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'The future of shooters is RPGs' – Bleszinski

Epic Games' distinguished design director Cliff Bleszinski believes that RPGs will mould the future of the shooter genre.

Speaking to Develop, Bleszinski said: "I had a conversation with Harvey Smith – one of the lead designers on Deus Ex – and said to him the future of shooters is RPGs. He said he completely agreed."

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KingKionic 5499d ago

True to form, Bleszinski was cryptic when discussing the Gears franchise in this light. When asked if it was important that the Gears series remains innovative in the future, he said:

“It depends on where things go. I mean, one could wean that from the comments I made earlier about the future of shooters is RPGs and see where things are going with us.”

Ah..Gears might have rpg elements..hmm

SevWolf5499d ago (Edited 5499d ago )

As much as I love rpg's, like-wise Gears, mixing those two together would be a horrible idea, for one reason, I remembered when I started Gears 1, and they gave me Fenix, I was "yh this is a badass", and he was...he was strong and accurate and whatever since the beginning, so me having to worry later on whether I want him to endure more damage or be more accurate wouldn't be such a gd idea, even though Cliffy B directing a rpg may end up well

@ below: well yh sure, but think of it this way, they already have two games out of the trilogy out, and I bet more than half of the ppl that bought Gears are probably mainstream gamers, you get my point you know the ppl who just want to pick up a game and start shooting, even though it would be nice if we could have something like weapon upgrades in the game, but that's about it

KingKionic 5499d ago

You have a point . But what if it has a rpg element like say.. cod : waw zombie mode .

That was just a example,but i think you understand.

JoySticksFTW5499d ago

A GEoW quality type shooter with rpg elements = win

I like when other genres add an rpg spin to their games.

It already happened with action / adventure games like zombie-fest Dead Rising and Castlevania: SotN.

I say bring on the level-ups! Just limit the grinding and fetch-quests... :)

ShabzS5499d ago

ya ... rpg and gears of war TYPE shooter .. ok thats not bad ...

but no rpg elemets in gears of war 3 or gears of war franchise ... gears is fast, fun and intense ... lets keep it that way

The Master Chief5499d ago

MOAR Gears of War plzzz!!!!

Gears of War 3© coming Exclusively to Xbox 360 with RPG elements FTW!!!


xwabbit5499d ago

I think hes getting hes ideas from some mods on ut2k4 lol, i know cus I'm still playing them. It seems like i good idea for some games i think

All-35499d ago

Errrr... ever heard of Gears of War 2 - Horde mode?

It was out before CoD WaW's zombie mode - which is just a twist on Horde mode.

IMO - those aren't RPG elements.

Poopface the 2nd5499d ago

but rpg elements for gears could be upgrades for the weapons, or better armor.

Idont think gearswill ever be very RPG like.

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timestoby5499d ago

he prob seen or kept his eye on borderlands and now likes tha way it is lol.

Foxgod5499d ago

Nice, bring it on, i am all for more gameplay depth.

-MD-5499d ago

Well if Borderlands plays as good as it looks then I'll have to agree I think RPG elements add depth to a game no matter what the genre.

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BioShock Team Ramps Up Recruitment with 30 Job Offers

2K Cloud Chamber is ramping up recruitment with 30 job offers on its BioShock team. There's still no word on when the game will launch, though.

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Community21d ago
Relientk7722d ago

Cool, maybe we will get BioShock 4 after all, eventually...

TheNamelessOne21d ago

Damn it's been a long time since the last game.

TheColbertinator21d ago

Bioshock needs a big time comeback

DefenderOfDoom221d ago

Actually looking forward to playing "Judas" from.Ken Levines development team .

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Bioshock: A Rapturous Revelation

Hey Poor Player's James Davie Takes Us On A Bio-Shocking Deep Dive Into Irrational Games' Nautical Nightmare.

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Community161d ago

Rumored Gears of War Collection is at the top of my 2024 Xbox wishlist

As the long-rumored Gears of War Collection looks like it may finally materialize on Xbox, the timing could not be better as Gears 6 and movie news swirls.

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Community192d ago
1Victor192d ago (Edited 192d ago )

(Insert “It should be multi platform if Microsoft investors wants more money” JK here)
All jokes aside congratulations to all the gears fans it will be a blast I remember having fun on the first one on my 360 elite till got RROD and quit Xbox all together but that’s a story for another day.
Congratulations 🎊 🍾 🎉 🎈 🎉 🙏

Wyesvin192d ago

I'm excited for this just aslong is on the pc also cause I don't have the newest xbox console.

shinoff2183192d ago

I enjoyed the tactical one. I can't remember the actual name but it was fun.