
Gears Of War on PS3, Why not ?

Now lets admit it! Microsoft did it twice – FFXIII & Metal Gear – and if Sony believes in Newton's law and they are considering an equal response on the opposite direction they wont find a better chance...

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FlipMode5481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

but sony doesnt need to use dirty tactics and steal exclusives to make their console better

Gamer_Politics5481d ago

Sony has been doing dirty tactics since the original playstation...i guess you forgot all the dirt that company has done to Sega

5481d ago
RememberThe3575481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

They're doing fine now, so there is really no problem.

I doubt that Sony would have Tecmo make Quantum if they were planning to take the Gears of War exclusivity.

topdawg1225481d ago

I would gladly take Gears 3 on the ps3, i love that game, one of the few games i play on the 360.

The Wood5481d ago

MS needs its identity because many outside of the xbox camp just see their tactics as the 'me too' type. I hope it stays exclusives even though i prefer sony's platform. To be honest MS are lacking on true exclusives especially of the high calibre (dont shoot me as i still consider console exclusives as true exclusives because i personally dont have a pc capable of playing any of the games to the quality of the xbox but this may not be the case for others though). The lack of studios has really taken its toll for the 360 in 09 and only the most ardent of fanboys cant see that.

Greywulf5481d ago

list 10 things Sony has stolen from Sega/nintendo/Microsoft or in General.

Rainstorm815481d ago

PS3 has the King of Third Person action adverture shooters Uncharted series.

Keep the horrible Unreal textures & Bad animations like the "Roadie Run" <======= WTF

ShabzS5481d ago

blame square enix and konami for going with the platform with more install base to keep their buisness afloat during the tough times ...

Willio5481d ago

Funny thing is that had Square-enix sold their rpgs on ps3 simultaneously or exclusively, they would have done much better in sales. Instead, they got compensated with cash (even though its only rumored).

leila015481d ago

Sony paying for exclusives and DLCs is good, but other companies applying the same tactics is bad. Ok, got it.

leila015481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

Same could be said about Insomniac, SuckerPunch or even Sega, but of course that wont occur to you.

kevnb5481d ago

microsoft did nothing to sony. Sony wasnt publishing mgs or final fantasy in the first place, publishers thought it was viable to have those two series on the xbox 360 and didn't see much profit to be made on the wii for those particular games. Gears on ps3 is equivalent to Resistance on xbox 360, cant see either happening.

kevnb5481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

well according to sony fanboy logic

1. Final Fantasy stolen from Nintendo
2. Metal Gear stolen from Nintendo
3. Trophies/Achievements stolen from Microsoft
4. Dragon Quest stolen from Nintendo (but Nintendo got it back)
5. Rumble/Analog sticks stolen from Nintendo
6. Online play stolen from Sega (we are still talking fanboy logic)
7. Soul Calibur stolen from Sega
8. Resident Evil 4 stolen from Nintendo
9. Viewtiful Joe stolen from Nintendo
10.live arcade/ psn stolen from Microsoft

not hard, especially with fanboy goggles. Heck im a sony fan too, but stop making stupid excuses for them losing exclusives.

freitox5481d ago

I believe resistance ip is owned by sony, but I could be wrong. Gears ip is not owned by Microsoft, so it could happen.

rockleex5481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

That Sony already took Bioshock, Ninja Gaiden, Tales of Vesperia, etc.

There's nothing wrong with FFXIII being on the 360. But seeing as how Square hasn't even released the PS3 version of The Last Remnant... -_-"

Anyways, the point is that 3rd parties want to make more money... unless they're Square Enix. S-E is only interested in one thing.

S-E Vice President: "We don't want the PlayStation 3 to be the overwhelming loser, so we want to support them. But we don't want them to be the overwhelming winner either, so we can't support them too much."

Here's the link:

Silver3605481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

Just play what you like on what you like.

gintoki7775481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

final fantasy 13 and metal gear!.................microsof t.............THOSE BASTARDS!

5481d ago
Sayai jin5480d ago

Ummm, it's not dirty business tactics, it's plain 'ol business. A company that offers more products for their consumer.

N4Flamers5480d ago

to above I agree with everything except the R.I.P. nintendo part. I dont think any company has to make any excuses for themselves, games are a business. If you dont like it dont buy them. I think nintendo has decided to keep the family friendly thing because parents will all ways think of that company first when deciding for their kids.

on topic:

Its hard to say but I would buy gears on ps3 if both versions were equal just because of the free online. With that said I dont think the ps3 needs it. It has a ton of really well made exclusives. The 360 has 3 good exclusive series these days. Halo, Gears, and fable. Ok forza too but im not a racer.

JD_Shadow5480d ago

Umm...is that the only response you people have when this topic is brought up? "Oh, Sony did it then and it was immoral then, so we'll do it now and it'll be okay for us now". That's not only false because they didn't exactly do anything like that to anyone then, but also hypocritical because you're condemning the assumed actions of one company then, but condoning the exact same actions from another company now. Please tell me the logic in that.

By the way, about this article...Metal Gear wasn't exactly TAKEN because we kind of knew and accepting that Konami was going to put A MG game onto the 360. The whole thing about "stealing something" would've been if it was Metal Gear Solid 4, which the game WASN'T. Not sure why people keep confusing what the whole issue was. 360 owners GOT a MG game, but it wasn't the game they were all hyping up the rumors about.

Immortal Kaim5480d ago

Some of you guys are so F'n delusional, you think Sony's sh*t don't stink. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Sony (like any of the current industry corporations) would do anything to get ahead (and thus generate more revenue), this includes 'stealing exclusives', shafting indie developers and whatever else you guys b*tch about constantly...


All-35480d ago

When someone 'steals ' something... it's without any payments and something is removed from somewhere.

Which stolen video game doesn't the PS3 have - that the Xbox 360 now has exclusively?

Also - FF XIII is also going to be on the PC... so according to a certain fanbase's definition of an exclusive - FF XIII was never one.

5480d ago
lokin5480d ago

from VGafrica.com: Halo moving to PS3? Why not?./(with bad grammer promised!) You guys really think MS is going to let this one slip? An IP that helped them sell alot of 360's?

FamilyGuy5480d ago (Edited 5480d ago )

"7. Soul Calibur stolen from Sega
8. Resident Evil 4 stolen from Nintendo"

What? Resident Evil started on PS as did Soul Blade which became Soul Calibur in sequel...

Stolen, two games?
Ace Combat
The Last Remnant
Star Ocean 4

Gained access to is more like it for
Tekken 6
Devil May Cry 4

I don't expect any 3rd party studio to have loyalty since it is and should be about the money for such companies. I also think sony should have made the good ones, that 360 supporters consider victories for getting, into 1st party if it was within their financial means.

I'm sure there's a deal in place that keeps the Gears of War franchise exclusive so don't get your hopes up. I don't think Sony needs it so it be a waste of their money to buy that over giving us the great quality games they've been releasing.

ThaOutKast5480d ago (Edited 5480d ago )

what microsoft is doing is dirty tactics, it's called business and MS had like 7 good games last gen and They are still basically newcomers and need recognizable IPs on their system. Sony did the same thing with Metal Gear and Final Fantasy from Nintendo in the PS1 days. Please before you hit the downvote button just think about this for a minute, I am not dissing Sony or MS, and if I'm wrong about something just respond and correct me don't downvote me.

MisterNiwa5480d ago

I forgot that Metal Gear was a Nintendo Game!! ... Wait what?

It was made on MSX, a Sony Computer System.

Metal Gear on NES wasnt even from Kojima, and so wasnt Snakes Revenge, that shockes you, right? Lololol.

Oh wait, Nintendo stole the Analog Stick from Atari! Oh no!
And Xbox invented the Online Plattform!! But Sony Stole the Online Play from Sega! So Xbox stole from Sony who stole from Sega! And Sega stole from Super Nintendo !!

Oh gosh, your List lacks sooo much stuff dude, you are a idiot.

IdleLeeSiuLung5480d ago (Edited 5480d ago )

So keeping a game exclusive is fine, but having it on multiple platforms is dirty tactics to steal exclusives and not a smart business decision that any moron would do.

Furthermore, why is it so freaken important that a game is exclusive other than to feed your immature elitist ego?

Fact is no matter of moaning here is going to change anything. The market has spoken so get used to it!!!

vhero5480d ago

MS paid for 2 game exclusivity this is a FACT as they didn't know how popular it would be. So the first 2 games would probably never his the PS3 unless that was a timed exclusive deal. We all know though the UT team prefer working with PS3 over the 360 as they had a lot more support from Sony. As we all remember them trying to release the free map pack and MS not letting them. GOW on PS3 means free maps for the game. What more could you want?

cloud 2795480d ago

MS will not allow Gears 3 to go on the PS3, even if their contract ended, and even if the game did make it to the PS3 there will be very less buyers. Reason being PS3 gamers haven't played Gears 1&2. I'm not saying about consumers who have multiple consoles and can play gears on 360. Gears is a triple A title for MS which they aren't willing to slip from their hands. Same as Sony losing any third party triple A title. (Sorry couldn't think of any PS3 exclusive third party title released exclusively)

**Mind went blank**

FamilyGuy5480d ago

Epic seems comfortable enough developing for the PS3, they were some of the first with petty even ports so I think M$ WILL (and have) need pay for the series to stay exclusive. The only thing that COULD stop them is M$ offering the cash as they COMPLETELY own the Gears name. Parts 1 and might not have a chance to go PS3-side but until M$ signs a new exclusivity deal the third Gears is completely possible.

5479d ago
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SoapShoes5481d ago

I'd rather just have Sony fund their own projects. Sony's games at top notch and if Epic wants to put Gears on PS3 then so be it, I don't think it will help Sony any since it's just a multiplatform game.

cliffbo5480d ago

sony did`nt steal games from ninty or anyone the games were made on playstation because of the larger storage and memory and better capabilities.
this was true at the time as none of the other consoles were as capable.

grantps35481d ago

i admit that i would buy it if it came to ps3, but honestly i dont care. with uncharted, killzone, resistance, GT5, LBP,god of war ect. my wallet just couldnt take it.

CaitSith5481d ago

On Topic: No, Xbox 360 has their exclusives and Sony has theirs. Let's keep it at that.

jessupj5480d ago

I still don't believe MS 'stole' Metal Gear. Metal Gear Rising is a completely new game and it's a completely different genre. Hideo even basically said it's not a proper metal gear game and he won't be as heavily involved like the others. Until Metal gear 5 or a Metal Gear Solid game comes to the 360, I won't consider it stolen.

Having said that I'm sure Rising is going to be an awesome game

Orange5481d ago

Sony didn't publish Metal Gear or Final Fantasy and did not own the rights to the IP. Microsoft published Gears and owns the rights to the IP.

There's nothing more to say. It'll never happen. Save your keystrokes.

Shmotz5481d ago

Took the words right out of my mouth.

Mr Tretton5481d ago

MS published 2 Gears games, but however does not own the IP. Epic does.

The deal between them is also only for 2 games.

evilmonkey5015481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

Microsoft has a two game deal to keep the first Gears of War sequel Xbox 360 exclusive, but after that Epic's free to put it on whichever console it likes.



ukilnme5481d ago

Can any of you provide proof to your claims?

BaSeBaLlKiD7215481d ago


"Gears of War, Gears of War 2, the Crimson Omen logo, Marcus Fenix, Unreal, Epic Games and the Epic Games logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Epic Games, Inc., in the United States and/or elsewhere."

adriano9995481d ago

"© 2004-2009, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved. Epic, Epic Games, the Epic Games logo, Gears of War, Gears of War 2, Marcus Fenix,
Unreal, Unreal Engine, Unreal Tournament, and the Unreal Tournament 3 logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Epic Games, Inc.
in the United States of America and elsewhere. Other brands or product names are the trademarks of their respective owners"
Source: www.epicgames.com and the GoW page on xbox.com

J@D5481d ago

^ ^ double head-shot :)

creeping judas5481d ago

Knock Knock
Whose there?
Orange who?
Orange you glad you spoke the truth but still got all the disagrees??

morganfell5481d ago (Edited 5481d ago )

You last link has a final post that says this:

"ok, but i wouldn't use random forum links as proof..."

And people get upset when I mention this but Gears 2 is running internally at Epic on the PS3. Why? I don't know but they have it up and running to include Multiplayer with Gamespy middleware.

I don't know why they went to the lengths of getting all of the menus up as well. I have asked for someone here to provide a reasonable explanation before. Maybe they had to force Microsoft's hand. That's a lot of work to scare a publisher, particularly where they bothered to engineer areas that wouldn't be required just to force someone into buying exclusivity. But they have it running.

And yes, Epic is the sole owner of the Gears of War IP. Remember Jade Empire. Published by Microsoft...on the Xbox but a different publisher on the PC - Take2.


And if you need a final nail in the coffin:


"Epic owns and controls everything. Closing."

Arnon5481d ago

You said this back in December. You then mentioned that it would be announced for the PS3 at GDC, which never happened. Then you mentioned that it would be announced at E3'09, which never happened.

morganfell5481d ago

You need to go back and read what I wrote.

5481d ago
RememberThe3575480d ago

He got disagrees because he said Microsoft owned the Gears of War I.P., which it does not.

Arnon5480d ago (Edited 5480d ago )

Morganfell - 226 days, 9 hours ago:

"How can it be a proper versus when they are on the same platform?

Gears of War 2 is in development right now for the PS3. Seriously. Just go ask. Four levels of Gears of War 2 on the PC were already given out to everyone on the Unreal Developers Network.

People were asking for copies of Gears 2 on the PS3 and they finally posted a sticky on the developers forums that says "Do not ask for copies of Gears of War 2 on the PS3. We are only giving out copies of titles that have already shipped to retail.

They already have Gears 2 MP running for the PS3 using the Gamespy middleware.

There is no doubt Gears 3 will be on the PS3 as well."

Morganfell - 226 days, 6 hours ago:

"Here is what you are missing. I don't care if Gears 2 comes to the PS3. I have played the 4 PC levels and frankly it is a little *yawn* and predictable.

But that doesn't change the facts. Gears 2 is coming to the PS3 and all of your naysaying and sophomoric name calling does not change the fact that in 2009 MS is going to take a huge hit as Gears 2 is announced as going to the PS3."

Morganfell - 226 days, 2 hours ago:

"At least learn to read. As I said I am not the first one to know. Just the first one to say something. People need to think how dumb they are going to feel when this gets announced. It should start bothering the perceptive that I am being so sure this is going to happen. There should be an alarm bell or two.

I haven't posted anything here I couldn't back up before. I am not starting now. The smart people are at least saying they will take a wait and see attitude. Think about it."


Frnicatr5480d ago

' I haven't posted anything here I couldn't back up before. '

Lol? Where's Gears 2 for PS3?! o.O

ukilnme5480d ago

Guess I hurt somebody's little feelings and got myself banned to the Open Zone. First my PS3 broke and now this. Glad my 360 and Wii still work. See you all in a couple of weeks.

morganfell5480d ago (Edited 5480d ago )

Oh look ^^^^ it's another person that cannot read. Let me put it in preschool language for you. Gears of War 2 is running on the PS3 at Epic. Why? Someone give a good reason. I don't know why. I did say that you don't go to the lengths they have unless you are going to market and at this stage I thought they would have already announced it. They have been at this for a while. So I was incorrect on an announcement. But my supposition wasn't based on flights of fancy but rather hard evidence. Gears is on the PS3 at Epic.

If you were more than a 14 year old in a bedroom staring at the big wide world. People with the right access know full well the details of Gears 2 on the PS3 (for whatever reason.)

When you are a developer with a U3 license, you can obtain copies of titles that use the Unreal 3 engine. You just request them and Epic mails them out. On the forum for the Unreal Developers Network there was a sticky that stated "Do not request copies of Gears of War 2 on the PS3. We are only sensing out copies of titles that have already shipped to retail." WTF?

The point is if you do not like the news do not blame me. I am not the one that got Gears of War 2 up and running on the PS3. I am not the one that left bug reports from the PS3 version on the network in a place they shouldn't have been left so that anyone could find them. I am not the one that posted that sticky on the developer's forum. Don't like the fact that Gears 2 is running on the PS3 (for some reason) then blame Epic and stop crying.

@Arnon. Look at what I wrote,

"I don't care if Gears 2 comes to the PS3. I have played the 4 PC levels and frankly it is a little *yawn* and predictable."

I and any other U3 developer that cared to download it has played 4 levels of Gears 2 on the PC. You run them from the Dev console but you can use either a controller or a KB/M setup.

2009 isn't over yet buddy. I stated that over 200 days ago. If MS stepped in and threw the money at Epic to lock down an eternal exclusive then I can't change that.

But the fact is development was running full steam ahead on the PS3. If you can't accept that then I could care less what you think. On the other hand you apparently believe me so important that you care a great deal about what I have to say.

Arnon5480d ago (Edited 5480d ago )

Right... you keep telling yourself that, and I'll believe the email I received from Mark Rein.

"Re: Speculation...
Thursday, December 11, 2008 3:59 PM
"Mark Rein" <[email protected]&am p;am p;am p;gt ; ;
Add sender to Contacts
"'[email protected] t'" <[email protected]&am p;am p;am p;gt ; ;

Gears of War 2 is exclusive to Xbox 360 unless its publisher, Microsoft, decides otherwise. I can't imagine them asking us to deliver a Playstation 3 version of the game :)

Mark Rein
Epic Games, Inc.

Visit us at www.epicgames.com

From: Michael Fine
To: Mark Rein
Sent: Thu Dec 11 16:39:54 2008
Subject: Speculation...
So I heard from a Licensee from UDN is stating that Gears of War 2, the Microsoft Published exclusive to the Xbox 360, is being ported to the Sony Playstation 3. The man is causing a lot of fuss on the site www.n4g.com and I would be honored to have some confirmation about this. His account name on n4g is called Morganfell.



I urge you to respond, as he is causing a lot of issues within the site, and must be, in some way, breaking an agreement with EPIC games.

-Thanks, Michael."

And honestly, I do care what you say, but not in the way you're thinking. I care because I find it interesting, yet you have no proof to back any of your statements up, and have not done so for over 200 days.
I'm not trying to burn you down, or hate on you, or anything. I just want to see the proof, man, and I think a lot of other people would like to as well.

likedamaster5480d ago

Gears of War series, only on Xbox 360. Get it while its hot!

morganfell5480d ago (Edited 5480d ago )

I have met Mark on 4 separate occasions. He is a businessman. Do you really expect him to acknowledge what Epic is doing internally? How is his reply any different from anyone else in this industry when they are under a particular agreement...until said agreement ends.

And as I have asked on this site REPEATEDLY - give me an explanation of why Gears 2 is running on the PS3. You can think what you want of various explanations, but they are running Gears 2 on the PS3. Period. Why are they doing it internally. Why bother to fix issues such as the ambient occlusion on the PS3 version? I have seen the work. Sorry pal, you can be sour all you want. They have gone to great lengths to get the entire Gamespy Multiplayer functioning on the PS3 running Gears 2. Why? Why? Why?

Mark isn't going to publically acknowledge anything he is not ready or allowed to at this time. And as I said that was over 200 days ago. Why did they bother? I could really care less at this point. But facts, well facts are stubborn things no matter how mad they make certain people.

By the way, one series of bug reports on the PS3 version was left on the PUBLIC server for anyone to grab. It stayed there for 2 days until someone told Epic and they removed them. Anyone that would have browsed the FTP would have found them.

Orange5477d ago

whoops! i'm a little late to respond. for all of you cut-and-pasting the TM and copyright claims, remember that these things are alienable, which means if they sign a contract with MS saying that MS has been assigned the TM and copyrights, then MS owns them by assignment.

but, maybe you're right that it's only for 2 games. if so, good. i would love to see GW3 on PS3.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 5477d ago
Babble5481d ago

Terrible article, grammar is amazingly bad.

moeqawama5481d ago

another reason as to why the hell people approve bad articles on this site these days

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15 Top Notch Single-Player Games You Can Complete in 10 Hours

For those who don't have time for massive open worlds or role-playing games with epic tales, these 15 games are worth checking out.

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anast139d ago

Good games for the $9.99 bin, you can get all of the Metro's for $10 in a bundle.


Rumored Gears of War Collection is at the top of my 2024 Xbox wishlist

As the long-rumored Gears of War Collection looks like it may finally materialize on Xbox, the timing could not be better as Gears 6 and movie news swirls.

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1Victor192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

(Insert “It should be multi platform if Microsoft investors wants more money” JK here)
All jokes aside congratulations to all the gears fans it will be a blast I remember having fun on the first one on my 360 elite till got RROD and quit Xbox all together but that’s a story for another day.
Congratulations 🎊 🍾 🎉 🎈 🎉 🙏

Wyesvin192d ago

I'm excited for this just aslong is on the pc also cause I don't have the newest xbox console.

shinoff2183192d ago

I enjoyed the tactical one. I can't remember the actual name but it was fun.


Gears of War Collection allegedly in testing phase for Xbox release

Marcus Fenix and the crew could be back on your screens once more, as the rumored Gears of War Collection is near completion on Xbox.

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VenomUK193d ago

Switch and PS5 owners are gonna love this.

Stuart5756193d ago

Every article, console fanboy trite, all these years later. Let me explain it AGAIN, in simple terms for the fanboys. Sentient human gamers do have their preferred platform, however they will buy and own multiple platforms so they can enjoy the games they want to enjoy. I own and have owned multiple platforms, Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft and now Valve, simply to enjoy a wide range of games across a broad spectrum of platforms. It's great. You don't have to pick a 'team' and cheer them on through thick and thin, dissing the other 'team'. And for you 'VenomUK' to state 'Switch and PS5 owners are gonna love this', proves that you're a bit behind. Learn, enjoy, live, develop, trust and coexist if you can, life is better that way.

Blad3runner00193d ago

Well said.
This is why i never understand fanboying over hardware. This is not like a sports team, its just hardware. Why some people have this mentality to pick a side and stick with it and refuse to look at other platforms, therefore depriving themselves of games that are only available on those platforms. They are suppose to be gamers after all?

FinalFantasyFanatic193d ago

It's practically guaranteed to come to PC as well, if that's the case, I might pick it up after it gets a discount or two.

TheEroica193d ago (Edited 193d ago )

Thank goodness for pro gamer companies like Microsoft.... It's about time we unified platforms where now only corporate suits benefit! Pro gamers all the way. Thanks Microsoft!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 193d ago
RaidenBlack193d ago

Yup ... bring Gears 2, 3 Judgement as well as Fable II and Halo 5 to PC

phoenixwing193d ago

Online portions would be a bonus.

FinalFantasyFanatic193d ago

I'm really shocked that Halo 5 still isn't on PC yet, almost everything is ported over and that's the only Halo game that hasn't been ported.

Profchaos193d ago

Take it with a grain of salt this leaker has been wrong many Times

The connection has been rumoured in the past so there's some credibility but it's more if it's actually in testing or not

Father__Merrin193d ago

tell u what gears 3 on series x same 360 game but in 4k and 60fps is a dream it looks crystal clear

Sciurus_vulgaris193d ago

The Series X enhanced versions of Gears 3 and Judgement can at times look like Xbox One titles.

Concertoine193d ago

Yeah i got into Gears 3 multiplayer last year. People still play it a lot. Tons of maps and looks great with the 60 FPS.

Brazz193d ago

It would be funny to see Gears of War collection on Nintendo Switch.

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