
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures Episode 1: Fright of the Bumblebees Xbox 360 Review - Console Obsession

The first episode of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures is a very entertaining one, capturing the very essence that has made the duo into the popular icons that they have become..

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How Telltale Games breathed new life into the adventure genre

‘Adventure games have been through quite a transition over the past 2 decades. Like so many genres throughout the noughties the humble adventure game struggled for relevance and attention. It failed to evolve and change to meet the tastes of a rapidly developing audience. Fortunately the genre has experienced a resurgence in success and interest over the last 4 years, and this recovery in large part can be attributed to the output of a single developer; Telltale Games.’

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tsmith1453381d ago

I love basically every games telltale have bought out, their story telling can only be beaten by naughty dog imo.


Wallace & Gromit’s Grand Adventures disappears

If you wanted to check out Telltale Games' earlier works, time has run out. The studio's version of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures, first published in 2009, has been pulled from all digital retailers as the distribution agreement with Aardman Studios expires.

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The Humble Weekly Sale includes Telltale’s The Walking Dead

Ryan from OnlySP writes:

"The Humble Indie Bundle is in full swing, already selling over 245,000 copies at the time of writing, however the company has also got a new Humble Weekly Sale which, this week, includes a selection of Telltale Games titles, including all 5 episodes of OnlySP’s 2012 Game Of The Year, The Walking Dead."