
Yahoo! Games - Playback 57: Price cut for PS3?

Sony is under increasing pressure to lower the cost of its lagging game console.

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KingKionic 5474d ago

Madden curse? i have never heard of that anyone care to explain?

Blaze9295474d ago (Edited 5474d ago )

It's that whoever is on the cover of Madden each year, something bad happens to them during their season or before.

But...I dont know what that has to do with the PS3 or better yet, more specifically consoles. In fact I dont even know why dude even said it. That's Yahoo "games" for ya.

KingKionic 5474d ago

Thx for the info. That is a werid comment.

gamesR4fun5474d ago (Edited 5474d ago )

wth did that come from i mean the only people talking about the price is NA news...
Us gamers are just stoked about the games.

With the best looking games on any console ever n more bigger better ones coming whats not to like? 399$ < 2400+h of Warhawk Kz2 r2 rc msg4 etc etc (jus since i bought it a year after launch (400$ 60 gigger man i feel like a savy shopper)

In reality i spent way more on my launch 360 and its replacement. Now sitting on shelf unable to read disk n out of warranty with 50 games i cant even play sigh.

ThanatosDMC5474d ago

Weird, im pretty sure PS3 is selling faster than 360 timewise.

Saigon5474d ago

the PS3 was introuble...

with all the high quality games i have been playing lately i didn't know I bought a console in trouble...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5474d ago
Sony Rep5474d ago

Lagging? wtf is this sh!t!?

Google on my home page and sh!t!! Suck it Yahoo. hahaha

user39158005474d ago (Edited 5474d ago )

The price its the only thing important about the ps3, since it has nothing else. Poor droids I'll bet they are kissing each others ass, trying to get support from its community lol...... Not another report of doom my console its better, I tell you. The ps3 its winning the highest price garbage on the market awards. Stick it to them sony let me laugh some more. No more room to talk trash, I have to go burn another game to play on the 360 lol......... and talk about the new garbage on the market the PSP BLOWS.

LordMarius5474d ago

I hate Yahoo, they are such Nintendo Fanboys

yoghurt5474d ago

"lagging game console" I stopped reading there.

-MD-5474d ago (Edited 5474d ago )

He meant lagging as in third place obviously.

"that guy is lagging behind" get it?

Edit: Who disagreed? You actually think he was referring to laggy games? Pathetic.

table5474d ago

I stopped reading there aswell. How can it possibly be lagging if it is selling faster than the 360? It's like saying that the original xbox was lagging behind before it was even released. It's like saying Natal has failed because it has been, to date, outsold by the eyetoy... but that would be stupid logic now wouldn't it.

The ps3 does not need a price cut anytime soon.

pippoppow5474d ago

Always with a negative slants toward Sony. This site and some others get no hits from me. Constructive criticism and tempered negativity once in a while if based on facts is fine but when certain web sites constantly attack certain companies without proper reasoning then one must wonder about their journalistic credibility and reasons behind doing so. Yahoo seems to be a step below cnet for Sony fans at least which is not a good thing.

yoghurt5474d ago

Don't know who disagreed, wasnt me though

anyhoo, it just annoys me the way some media plays down the PS3 so much, like its the wost performing console ever or something. 3rd place means nothing, we have been over and over again how sales are the same if time-released is compared. Ferrari have sold less than Ford, are ferrari lagging?

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Infamous Franchise Deserves Another Chance From PlayStation

Sucker Punch rejuvenated the superhero genre with Infamous, a series that focused on the pure fun of wielding destructive powers.

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shinoff218318h ago

Atleast release a remaster trilogy or something to gage interest. I'd buy it. With that said I'm pretty over superheroes at this point. Infamous is still dope as fk though so it'd be a buy

isarai3h ago

Omfg i would go apesh!t for that 😩

jznrpg18h ago

I agree but games take 4-6 years to make so who knows when they would do it? After Ghost of Tsushima2? They could have something else in the world as well in early production who knows.

mkis00717h ago

It's a shame Sucker Punch finally figured out a good open world formula only while making Ghost of Tsushima. Infamous 1 and 2 were great for their time, but Second son felt too much like a checklist in It's design. I love the hell out of all 3 games (2 and 3 are just so damn good, while 1 shows it's age and the ps3 struggles), but I would love to see how they would do another infamous with all they have learned. Wouldn't hurt to release a remastered collection either.

Demetrius9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

This series, days gone, will continue to get ignored by sony, luckily we still have the horizon series, sly cooper not getting pushed anymore, speaking of that I'm bout to get on my ps2 and play some sly 2 anyways lol, but seriously I never woulda thought back then sony would ever cold shoulder most of their franchises I'm actually surprised they're still letting ratchet&clank be around


Xbox's Matt Booty implies Tango Gameworks closure was partly due to leadership change

Eurogamer: "Xbox's Matt Booty has spoken more on the closure of Tango Gameworks earlier this year."

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The Wood1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

I call BS on this. All metrics were met apparently or was that another lie. There's something deeper happening within xbox's management

GamerRN1d 5h ago

You have an inside scoop? Well don't hold back, share with us your knowledge!

AsimLionheart1d 2h ago

He is referring to this tweet by Greenberg which Spencer retweeted.


Wood is arguing that MS was either lying then when they claimed the game was a success or they are lying now by giving excuses for shutting down the studio.

The Wood1d 2h ago

What part irks you sir? My opinion that xbox has a management problem or stating xbox heads said metrics were met and the game was a success. They closed the studio that released one of xbox's most successful new ips in a very long time. There's a lie somewhere don't you think or are you the eyes wide shut type

StormSnooper22h ago

I think we all have an inside scoop at this point. MS has lied so often that we all know what to expect from them.

Cacabunga1d 12h ago

It’s xbox DNA to lie and U-turns

GamerRN1d 5h ago

I love fanboy analytics too...

Thank God Sony has never lied to us! /s

Cacabunga1d 5h ago

There is a difference between lying all the time and saying fake shit and anyone else

GamerRN20h ago

Ok I'll bite, what's the difference between lying and saying fake shit

DarXyde1d 11h ago

I don't know that he's lying. The heads at Xbox tend to be forthcoming in painfully indirect ways.

The article notes the exit of Shinji Mikami which I also believe was a factor, but Arkane is a different situation.

Perhaps the issue with everyone's assessment is that, because they closed around the same time, everyone assumes the reasons are the same.

Occam's razor here: Tango lost its value to Microsoft with Mikami out and Arkane just dropped the ball spectacularly.

All being said, Booty is clearly lying about one thing: the notion that anything mentioned in this interview was done "out of respect for the staff" is a bold faced lie. They closed the studio while the staff were on vacation in Japan.

Miss me with that, Booty.

Cacabunga1d 8h ago

You said "I don't know that he's lying."

And later you said:

"All being said, Booty is clearly lying "

Are you ok?

DarXyde1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

Spare me the pedantry.

I'm very clearly talking about two different things:

When it comes to telling you about the future or actions taken broadly, they're indirect, but technically not lies. The go-to example is Rise of the Tomb Raider "coming exclusively to Xbox One in 2014." That wasn't a lie, but if you don't read between the lines, you'll think that's a lie. More recently, they tout new Xbox "hardware" which is incredibly ambiguous. It's sketchy, and intentionally vague, but calling it a lie is a bit too heavy handed. In reality, they say things in a way to get you to draw incorrect conclusions and they can blame you for misinterpreting.

I'm saying I don't know how much of what Booty is saying is truthful, intentionally vague, etc.

But on the very specific issue I cite (i.e., wanting to be respectful of staff), he's being dishonest—and it is very clearly a footnote to the broader point being made.

I shouldn't have to explain that in such explicit detail, but clear enough?

SonyStyled1d 3h ago

‘Best lineup in Xbox history’ advertised during holiday season -cancels Scalebound and Fable after holiday season.

Not a lie. They had a good lineup. They just flipped the scripped after holiday season sales. What they advertised isn’t what the customer receives. Bait and switch

LoveSpuds1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

I recall seeing interviews where Shinji Mikami said he had no involvement in the development of HiFi Rush, it was a European guy who directed the game I believe.

So even if its true that Shinji leaving was a loss, closing the studio still doesn't pass the sniff test to me. They shut a great studio who had just put out Xbox' best game in years which had no input from Mikami.

MS can't help but lie, they always have, scummy company.

1d 12h ago
MrDead1d 12h ago

The gaming media better get on board with these sort of articles as MS buying up the industry means you guys won't get review copies or exclusive news unless you push the MS narrative.

The MS narrative "it's everyone else's fault."

1Victor1d 12h ago

WARNING ⚠️ SARCASM AHEAD WARNING ⚠️ sure they have an awful management with sexual harassment and embezzlement of funds so let’s close the studio we just purchased and leave games in the table. END OF SARCASM
( insert here a comic strip of guy thrown out of window for suggesting firing the management )

Eonjay1d ago

Right. If management is an issue hire new management.

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Fortnite Summer Event: Release date, free rewards, map changes, and more

Another Fortnite Summer event is around the corner! Its release date has been leaked, and once again, it will bring new skins and rewards.

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