and named EA Sports Active: More Workouts at its currently ongoing press conference at Cologne's Gamescom 2009.

The title will boast 35 new exercises that look to vastly expand on the already bountiful offering of workout regimes available in the first title.

The crowd were treated to the site of EA Sports boss Peter Moore donning his shorts and trying his hand at the title on stage.??

The game is due out on Wii in November.

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n4gn4gn4gn4g5517d ago

will cannibalize the EA Sports Active sales no?


How Many Hours Have Wii Owners Exercised Using the EA Sports Active Games?

"EA Sports Active was released on May 19, 2009; and an expansion of sorts, EA Sports Active: More Workouts, was released on November 17, 2009. Just yesterday, November 16, 2010, Electronic Arts released a full sequel to the original, EA Sports Active 2.

EA Sports Active has had 546 days of game-play data reported, while EA Sports Active: More Workouts has had 364 days of game-play data reported, through the Wii's Nintendo Channel.
How many hours have American Wii owners exercised using the EA Sporst Active games? Let's take a look...", says CoffeewithGames.

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Best Fitness Games for Wii

Looking at the best fitness games for Wii, is a reminder of the way in which the Wii has transformed game playing from a sitting on the couch experience, to a much more get-up-and-go experience. So what are the best Wii fit games for burning calories?

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MelonieMac5076d ago

This is great, and I really like the Just Dance 2 feature. I find myself easily burning an hour on this game and being sore all day the next day. It may not have the most accurate scoring system in the world, but it certainly is a lot of fun to play. :)


Study Shows EA Sports Active Effective Exercise Program

Electronic Arts says its EA Sports Active fitness software and its follow-up, More Workouts, pass the American College of Sports Medicine's fitness guidelines -- meaning the software really does improve health, according to a study.

The study, conducted by the University of Wisconsin's Dr. John Porcari, shows that EA Sports Active improves aerobic capacity and has a healthy effect on body composition if used regularly as part of a health-conscious lifestyle.

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turok5229d ago

EA actually knows what they were doing...?