PS3 XMB Video

Here is another video of the PS3 XMB that surfaced on the net, but this time showing more of the features in action. Though we already know most of these features, still, nothing beats seeing a better executed demo.

kingboy6689d ago

luv it !thanks for this longer vid man

Gamer136689d ago (Edited 6689d ago )

The whole thing looks dull, and it seems just like the psp when going through stuff like pictures etc.

The only thing matter to me is playing online multi player on the ps3 just like my 360.

Noxel6689d ago

They call this a menu? AHAHAHA i laugh. PSZero doesn't have a fighting chance.

shoota336689d ago

I think you are able to put your photo's as the wallpaper but it looks good anyway


just like the 360

i wonder where they got that idea!

andy capps6689d ago

The 360 got the idea from PC's.. it's nothing new. It's the natural result of having a console that has a hard drive and is more like a computer. OMG, PS3 is copying the 360 because it has a hard drive.. OMG, the 360 is copying the PS2 because it uses DVD-9's.


your retarded, they got the idea from their own PSP, check it out. They didnt get it from Microsoft or nintendo. Microsoft copied sony

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The Most Disappointing PlayStation Exclusives Ever

Games can fall victim to hype. In other cases, they're just terrible games. Here are the most disappointing PlayStation exclusives ever, according to Jaxson Parker of Power Up Gaming.

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jambola1d 2h ago

for such a clickbaity lying thumbnail
I agree with the games showing there more than the actual list lol

OtterX1d 2h ago

Surprised that Haze wasn't mentioned here. It was touted as a Halo Killer. But I guess technically it was going to come to 360 and PC, but it reviewed so poorly that they were canceled, thus making it a Playstation Exclusive. It was supposed to be just a timed exclusive.

jambola1d 1h ago

whenever something is brought out as a "killer" it never ends well

LG_Fox_Brazil1d 2h ago

Remembering 'Lair' still makes me sad, I loved 'Days Gone', though, it was buggy as hell, but so much fun

Cacabunga1h ago

Days Gone turned so amazing after patches..
Lair on PS3 was amazing with sixaxis.
Most disappointing exclusive for me is TLOU2. I expected so much more from the sequel of one of the best games ever made

darthv722h ago

Killzone, the Order, Days gone... even Knack did not disappoint me. all of them have some charm to them.

MrNinosan1h ago

The writer obviously didn't play many Playstation Exclusives, when including LBP3, Days Gone, Knack, Days Gone, No Man Sky etc...
And No Man Sky is not a Playstation exclusive since years back

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10 Sadly Forgotten PS3 Games You Should Seek Out

The great thing about being one of the most popular consoles of all-time is that there’s always more underappreciated bangers to spotlight.

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jznrpg58m ago

Loved Asuras Wrath. It’s my profile avatar for PS

Abnor_Mal32m ago

Loved Rain, funnily I was just thinking of it this week.


Shoving Skyrim on PS3 was a “Herculean Effort” for Bethesda as devs worked tirelessly

Skyrim lead designer Bruce Nesmith looks back at the game's often unplayable PlayStation 3 port and its difficult development.

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jjb198122h ago

I remember having to save every time I found something or every minute, whichever came first.

OtterX20h ago(Edited 20h ago)

I Platinumed the game on the PS3 within the first few months of release. That was a Herculean Effort in and of itself. I do remember straightup freezes, crashes in addition to just glitches, but I kept at it bc I had a holy mission-like determination to Plat it.

meatnormous20h ago

I did as well. Proud of that one.

franwex19h ago

One of my trophies glitched. Otherwise I would’ve platinum it too :(

just_looken18h ago

Remember fallout 3?

For me it was always back/forth skyrim or fallout 3 for the most crashes/freezes and dat fallout 3 dlc framerate

Popsicle8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

Same. Not only do I remember all you just mentioned, but the long loading screens also made an impression. The further I made it in the game, the less I wanted to move shift any objects out of there place for fear it would add to the loading time. I don’t think I could sit and stare at a single movable object in 2024 for as long as I did, and as many times as I did in 2012.

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Friendlygamer22h ago

Both fallouts were also absolutely horrible on the ps3

walken722h ago

I actually played the hell out of Fallout 3 on PS3. I must've been lucky because I didn't have too many issues. Platinumed it even.
Bought Skyrim for my gf at the time, and yeah that was a disaster.

JEECE22h ago

I seem to remember there being a bug in New Vegas on PS3 where you could basically break the game by wearing a particular piece of gear in a certain location but I don't remember the exact details.

I actually didn't have too much trouble with Fallout 3 on PS3. I mean it was janky but no more so than a lot of games with more ambitious worlds were on console during that generation.

ZeekQuattro21h ago

To this day I'm sure FO3 GOTY killed my fat 80gb PS3. After playing it and NV on a modern console I don't know how younger me put up with that shit.

just_looken18h ago

Dat flashing yellow light sucked so much

franwex19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

Found it for like $10 on PS3 and put 180 hours (probably 1/2 of that time loading). I had to stop due to it becoming a slideshow.

SlothLordPootus17h ago

Honestly didn't have that many issues with it on PS3 and i played 150+ hours. I know thats not the norm though.

franwex3m ago

Go back and try your old save file if you still have it. Haha.

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