
DiRT 2 uses deferred rendering for night time racing

Gamezine: Codemasters' third generation EGO game engine brings deferred rendering to DiRT 2.

Today Gamezine got its hands on DiRT 2 - you can read our preview of the game right here - and we thought we'd highlight one feature.

During Codemasters' presentation, the game's design manager Ralph Fulton revealed that the team had worked hard to implement night racing. The reason they worked so hard? The developer wanted to include multiple real-time dynamic light-sources and therefore brought deferred rendering to DiRT 2...

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thereapersson5525d ago

I wonder if they got help from Guerrilla Games, or if they created their own modified racing engine?

Cwalat5525d ago

Good question, i also wonder the same thing.

Hope alot of studios take advantage of what Guerrilla Games created... Technically, Killzone 2 Engine is heaven awaiting to be discovered.

Imagine, games like Final Fantasy running on Killzone 2 engine... or even Gears Of War.

Wow, would be a treat for the graphics whores such as myself.

NaiNaiNai5525d ago

Its the same engine that was used in GRID...they just modified it.

PirateThom5525d ago

Funny enough, the Ego engine is a modified version of Codemaster's Neon engine and Sony's multiplatform PhyreEngine.

nycredude5525d ago


No doubt you will see other games using the GG engine, but I highly doubt it will be multiplatform games.

techie5525d ago

Nah, GG didn't help on a MP game. Sony owned studio.

free2game3655525d ago

What are you talking about? Deferred rendering techniques have been around for years. These are old proven concepts, they likely did absolutely nothing to help them considering 1 good programmer can implement these kinds of features given time.

raztad5524d ago (Edited 5524d ago )

Well I think KZ2 engine could have 300+ different sources of light at the same time. That is quite a feast. Differed Rendering is one of the reason KZ2 is such a masterpiece.

There's a ridiculous article saying KZ2 graphics were just smoke and mirrors, cause it doesnt use an unique source of light (SUN) I hope more games include this technique but the amount of lights would be limited by the hardware.

techie5524d ago

Having 100's of different light sources really isn't possible without deferred rendering.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5524d ago
tripewire5525d ago

Im glad GG lifted the bar for visuals. Boo Sony for creating innovation and progressing the games industry. Boo sony for creating better programmers! BOO. PS3 is teh FaleZ!

free2game3655525d ago

Killzone 2 does nothing new visually that hasn't been seen before

tripewire5524d ago

well then it must be the best looking game out due to the super powerful cell then?


What other game did dynamic motion captured hit responses?
What other game has 300+ dynamic lights at anyone time?
What other games use per-pixel motion blur?
What other games do interactive volumetric smoke?
the list goes on....

techie5524d ago

free2game365 is talking out of his behind. The amount of effects going on in Killzone 2 outstrips most other games. The deferred rendering included for the hundreds of dynamic lights created a quality and atmos not seen before. Just go on any technical forum and they'll be talking about it and their techniques. Developers should be studying what they're doing.

DonCorneo5525d ago

deferred to the next installment.. which will have 4 discs.. LMAO

5525d ago Replies(1)
thereapersson5524d ago

I just asked a simple question because when I think of deferred rendering these days, the first thing that comes to mind is Killzone 2. I was simply wondering if they got some pointers from GG, or if they go it alone.

Oh, and as for Free2Game365, if you would care to list other console games that achieve what Killzone 2 does, I'd like to see them -- as well as technical PDF data that backs up your claims.

techie5524d ago

It's very doubtful they'd get help from a platform holder.

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10 Great Racing Games That You Can Play Right Now

ASidCast: "There are times when you’ve got a lot of free time and very few games that you’d wanna play. This is a list of great games that one must play regardless of how old they get, and not playing these would just be a sin for racing fans. Most of these games revolutionized their genre and probably created their own genre in the process, while some were just too advanced for their time. If in any case you missed these, then you better search for these games and play them for a fun dose of gaming history or as a new experience entirely. "

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nowitzki20043246d ago

Bad list, but to each their own.

No Forza Horizon, Driveclub, Assetto Corsa, or Grid Autosport?

And if you can throw in Trials when its not a racing game, why is there no Rocket League?

C-H-E-F3246d ago (Edited 3246d ago )

what shocked me was two games I loved during the ps2 era

JUICED and Street Racing Syndicate, Need For Speed Hot Pursuit

Then you have Forza 3, GT5, and the others you named above... smh

edit: and crazy taxi and trails aren't even racers lOl

traumadisaster3246d ago

Bought Grid 1 on pc for 2.50 last week, playing that at 4k60fps will make you feel nuts for ever spending 100's on racing games.

nowitzki20043246d ago

Says the guy who payed 100's on his 4k rig to play a racing game /s.

JK, Im sure its amazing in 4k... Its amazing in 1080p too so I can only imagine. You should try Grid Autosport, I actually liked that better than Grid.

traumadisaster3246d ago

I'll get it in a couple of years for 2.50. After I beat grid 2 and about 5 other racers I have.

Nitromonteiro3245d ago

@nowitski2004: I chose Project CARS over Assetto Corsa as a personal opinion,and Grid 1 over Autosport because the first one was great 'for it's time', autosport was good but just not that great.
Rocket League would actually be the next game if could make a longer list,really sorry on that.

@C-H-E-F: Juiced and SRS,are you serious? These are the games that defines the genre?
Hot Pursuit 2010 was Burnout Paradise with licensed carswith cops and wasn't even a better game world.
Crazy Taxi wins on the mobile platform,there are very few racing games on mobile with a open world. And the few there are,arent as good as Crazy Taxi. And racing against the clock makes does it a racing game.


Steam Midweek Madness Knocks 66% Off of DiRT Mega Pack

Hardcore Gamer: Each game has been discounted 66%, taking DiRT 2 down to $5.09, DiRT 3 down to $8.49, and DiRT Showdown to $10.19 on their own. The best value for your money is the Megapack, which gives you all three for only $17.

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