Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom Interview

Sony Online Entertainment is best known for MMORPGs like the Everquest series but they have also released games for the PS2 and PSP consoles. This fall, the developer/publisher will released one of the first PS3 exclusive titles with the fantasy action-RPG Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom. FiringSquad got a chance to ask its senior producer Kevin O'Hara some questions about the game, which is an extension of two previous games for the PSP.
FiringSquad: First, how did the idea for Dark Kindgom come about?
Kevin O'Hara: Following the success of Untold Legends on PSP, we wanted to bring the franchise to the PlayStation 3. The team was anxious to take the proven elements of a classic hack and slash RPG and focus more on the action and tactics. Our designers started by making feature lists about what we thought made our previous PS2 titles Champions or Norrath and Return to Arms fun and what would take those to the next gen console. The storyline started to fall into place as we focused on the environments we wanted to show and the character types we wanted to play.

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Dustin_c_miller20086596d ago

i would like to play that game it seems fun. cant wait until its out. is square working on drakengard 3? i love rpg and hacking and slashing games.

ACE6596d ago

i'm still waiting for sony to show us quality like the e3 05 cgi videos they showd ,,,, lyers thats what they are cos the graphics look terible just like most of the games on ps3 very disapointing

THE TRUTH6596d ago

why do you care if they look like E3 05 or not? I care about if they play great. Looks aren't everything. I find this game interesting and I hope it plays out to be a fun game.

The Real Deal6596d ago

Will Sony be able to keep first place in the next-gen console battle?

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No - they'll be second
No - they'll be third
Yes I think so

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sony will be #1

these graphics arent the best but the game play looks great, and the particles in the smoke and some other screens ive seen of water look good to but time will change it and it will prolly look alot better when they release this game i bet you


i can't wait until I can get a N64 to play this on!!

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5 Exclusives That Will Be Better On The PS4

The PS3 has had some amazing games and great series however these five should wait until the new PS4 comes out before they have another sequel.

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Dylila4183d ago

killzone 4
uncharted 4
resistance 4
god of war 4
motorstorm 4

i cant wait for ps4

AztecFalcon4183d ago

Dat Killzone multiplayer. Dat LittleBigPlanet idea. Yes, please!

Godmars2904183d ago

White Knight Chronicles done right?

That is a compressive single player where you're fifth-wheel character isn't and actual fifth-wheel. Isn't both invisible and valueless to the plot.

Rhezin4179d ago

Maybe Ninja Theory will pull their heads out their asses and make Heavenly Sword 2. FAILED at enslaved FAILED at Devil May Cry...when will they take the hint STICK WITH WHAT YOUR GOOD AT! Go back to your original and successful IP heavenly sword. People WANT IT!

WildArmed5311d ago

Suikoden V, ahhh awesome game indeed

knifefight5311d ago

Agree. To me, Suikoden V is the best of the PS2 Suikos, with part 2 on the original PSX being the best of the series.

2006 for mewas all about Final Fantasy XII (in spite of the haters!), Suikoden V, and Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

5311d ago
5311d ago
5310d ago
5307d ago

7 Next Generation Budget Games Worth Playing

NoBSGamers writes: "You may remember the posting, Four Budget Games Worth Playing,all of the games on that listing were for the older systems (PS2, Game Cube, Xbox). Today we are going to look for the best of the budget games for the next generation systems*."

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DFresh5574d ago

I found Assassin's Creed to be fun but at the same time repetitive.
It's definitely worth a rental but nothing more.

Dark Sector is fun but I'm still suck on a level and I don't know what to do. >:(

Dark Kingdom is ok not the best PS3 Exclusive in the world but still good.

Prey is so awesome. It's such an underrated game. (3D Realms rocks!)

Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (Not the best in the franchise and besides I don't like the band Aerosmith.

Tomb Raider = Gay! (Uncharted is so much better now then Tomb Raider. Seriously.)

Star Trek Conquest (I'm not sure but I'll give it a try.)