
Factor 5 lawsuit reveals canned Rogue Squadron Wii

TGS writes: "Ex-Factor 5 employees have named an unannounced Rogue Squadron Project for Wii as part of assets allegedly transferred to another company before declaring bankruptcy."

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SpoonyRedMage5484d ago

Aww man that'd be awesome.

C'mon Ninty you should be buying Factor 5 here. I'd say they're definately worth it.

N4g_null5484d ago

I'm not sure about that. They left the Wii when they could have shinned all along just to get treated like dogs on the other platform.

Did you notice how they basically made a game in very little time with the PS like it was just like the GC LOL. This was almost a problem since SONY was still claiming that the cell had so much potential. Yet they pretty much tapped a lot of it like it was just sitting there.

Seriously the game looked good and the draw distance puts GTA to shame along with killzone yet they did not realize it is a FPS only club. Then the patch was basically buried. WOW.... it's safe to say they could get another publishing deal after this one.

I still wonder if these guys could beat HVS's engine they need some more competition.

pangitkqb5484d ago

Rogue Squadron on 64 was one of the most enjoyable games I ever played on the system. It would be awesome if a sequel was made for Wii.

n4f5484d ago

they should buy factor 5 with this engine there could have starfox pilotwiing and other flying platform

teh-panda5484d ago

God Dammit this game must be made.

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A Late Look: Paper Mario

VGChartz's Mark Nielsen: "Welcome to A Late Look, a series of article where I take a belated look at games from yesteryear that I missed out on the first time around. Not quite review and not quite rant, it’s more a casual assessment of what I – the gamer of the future – consider to be each game’s strengths and weaknesses in retrospect.

Just last month Nintendo released a remake of the cult-classic Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, so what better time could there possibly be to take a look not at that game, and not at its original, but at the Nintendo 64 game from 2000? None is what I say! This very first release in the Paper Mario series will also be my first entry point. So, let’s get to it."

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A Sonic Unleashed Remaster Is Long Overdue

Still remembered as one of the best Sonic games of all time, I believe it's time Sonic Unleashed gets its overdue remaster after Sonic x Shadow Generations.

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-Foxtrot10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

I think it's best we leave these games we're they belong...in the past

Secret Rings, Unleashed, Black Knight etc, they weren't the best at least enough for a remaster

Generations is getting one because they had something easy to shove Shadow into before the Sonic 3 film and it's probably the better ones they've did over the past decade or so.

rayford158d ago

Unleashed was one of my favorite P3 games would love a remastered version

NSANiTY8d ago

Minus the Werehog levels and I'm in.

Redgrave8d ago

Would be called.... Sonic Re-Leashed

Father__Merrin8d ago

Wouldn't mind a sonic 06 re release


Spartan: Total Warrior - Before Dark Souls, There was Sparta

Spartan: Total Warrior launched back in 2005, with an aggressive-but-fair agenda for its combat not dissimilar to the Souls series.

john41624d ago

I still whip out my OG Xbox to play this once in a while it’s one of my all time favorites

vTuro2423d ago

This game was so fucking good. It's legit one of my all time favorite games. I wish they'd make another (Vikings was mid) or remake this one. Probably won't happen, but one can dream.