
Frame by Frame - MechWarrior

GameVision.com provides frame-by-frame analysis of the first trailer for the MechWarrior reboot:

Developers love to sneak things by us, and the best possible way to do so is in trailers. Even in small teasers there can be countless hints towards possible gameplay mechanics, story reveals, and other subtleties. Often, to find them all, you need to go frame by frame, looking everywhere for everything. Its a bit of a pain, so we decided to take that strain off of you. That's the concept behind Frame by Frame.

Mechwarrior is a storied franchise that has long been in need of a roboot. The first trailer has some other interesting bits of information inside. Check it out.

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Xbox owns MechWarrior/BattleTech, but why haven't they done much with it?

BattleTech and MechWarrior 5 are excellent games, licensed by Microsoft. But why hasn't Microsoft itself done much with the franchise?

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Community1580d ago
1580d ago Replies(1)
StarLink1580d ago

MechAssault 1 and 2 need a full remake and then MechAssault 3!

ZeekQuattro1579d ago

Battle Tech. Now there's a series I haven't heard from since the Sega Channel.

Morbid Bulldozer1579d ago

Owning Mechwarrior is like owning Power Rangers. Theoretically the IPs hold some value, but you ask for ideas for a game not immediately doomed to mediocrity and everyone leaves the room.

AK911579d ago

Wow completely forgot about these games.


Good Games for Bad Computers - Weekly Weakling #5

You all know what it is, this is Weekly Weakling and I’m here to show you four more awesome games for your terrible rig to get you by for another week. One of these games even requires a tiny bit more power. Let’s do this!

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Community3601d ago

From pixels to state-of-the-art 3D graphics; the evolution of the MechWarrior series

DSOGaming writes: "YouTube’s member ‘SqueegyMackoy’ has posted an amazing video, showcasing all the major iterations in the MechWarrior series, alongside their respective soundtracks. It’s really amazing witnessing the jump from 2D sprites to the 3D accelerated graphics that were powered by 3DFX cards, back in the days. SqueegyMackoy has also included Living Legends, the amazing MechWarrior mod for Crysis Wars. Enjoy!"

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