
Boycott Petition Can Make A Difference

JO-L from WEDOTECH.NET Writes: "Whichever side of the fence you sit on in regards to our war cry video at the weekend one thing is for sure, it reverberated around the internet and it got people passionately talking en-mass. To give people an update there has now been an official petition set up which will be sent to Activision to let them know just how damaging the words of Robert Kotick and Activision's recent actions will have on them."

More after the jump.

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KR1ST0F3R5424d ago

people do not realise this £5 rise is VERY significant. it is pure greed, arrogance and contempt toward us as gamers for this company to try and increase already record profits during a recession.

a £5 rise during a recession, in a country hit harder than most, paves the way for us all to get bent right over.

if WE as gamers accept this, it shows we will literally accept anything to get games. when the recession ends - games = £70

companies like activison work for us. we can show them that we are in charge, not the other way round.

sunil5424d ago

raising prices in one location will end up as a price hike for the rest of the world too... maybe not now.. now in 6 months... but it will come for sure in the near future !

DanSolo5424d ago

I will sign the petition as I don't like the way the prices are being hiked up. I also agree with the comment above when he mentions the price being hiked once again when the recession is over.

I have to mention the poor spelling in the wording of the petition though, lol if you are going to send a serious petition in... proof read it and make sure your spelling and punctuation is up to scratch ;)

deadreckoning6665424d ago

Im signin' too. Activisions gunna feel this one REAL hard!

JohnnyHalo5424d ago

At least the then the gaming community can see which fanbase is more loyal regardless of price increase. Seriously Price doesnt matter, its about quality.

Ray1865424d ago

Getting screwed over and remaining loyal. This has to be the quintessential definition of a Fanboy

RustInPeace5424d ago (Edited 5424d ago )

Quit being an ass and still choosing sides when THERE ARE NO SIDES! (unless you work for Activision) People saying things like that just make me LOATH gamer mentality anymore. Why not just get behind the cause, and not become a cause of strife and hatred. And price DOES matter, unless you're a spoiled rich kid who spends money like water. People STILL have to make a living, buy food for themselves, pay bills, etc... so, again, price DOES matter.

DocHoliday5424d ago

@ johnnyHalo

"Seriously Price doesnt matter its about quality"

Wtf happened when we were buying our PS3's because of the better quality of media and graphics. 360 fanboys used to always say "Price is what gets sales. Now that something you want is getting more expensive you say "Price doesnt matter"

RustInPeace5424d ago

Please, don't feed his flame. Just focus on the topic/article. He's just a sheep. That petition is up to about 8827 last I checked (I think). Hope it's all for the better...


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SinisterMister804d ago

This game...holy heck. Makes me feel old.

gamer7804804d ago

I loved that game. Unlocked every song

MadLad804d ago

Liked the aesthetic, tone, humor, and action combat.
Didn't care for the RTS elements.

Never cared to finish it.

porkChop804d ago

Yeah they marketed the game like it was a Heavy Metal GTA-ish adventure. And at the beginning of the game that's what it was. The game fell apart when the half-baked RTS stuff came in. I'd be interested in a reboot or sequel, but just go full action adventure and ditch the RTS. There really is something there with the Heavy Metal theme.

Ryushaa804d ago

I feel you. I just hacked the game to have infinite life/RTS resources

Inverno804d ago

PS360 gen was special, then again it was still the mid 2000s. Everything went to shite in the teens

mastershredder804d ago

I think that was the breaker for Doublefine's creative ambitions and their mixing of genres (which was getting kinda stale). It was a nice to look at but it was more of a tribute to the many things Tim loves, was influenced by and has great admiration for....but the forced RTS stuff was like a drinking buddy's "great idea" that never should have come to light. The game seemed a lot more vast, but it ended pretty quickly too. And Jack Black. As much as I don't care for him as an actor (annoying and requires constant attention), this was absolutely made with him in mind and it worked. I mean come on, Tenacious D? For as Metal as this game was trying to be, even comically, it did little more than meow.