
Game Podunk: 25 Things About Me - Igor

Rrquinta Writes: Continuing our series of "25 Things About Me" for video game characters - Here's from Atlus's award-winning Persona series, Igor's "25 Things About Me":

1. 8 inches. This is the length of my nose.

2. In the past, I used a bone phone for all my personae summoning. However, my first assistant, Elizabeth (and her successor, Margaret), replaced that. I consider them an improvement, don't you?

3. If you don't currently have an attractive personal assistant, I highly recommend it. They do most of your work, and you can sit back and enjoy yourself.

4. Do not ask about Philemon; he's mysterious for a reason (and my boss).

5. My favorite creatures are humans and butterflies. Humans for all the mysteries they hold, and butterflies for what they symbolize...

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skygear755528d ago

Some of these are really funny :p.


Persona 3 Director Says The Game Saved Atlus From Collapsing

The studio was on the verge of collapse when Persona 3 came out, and things were looking quite grim for Atlus. Regardless, many decisions made in the game paid off and became a staggering success.

SDuck388d ago

Years ago, I was emulating the game on my laptop and the old thing died when I was about to get to the final boss. I'm more than happy to buy this remake when it comes out so I can finish it!

TheColbertinator388d ago (Edited 388d ago )

At the time I was immersed in SMT Nocturne and later DDS. I did not realize at all how important Persona would become for me years later.

raWfodog388d ago

Persona 3 FES was the first one that I played in the series. Looking forward to the remake.


Five Reasons Persona 3 Is Secretly a Horror Game

Half-Glass Gaming: "Often considered one of the darker entries in Atlus' Persona series, Persona 3 definitely has a sinister vibe to it, and it leans into horror more than you might realize."

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How Persona 3 Retroactively Solves Persona 5's Biggest Problem

Even though Persona 4 and 5 are monumental leaps over Persona 3, a crucial aspect has been lost in the transition.

McMahonme7606d ago

That's a good point I didn't really think of but it lends to the narrative a lot more than P5 for sure. I also enjoy how much more streamlined the game is and how it doesn't have a 13 hour tutorial.