New Red Steel screens

Ubisoft shows off their slightly modified Red Steel after critisizm regarding the title at E3.

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Killswitch6595d ago

I have to tip my hat to Ubisoft the graphics for Red Steel looks awhole lot better.

omansteveo6595d ago

Yeah i agree they do, i just think its funny how all this Gaming magazine guys were like "Nintendo did it right the controller is awesome, graphics dont matter", then they play it and then criticize the graphics...anyways im gettin one and this game, im really hoping the Smash bros makes launch also

Gamer136595d ago

looks alright with nice effects.

BIadestarX6595d ago (Edited 6595d ago )

Honestly I think they shouldn't be using pictures. This graphics look bad compare to the XBox 360 and the PS3. Show video clips of people actually playing the game. Didn't they say graphics don't matter so why are you showing me graphics? Aren’t picture considered graphics? I don't care how good the graphics look on the wii since they are inferior than the PS3 or the 360 and I already own a 360. The only thing that interest me about the wii is the only possible advantage is has; how it plays with the wiimote. and I don’t see that here!


Game Informer - Replay – Red Steel

Game Informer - This week we're taking a look at the ambitious Wii launch title, Red Steel.

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Top 5 Over-Hated Video Games

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MCTJim3082d ago

I agree, I loved this game and Ryse. Definitely too much hate for these games.

ZaWarudo3081d ago

That Batman MP sucked ass, but the campaign was awesome. It had the best writing and boss fights in the series.

AKR3081d ago

I agree with the addition of Lost World. It wasn't perfect, but neither was it a bad game. Heck, when you have games like Sonic 06' and Rise of Lyric, calling it a bad game would be an INSULT.

Segata3081d ago

Lost World is a pretty good game and some of the levels esp early on are pretty much Genesis levels in 3D with branching paths and momentum based. The articles is one of 4 people I seen online ACTUALLY understand what Sonic is. It's not speed but momentum on Genesis.

TXIDarkAvenger3081d ago (Edited 3081d ago )

Sadly, Star Wars: Battlefront is NOT Battlefield with a Star Wars skin. If it was, the game would be much better.

I had no idea Red Steel was hated so much. That was one of the better Wii launch games IMO. Had a lot of fun playing multiplayer.

iplay1up23081d ago

I liked Red Steel too! Red Steel 2 as well. I do not care for Red Steel 2's graphics so much, but a fun game!

TXIDarkAvenger3081d ago

Wow I forgot there was a Red Steel 2! And judging from the ratings, it seems way better.

blawren43081d ago

Just think, within every trash bag, box, and everything else shootable there is money. We could all be rich!!

But seriously...Red Steel 2 was fantastic

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Culturegeekblog: Red Steel Retro Review

This is a retro review of Red Steel, a launch title for the Wii by Ubisoft.

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