
Where did Tecmo's philosophy go?

N+Dpad writes:
"Did you know that back in the day Tecmo had this crazy idea about how difficult a game should be? Talking with Nintendo Power, chief producer of Namco Bandai Hideo Yoshizawa shared alittle bit of info about how Tecmo worked during his days making games such as Ninja Gaiden.

"Tecmo had the philosophy that the user would throw a game away if it wasn't hard enough. So we made games really hard." but what happened to this philosophy?

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Product5479d ago

I don't think I have even thrown my controller this gen to be honest. I remember breaking many controllers during the Nes era.

ChickeyCantor5479d ago

But now we are hardcore, regenerating health and quick check points are awesome...

WE ARE HARDCORE 111001010010101010100100101001 .

At least our characters have a plastic shine to them =D xD.

I remmber my brother throwing the controllers, and i was just standing there getting angry because he was destroying what was mine XD.

xabmol5479d ago

Uncharted Crushing

MGO Every 2 months or so

I try not to throw the controller because now I have to buy the damn things. Still happens though, and my original sixaxis still has bite marks from MGO. Damn spawn campers...

Product5478d ago

lol you bit your controller?

xabmol5478d ago

Damn spawn campers man. First time playing MGO, first game. I couldn't walk 5 feet without getting hit by a smoke nade. OMG!! >.< It was SO annoying!! So yeah... I thought it a better idea then throwing and breaking it.

Bit my laptop once too. Damn thing crashed and I lost half my game bible I was writing for college. >.> Yelled at the top of my lungs, picked it up and almost threw it, but then I juts bit the sh*t out of it. Still has a perfect mold of my teeth on it. lol

ThanatosDMC5478d ago

Difficulty? That's what Capcom games are for!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5478d ago
xino5479d ago

bruv man, your articles are not even lasting long anymore:/

NMC20075478d ago

A new generation of weak sauce whinny gamers is what happened, since there are so so many of them they had to change.

Uncharted Crushing vs Ninja Gaiden 2 Master Ninja Mode

Which one is hardest?

GiantEnemyCrab5478d ago (Edited 5478d ago )

Crushing was easy IMO. Take like Modern Warfare on the hardest setting doing the prologue mission to get the Mile High Achievement. That was probably one of the most difficult achievements I've earned.

But still it is nothing like the original Ninja Gaiden even on a medium difficulty setting.

Of course this is all just my opinion.

IdleLeeSiuLung5478d ago

NG2 on Master Ninja mode was pretty though for me to complete. However, I hear the DLC for it "Mission Mode" is even harder if that is even freaken possible to conquer.

Unicron5478d ago

Gamers are pussies today. You should need to EARN that ending. I'm so sick of this instant gratification crap.

Tony P5478d ago

One too many angry gamers waiting for them at the last stop of that gravy train.

I like that games today add more balance and give the player more of a fighting chance, but most overdo it to the point of redundancy. At least that's the way it seems to a long-time gamer like myself.

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Team Ninja: How Ninja Gaiden and Nioh connect to Rise of the Ronin

Many of you who have already played Rise of the Ronin may have noticed some elements of our previous works such as Ninja Gaiden and Nioh from Team Ninja. Today we’re excited to share some of the behind-the-scenes development stories for the first time. Plus we share details on an upcoming game update.

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purple10124d ago

not a good title FPS RUSSIA. should have gone with: "new content added'. ... or something like that

try : 'New and expanded content 5 new Ally Missions added. + Addition of dojo training partners"


Lol thats the title of the article by playstation blog what are you talking about ?


Read the article it has nothing to do with what you said

purple10124d ago

I literally copied and pasted that from the bottom of the article

DEEBO24d ago

The new update is so good...


Reboots In The Works For Tecmo Classics – Dead or Alive And Ninja Gaiden

Two of Tecmo's classic series, Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden, are getting new games with a possible reboot of both series.

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Seth_hun573d ago

Why do we need a remake of Dead or Alive, instead of a new installment in the series ?

blackblades572d ago (Edited 572d ago )

There's no remake it says reboot. There is a difference just like a difference with remaster as well. They all have re doesn't mean they are the same. They want to reboot and start fresh after both series with South. With there success with nioh series it might be a good idea and hopefully goes well for them and the games.

Crows90572d ago

Reboot ala tomb raider...i don't think you have a problem with that.

Number1TailzFan572d ago

Fighting games are too shallow, they were good at first.. up til around Tekken 3 and Soul Calibur on Dreamcast, because they had a ton of extra modes and challenges and stuff. Everything after is basically the same, or with even less content.

Terry_B572d ago

Sounds like you did not play a lot of fighting games after SC 1.

FinalFantasyFanatic572d ago

Really? I feel like they add way too many systems and options to some of the newer games. Like Soul Calibur 6 for example, feels like they'res just too much going on, whereas I loved 2 and memorized all the skills and options for my favorite characters, played through most of the modes as well.

boing1572d ago

Been playing Tekken for almost 30 years. It's the opposite of shallow.

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New Ninja Gaiden Game Could Be Outsourced to Different Developer

A new Ninja Gaiden game could be outsourced to another developer, but only if it's one that fits the Ninja Gaiden pedigree.

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blackblades627d ago

Eh, beside team ninja, its platinum games and both could do good but also bad going by there history. Dmc5 devs is another or a Namco team.