
Gamer Limit Review: The Conduit

Gamer Limit writes: "The Conduit is a courageous effort at a next-generation FPS on a console that's technologically underpowered. The game may very well be a dream come true for those who only own a Wii. However, there are better games to be played on the console, and much better FPSs to be played on other platforms. To quote Rob Schneider, "You Con-duit!," but you shouldn't".

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Gr815554d ago

So glad I think for myself and didn't listen to these nonsensical reviews. I'm having a blast with the game. Graphically inferior but control superior.

EvilTwin5554d ago

Agreed, and well put. Conduit's graphics are decent enough, but I don't think they even surpass Metroid Prime 3.

But the controls are a new standard for console FPS, as far as I'm concerned. It beats the living heck out of dual analog, and that's why I kinda chuckle when I read reviews like this talking about "doomed" and "botched" controls.

If the controls are "botched" or "doomed," it's the player, not the game. The game lets you do any darn thing you want. If you can't find a fast, accurate setup, that isn't the fault of fully customizable controls.

ChickeyCantor5554d ago (Edited 5554d ago )

I was actually enjoying the single player campaign until my freaking disc reader gave up on me >_>...I hope a lens cleaner will help me out...damn it.

Gr815554d ago

In my opinion Metroid Prime 3 is probably the best looking game on Wii and artistically wipes the floor with games on other platforms as well, locked at 60fps. I mean the game is just gorgeous. The tech powering the Conduit is excellent, but I feel HVS were conservative this time, games like Grinder will hold up much better I think. But I had to chuckle, its definitely the player and not the game if you can't get the controls, I mean they allow you to tweak and change ANYTHING.

Sidar: The single player is enjoyable, but I honestly look at it as practice for the online battles to come. It also gives you a chance to again, tweak the controls to your liking, so take advantage of that. Scissor advised to make the bounding box as small as possible and I must say it was sound advice. Hope to see you online sometime! Send the code if you want to.

kunit22c5553d ago (Edited 5553d ago )

yeah i wanted to say all that but this is easier :) *Props to Shokio*
but yeah i really dont see how they could rate it so low, fanboyism gets in the way too much these days, its like they go in playing it expecting to hate it so they do, or they compare it to their 360 or PS3 titles which is somewhat fair considering the awesome controls but i swear they all over look that feature and dont give it enough credit.

phosphor1125553d ago

Never got it perfect. It was either too sluggish for the situation i was in, or it was too sensitive to shoot people in the head. I personally thought Metroid Prime 3's controls were so much better. Probably because I just learned to use it, instead of mess with it for forever and a half.

EvilTwin5553d ago

Arius -- There are some moments in SMG that made me go "wow, the Wii can do this?" but I pretty much felt that way through MOST of Corruption. Once you get to Bryyo, the game truly takes off. There may be higher poloygon counts and greater resolution on other consoles, but there isn't any better art direction than what you'll find at Retro.

phosphor -- I had the opposite experience. I made a few tweaks throughout the single player (shrunk the bounding box down, mapped a few different button presses), and after my first online session, I mapped melee to a button press, but haven't touched it since. I found what worked, and stuck with that.

N4g_null5553d ago

phosphor112 I did the same as evil. Try making your bounding box small and playing with your sensitivity. I mean if it is too hardcore for you then admit it so we don't waste time trying to help but if you truly want to get it down for your self go online and get shot up. You will notice other people killing you a lot faster because they are shooting you dead in the head.

Man I played last night and boy have people gotten better! I wasn't rusty either LOL.

All you have to do is go online an you can see how good the set up is because other player will show you how good it is. It is very close to PC game play I would say.

I'm curious to see what happens when we put motion+ in the mix... I've seen some great test so far but I wonder what these guys will do with it?

Gr815553d ago

I agree, Galaxy had areas that were just stunning, that Volcano level was very easy on the eyes. Technically Galaxy blows Prime 3 out of the water but artistically Prime 3 blows it out of the water. I'd be curious to see what Retro could do on an engine like quantom 3.

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Shnazzyone5554d ago

If the score is below 7 typically they whine about how they just couldn't get the controls. Guess next gen controls aren't for everyone.

TruthbeTold5553d ago

it appears he's knocking the game just because it dares to try and pull off what the HD consoles games are doing graphically. Seriously, is this a review? How annoying.

I was very happy with the graphics. But what's been far more telling is the reactions this game has been getting from my friends who haven't seen and played it over the past year. They are thoroughly Wow'ed that this is a Wii game.

All of that being said, it's all about the controls. Anyone who thinks they suck is either lazy, didn't play it, or a thumb monkey who can't fathom anything outside of analog sticks. F all of these haters and their "Reviews".

Troll-Killer5553d ago

...of a game getting slammed, because the dev hyped the hell out of their game. All of the talk about "we can pull off 360's graphics on the Wii" was 100% BS and bogus hype-talk. If they'd never said anything, this game would have been rated MUCH higher, across the board.

Moral: Devs need to STFU, and make the best game possible with the hardware you're dev'ing for; the rest will work itself out.

TruthbeTold5553d ago

People like you, and this "Reviewer" saw it that way though. A few unelaborated upon quotes aside, they maintained, and made a point to maintain that their aim was to squeeze out of the Wii the same types of techniques used in PS3 and 360 games. That the game would look as good as possible for the resolution of 480p. That people have been doing double takes and mistaking it for a 360 game at first glance, which is all true.

Now supposed professionals who misunderstood and are offended want to slam them for it and compare the graphics to Killzone 2 when they score it, and act as if groundbreaking stories in a FPS are such an expectation that The Conduit deserves the crap they throw at it. Like I said before, F those haters. Any gamer with half a brain who plays The Conduit knows that it is a good game, with an excellent online multiplayer. Not earth shattering. Not the best ever. But damn good.

Seferoth755553d ago (Edited 5553d ago )

I think the -killer part should be left off. Doing the typical troll behavior of taking what is said and twisting it in order for you to have something to hate on.

Sad really. Provide one single link where the developer makes those claims. Do me a favor though if you bother( Most trolls usually dont) and try to comprehend the article you find when you read it. There is a clear difference in graphics on par with the 360 and what they actually said.

I have seen effects in The Conduit that I didnt see on a single last gen console. Obviously to those of us that actually know WTF we are talking about, HVS delivered on their promise.

I dont see any complaints from owners of the game on here. Just people giving their opinion on a game they never played complaining.

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