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Square Enix: 'No chance' 360 will compromise PS3 FFXIII

Some fans have expressed concern that content may be left out of both versions of the game due to DVD storage limitations.

Speaking to, Kitase dispelled that myth. He said: "The team is targeting to create an equal experience on both the 360 and the PS3, so there are no limitations. For example, right now we're working on the PS3 version first, and once we've completed that we'll really know how much game there will be to fit onto the Xbox 360 discs.

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Chris3995580d ago (Edited 5580d ago )

And what the Hell was trailer we saw at the MS event then? "Running on 360 hardware."

I don't want to talk about console wars or "preferences", but Square Enix are the biggest liars of this gen. Worse than EA - before the fall. DS ports to the Wii. Over a decade old SNES ports (Chrono Trigger) retailing for full price. Last Remnant, Infinite Undiscovery. Sure, you might find some enjoyment, somewhere in one of those titles, but you're really reaching if you do.

Not impressed with them at all. FFXIII had better be the ULTIMATE JRPG at this point (or WRPG, which is more what they're aiming for). Actions speak louder than words. Or games, in this case. And the games just aren't there to match the egos over at SE.

Forrest Gump5580d ago

That's not to say it won't score well,it'll be another GTA4 scenario after actual gamers have played it.

I just hope it's a AA experience and has enough content on disc to satisfy JRPG fans.

Lifendz5580d ago

but I still have to wait for them to finish the 360 version before I can get my hands on the game.

Ramtough5580d ago

If its less than or 4 disc on 360 I will be disappointed. I really want this to be a full RPG experience.

menoyou5580d ago

We all know this is BS. Square-enix will do anything for Microsoft's big bag of money. And saying that they are aiming for both to be equal is proof pretty much admitting that the PS3 version will probably be dumbed down to make it equal with the 360 version.

Topshelfcheese5580d ago

having imported the Demo and played it. The game looks beatiful, but I believe its a step backwards in gameplay to what FF12 delivered, but that's just my opinion.

edgeofblade5580d ago

Here is how you make FFXIII fit on one DVD9 disk.

Render cinematics in engine. Done.

But this is Square Enix (Eidos?). Of course they are going to waste 5 disks on 1080p cut scenes to the detriment of gameplay.

peeps5580d ago

but 1 of the best things about the ff series has always been the stories and i want them to keep telling them using amazing cutscenes tbh, not watered down to cater for the 360's dvd's (good job they are doing it this way then, although arn't they using a lower res cutscenes for the 360 version?)

OmarJA5580d ago

Whatever, i just know that i will be enjoying both the best version of this & Versus & maybe XIV on a reliable hardware each on one single blu-ray without worrying about my system breaks down or switch between DVDs.

Wizeguy215580d ago

So when then say "compromise" what are they trying to say about the xbox 360????

talltony5580d ago

If you have a choice of what platform to buy it for. It would be smarter to buy it on ps3. It just would be the smarter thing to do for this game.

vhero5580d ago

FFXIII was compromised the moment they got that paycheck from MS.. They wont be able to put certain lighting effects etc into the game and have to lower some parts of the game graphically to port just like you would with a 360 game porting to ps3. Not saying its because PS3 is more powerful but they cannot get the best out of both consoles and make a duplicate game its impossible.

talltony5580d ago

People, does this comment mean that one version could possibly hold back the other version?

“So we don’t know how many discs it’ll be housed on for 360, but there won’t be a chance that we’ll compromise anything because, oh it didn’t fit in the 360 discs so we’ll have to take it out of the PS3 version, or vice versa.”

SuperM5580d ago

"The team is targeting to create an equal experience on both the 360 and the PS3, so there are no limitations"

Ok i really dont get these guys logic. They say that there will be no compromise for the PS3 version and then they say they are targeting to create an equal experience on both platforms. If the PS3 version is compromised that would be because they want both versions to be equal. And now they are saying that they are trying to make both versions equal, and that is somehow supposed to mean that the PS3 version wont be compromised?

And also Square has proven themselves to be quite the liars. First they said that PS3 version wouldnt be delayed and that the work on the 360 version would only start when they are done with the PS3 version, something which was also very illogical since the PS3 and 360 versions are to be released at the same time, which means that it would infact be delayed (funny how Square enix makes a lie and in the same sentence basically confirms that it is a lie). But now they have proven that work on 360 version is well underway which means they lied at pretty much everything they said.

ultimolu5580d ago

These guys are lying and running around in circles.
I sure as hell hope, for their sakes that the game is equal on both platforms and the PS3 version isn't gimped.

AKNAA5580d ago

“So we don’t know how many discs it’ll be housed on for 360, but there won’t be a chance that we’ll compromise anything because, oh it did not’t fit in the 360 discs so we’ll have to take it out of the PS3 version, or vice versa.”

Okay, ps3 owners, you all heard it yourself just now, SE won't hold back the ps3 version just because some content might not fit in the 360 discs.... But then again, they did say that they wanted both consoles to have an equal experience, so it does sound like bullsh1t a little....

mastiffchild5580d ago

More pointless squaking fromSE about this game eh? Isn't it obvious to evryone that FF13 will be slightly dynbed down for BOTH versions purely because they want them to be equal and PS3 and 360 have different strengths. Bo multi will ever be as good as the game would have been if exclusive to EITHER console.

An exclusive has the total freedom to push the game as far as possible on the hardware available but when you drag another, very different nit of hardware into the equation with the expressed ambition of having the games run the same on both then you certainly won't be pushing either console as hard as you could-it's damn obvious.

The trouble with SE, these days, isn't that they have a hard on for MS cash, or even that they basically forced many people to buy PS3 under the impression things would be available(and FF13 exclusive)on that console then changed thei minds and released nothing. No, the problem is they think we'll(gamers) swallow almost anything as long as we get our precious FF games.

Sadly noone much believes a word they say-PS3 gamers don't and neither do that many 360 owners given the weakness of the games SE has brought them this gen. I think most of us are sick of the baloney from SE and this latest smake and mirrirs act fools nobody. FF13 will not now be as good on PS3 as it would have been had it remained exclusive NOR will it be as good on 360 as it would have been had they jumped ship completely and made it exclusive to MS platform-both sets of gamers now get a game governed by both sets of the consoles weaknesses without being able to use the full force of their differing strengths.

I hope for everyones sake that the pressure this has pout on the game isn't going to mean that it's not possible to get close to expectations. Before people were hoping for a masterpiece but now they're demanding one with the belief that SE may well fail. Not a good spot to put themselves in , is it?

Jecht5580d ago

cinematics don't take up as much space as you might think.

gaffyh5580d ago

@1.6 -

1. The whole point of FF games is to have beautiful rendered video, without it it just becomes another JRPG.

2. MGS4 has all in-engine cutscenes, no pre-rendered stuff, but it still pushes 36GB in size, so maybe it won't be as easy as you think. Obviously depends on the devs and quality of the cutscene but you know what I mean.

@1.17 - The FF13 demo has two big movie files, one of which is 2.04GB (z016_ps3.wmp), and the second is 2.37GB (z000_ps3.wmp). This means that 4.41GB of the demo is just video. The demo is 5.09GB in size and 256MB of that is PS3 update data. So edgeofblade's suggestion actually is realistic

OGharryjoysticks5580d ago

It's funny how you describe SquareEnix's facination for Microsoft's money, but this past year Square Enix posted losses for a lot of money. Actually if I recall, this past year was one of the worst for them financially. For some reason, I don't think the MS devotion money is doing them any good.

Jaces5580d ago

I don't care!

Just release the damn game already.

Kenshinhimurasz5580d ago

I agree with Gaffyh
The beautiful cinematic in Final Fantasy games make them different from any other.

Its good to see that they reworked the battle system because the demo that came out for Japan was ok not great. There wasn't much variety of attacks and spells, but now with the nice battle system. From what I've seen they added "Attack All, an extra action bar, Summons and Limit Break connection, Better spell effects". It looks fun now, but I'm still wondering how the lvl system works.

I would like to say that the music so far is great, reminds me of FFVII and FFX.

RememberThe3575580d ago (Edited 5580d ago )

I was just about to comment on that.

How the hell can you say "We're ot going to comprise" then turnaround and say in the very next sentence they you'll take thing out of the PS3 version if it wont fit in the 360 version?

F*ck you Square.

EDIT: Oh yeah, this just occurred to me. Remember how they said that they were going to finish the PS3 version first, then port that over to the 360? Last time I check they were done with the PS3 version and yet what did we see at the Microsoft press conference?

Square is now blatantly lying to us...

Lets just hope that Tetsuya Nomura, director of FFv13, doesn't get evolved in this bullshit...

jack_burt0n5580d ago

spot on mate, SE are the old EA in my opinion ea have sorted out alot of their issues and dead space was just AAA but all their old bad habits are all over square enix.

interrergator5580d ago

i beg to differ i have the japanese demo and its amazing

bobbysagettwo5580d ago

You guys keep commenting on how they said "The team is targeting to create an equal experience on both the 360 and the PS3".

You keep insinuating that making 'an equal experience' will RESULT in a compromised PS3 version. But you guys are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

You keep thinking that the PS3, is the worlds best console, when clearly it is not.

WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IS, the game will not be compromised on the 360, it will simply be on multiple disks. This means making the 360 version EQUAL to the PS3 version. So in this context, "creat[ing] an equal experience" means creating the experience on the 360 that is equal to the experience on the PS3. Not dumbing down either version to create an equal experience.
- If i say, i want to make my sand castle as big as your sand castle, do i build mine the same height as yours? or do i cut yours in half, so it is the same size as mine? learn to think logically.

The only reason you guys are confused by this comment, is because you are assuming that the PS3 is 'a trillion' times better than the 360. When in reality, The cell allows for additional shaders and, for all intensive purposes, that is about it. Not different shaders, just additional shaders.

If there were in fact any compromises. They would likely be due
to the PS3 version as it cannot handle AA, AF, HDR, texturing, and ambient texturing very well.

The only way the the 360 version would result in a compromise, is if they decided to abuse shaders, and add in additional unnecessary shaders. AI, and other script is not an limiting issue assuming they don't waste unnecessary resources BY ADDING said 'additional shaders'. (The incorporation of multiple disks rules out all other compromises).

So for the sake of this website, please expand your one-track mind.

JD_Shadow5580d ago

Apparently you've been living under a damn ROCK during the past YEAR or so.

thesummerofgeorge5580d ago

and then say they'll be making sure both versions are the same... If they're dead set on making them both the same they must be keeping the 360 in mind while building the PS3 version, they wouldn't logically do something on the PS3 they didn't think they could pull off on the 360. If they meant what they said, they'd say they'll make the PS3 version the way they want and then make the 360 version as close to it as they can. By committing to making them both the same it contradicts what they say. Committing to making the game identical on both systems has already compromised the game.

Microsoft Xbox 3605580d ago

"The team is targeting to create an equal experience on both the 360 and the PS3, so there are no limitations."

Its all written right there. They ARE gimping the PS3. In development, when you have the 360 in mind, you're already gimping it for the rest. Aside from the Wii, the 360 is the weakest hardware this gen.

PiTCHBLaCK5580d ago

I Must agree with you guys.

There are things that the PS3 can do that the 360 cannot, many
things moving on the screen at once just to name one thing.

So no matter How many discs you have on the 360 It cannot
change the 360's Tech, That is Impossible.

So This means 1 of 2 things, 1. Both versions will be Gimped, or
2. One version will be better then the other.

This also means that SE Has to keep the 360 in mind when creating
the PS3's version, otherwise the 360's version will be gimped.

JokesOnYou5580d ago (Edited 5580d ago )

"The team is targeting to create an equal experience on both the 360 and the PS3, so there are no limitations. For example, right now we're working on the PS3 version first, and once we've completed that we'll really know how much game there will be to fit onto the Xbox 360 discs."

How in the hell would the ps3 version be "gimped" by the 360 version if their working on the ps3 version FIRST and then "porting" their already finished work over to 360? lmfao thats like saying a game that was ported from 360 to ps3 made the 360 version worst, lol....obviously they are far enough along on the ps3 version that they have at least started porting the game over to 360 some of which was shown at E3, so unless you're implying that Square would go back and downgrade the experience/gameplay/cutscenes etc that the have already created on the ps3 version then 360 dev has very little to do with the quality of the ps3 version, which is exactly why they are responding to the paranoid sony folks who think they are "compromising" the ps3 version, NO as they said they will use multiple 360 discs to get everything on the ps3 version to fit on the 360 version, so why would they have to cut any CGI/story from the ps3 version? Honestly, IF FF ends up sucking its simply because frankly SE failed to deliver, just like any other game exclusive or not that somehow didn't turn out as expected. I'm not a fan of the franchise but from what I hear some FF's were extremely good and others were medicore, so either way who's to say SE is not cooking up another dud this time? Hell many ps3 fans were acting like the game was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread even when SE had announced long ago in 2007 they were utilizing their "multiplat" White engine for this game, lol all the BS hate didn't start until they announced it was coming to 360=

This is just SOUR GRAPES from ps extemists who are upset micro took one of their previously biggest exclusives.=


Raz5580d ago

is fap-worthy fems, a lá Fran in FFXII.

Seriously, how hot was she? ..Virtually speaking. ^_^

So yeah - screw the stupid game. Gimme jiggle-physics! That's not much to ask, is it?

cherrypie5580d ago (Edited 5580d ago )

Of course the Xbox 360 wont comprimise the PS3 version.

Oh, you poor poor souls.

The Xbox 360 and the PS3 are "pretty equal". You know how I know this? Because the DAVE SHIPPY said so. Who is "David Shippy"? (and Mickie Phipps) "two leading figures in the design of the Cell at the Sony-Toshiba-IBM design center"

"But can Shippy's insight on both console's processors finally answer the age-old debate about which console is actually more powerful?

"I'm going to have to answer with an 'it depends,'" laughs Shippy, after a pause. "Again, they're completely different models. So in the PS3, you've got this Cell chip which has massive parallel processing power, the PowerPC core, multiple SPU cores… it's got a GPU that is, in the model here, processing more in the Cell chip and less in the GPU. So that's one processing paradigm -- a heterogeneous paradigm."

"With the Xbox 360, you've got more of a traditional multi-core system, and you've got three PowerPC cores, each of them having dual threads -- so you've got six threads running there, at least in the CPU. Six threads in Xbox 360, and eight or nine threads in the PS3 -- but then you've got to factor in the GPU," Shippy explains. "The GPU is highly sophisticated in the Xbox 360."

He concludes: "At the end of the day, when you put them all together, depending on the software, I think they're pretty equal, even though they're completely different processing models." ...

Sony **ALWAYS** over-promises. Remember the "Emotion Engine"? "4D"? STOP buying into Sony's marketing. Bottom Line: PS3 has a obscure and unproductive Dev Environment, that is why Multiplats are better on Xbox 360. If anything, the Xbox 360 version will suffer because the Devs will waste time ($) trying to get equal performance from the PS3.

@1.31 "There are things that the PS3 can do that the 360 cannot"

You poor poor soul. No amount of wishful thinking from the SDF makes your wish accurate.

thesummerofgeorge5580d ago

Because they're obviously not going to do anything on the ps3 that they can't do on the 360, cause they committed to making them both identical. It's not for sure, but that's what one would be lead to believe, since they say they won't compromise one version, but then they guarantee the other version won't be different, that's rather contradictory. Anyway, I'm sure whatever I say will just enrage you either way. So fvck it.

MEsoJD5580d ago

not just for the fact that its a ps3 exclusive but have you seen the characters in 13??? All but one (lightening) seem really dull.

In 13 it seems like a much deeper story with better characters. I'm still getting 13 because hey I love final fantasy. ^_^

xTruthx5580d ago

Well the truth is they cant say otherwise or MS will rape them :)

JD_Shadow5580d ago (Edited 5580d ago )


Yes, all of us were ASLEEP during the last year, and none of us caught SE lying to just about everyone they can without any remorse and without any lesson learned during that year. Why should we believe them NOW?


So, are you getting paid by Dave Shippy every single damn time you bring him and his useless quote up? Because you seem willing to shove him AND that quote down our throats every time you get the chance. And you always mention it as if it's the very first time we've ever heard it and that you've said something about it.

Seriously, man, come up with a new argument (because it's not like no one has any counters for the quote, nor do they ever pay attention to the SDF line you label EVERYONE with. The latter is a reason you're at three bubbles and dropping right now).

kevnb5580d ago

time will tell, but I dont think this gen will be much different.

N4g_null5580d ago

Man it sure would be nice for SONy to make a JRPG that uses all of the cell power since you guys believe that Square is gimping their game for the xbox. I also wonder if any of you would be saying this if the game would have stayed on the PS3. So far I've played the demo and no one is out doing them right now not even crysis art wise. Tech wise well I've just played the demo and we all know FF doesn't really need that much tech to be a good game.

It seems like some of you are just mad that FF13 will not be the end game release that crushes the xbox 360. I understand most of you as a few of my friend have had the RROD and vow to never get any thing MS again.

There is one thing that I want to say about this HD console war. Games win contest like this not fans. SONY is starting to realize this yet I'm not sure they truly have the right type of creative heads working their right now. They have so much talent under them right now it is shame that all they are making is FPS and sims. The PS1 and 2 where not all about games like that.

I mean WOW square would really be putting them selves on the chopping block if some was to use all of this extra power in the PS3 for their own JRPG.d I wonder who could make such a game? Could the killzone 2 guys make a better engine for square to use?

Most of you seem to be alluding to the fact that you are wanting FMV in HD on the PS3 with FF13 rather than live graphics. That is what I'm seeing from your wording of the "some things that the xbox can not do" statements. Yet you do realize that the xbox can display blu ray content also, it has an ati card in it and yes ATI has drivers for blu ray content. I don't have a cell in my older PC but I do have an old 9800 and blu ray plays just fine on it.

You guys are forgetting the cell is great for sony because they don't have to pay Nvidia or ati for too much to make the cell but the problem is they still had to have the RSX in the PS3. Other wise we would see a lowr priced PS3 right now. Nvidia is bleeding sony and SONy's pride is hiding it. Other blu ray players are dirt cheap now and you can even get a rewritable drive for you PC for a good price now. If you guy remember Nvidia did the same thing to MS so did intel.

I'm curious what do you think the PS3 version will be missing? Is there any thing you can put your finger on?

Also you guys forget ports are not always made to be equal. A developer would love to make one version the ultimide version it makes things easier to sell. Like the PC port of this game should be pretty sweet just like all of the other PC ports from the consoles. For some reason developers tend to use that extra power when it really is there. Do you get what I'm saying? A little more physic here and a little more AI there is not seen by the gamers. A few more shader here or there is not really seen and that is about what every one is saying about these two systems. I mean devil may cry has like 30 guys fighting you and the shader effects fill the screen.

Also you've all played FF right what would these developers have to leave out if they made it on the xbox vs the PS3? Now if they had the almost unlimited hardware of the PC would they include these things?

The reason why I bring this up is we developers have to fight tooth and nail to make you pretty games that you believe are not holding up to the potential of your system. I'm here to tell you that type of thinking will make more developers leave your system. You have more people over detailing things just to get your approval yet they are killing their own designs. Most developers are not that lazy yet we do have limited resources, even on an HD game. HD modeling and texturing is very expensive and it would not be wasted on gimped ports.

Also you guys do know that the PS3 version is almost done yet is completely done engine wise. They are still making content like models and such. Also the Engine scale from the Wii all the way up to PCs. What is probably taking time now is asset creation and debugging in the different engines. What takes the longest to do with a game of this type is the light maps of the entire city.

If this game does not sell well then we may have witness the end of the PS era. Or better yet we may get the old Square back! HD gaming need more einhander 2!

xjxdoggggystyle5579d ago

so stop with the..OH they will gimp it cuz of microsoft throwing them the bag of money..that excuse is old....just like the guy hyping up the sony version of ghost busters.....and we all saw how that turned out..ownage on the 360 ...on a game...that the ps3 was lead console...straight from the devs i cant wait....for this game to go head to head..and when they say...360 version plays better/ looks better as all multi plat games do...ill sit back and watch the same excuses and sayings being thrown out there... such as...bags of money, lazy devs, UNCHARTED!!! KILLZONE!!!! RGB option isnt turned on on that ps3....its gimped bcuz 360 version ...ya know all the ones that are used daily in every article.... :)

+ Show (38) more repliesLast reply 5579d ago
MegaMohsi5580d ago

Did any of us really expect SE to say something different?

Scrooge McDuck5580d ago

My point exactly. Im pretty sure if they said ps3 with be better microsoft will sue for breaching the contract.

chaosatom5580d ago

lol, agreed. Otherwise, they will bankrupt themselves.

TheReaper425580d ago

well i sure as heck wouldn't expect them to just say "Yes, we are building this game on the LOWEST common Denominator"

although they already admit it when they said "both version will be EQUAL"

jessupj5580d ago

I think most of us, if not everyone, ps3 and 360 fans alike, know SE are just talking complete lies. We all know the game is def not going to be as good as it could be if it was still a ps3 exclusive. SE have just pissed my off jumping ship halfway through. Yes, making games is about money, but it's also about your passion for gaming. SE are just compromising anything they can to get a bit of extra profits.

I might sound like a butt hurt sony fan, but I hope SE fails miserably and goes under. Honestly, I'd rather this game have been exclusive for the 360 from the start so at least someone could have enjoyed a great game. But now both ps3 and 360 fans are going to be given a much more lackluster title all for the sack of money.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5580d ago
Forrest Gump5580d ago

Hopefully a lot,because if an entire Chapter is cut from the game due to disc limitations on the Xbox 360,I would be very concerned about Square Enixs direction.

Benjamin Bubba Blue5580d ago

Gumbo Shrimp, Saltwater shrimp, Cold water shrimp, White shrimp, Warm water shrimp

THC CELL5580d ago

in other words
xbox is f"cked

JasonPC360PS3Wii5580d ago

"but but Blu-ray is needed for games"

commodore645580d ago

I thought this was a ps3 exclusive?

Man_of_the_year5580d ago (Edited 5580d ago )

I don't get it?

How is xbox f'ed? There was no compromise to the PS3 version, and SE have already said that the games will be the same. So how is the xbox f'ed?

OHHHH i see now why you think that. Cause you are an ignorant angry Droid still upset that the 360 is getting a game that you thought not only was it going to be exclusive to the PS3 but that it was a game that would define what the PS3 can do and what the 360 can't...LOL you sorry A$$ pathetic Droid. I love it when douche's like yourself are so upset at things like this.

JasonPC360PS3Wii5580d ago

Yeah commodore64 this was a PS3 exclusive once, and droids all said it was never going to the 360, much like Metal Gear.

joevfx5580d ago

metal gear didnt go to the 360. a Raiden game went to the 360. theres a big difference. It aint a metal gear game without snake.

ultimolu5580d ago

Hey Jason, 360 fanboys still aren't getting MGS4. :D

And I'm pretty sure Versus will stay exclusive, unless Square wants to make a bigger fool of themselves.

Gue15580d ago (Edited 5580d ago )

Wasn't Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon on 4 discs and some
early areas were restricted when you were later on the game? That's the whole point of having everything in only one disc.

So what you were saying again?

OMG so owned. LoL =)

Doesn't this sounds kinda strange?

Kitase: "So we don’t know how many discs it’ll be housed on for 360, but there won’t be a chance that we’ll compromise anything because, oh it didn’t fit in the 360 discs so we’ll have to take it out of the PS3 version, or vice versa."

Man_of_the_year5580d ago (Edited 5580d ago )

What do you mean "And I'm pretty sure Versus will stay exclusive, unless Square wants to make a bigger fool of themselves."?

How do they look like fools? SE thought that the PS3 would have a greater install base due to the install base of the PS2. Now they need to get their game out but won't see positive returns if they only released it on the PS3. So they went multiplatform. The same reason could be given for FF XIII VS. And its not like Vs is the anticipated game. FF XIII is the most anticipated FF game right now, don't fool yourself thinking FF XIII VS is the better of the 2 FF XIII games just because Vs is still exclusive.

Even though Snake is not going to be in the Raiden game means nothing. The Title is still MGS. So yes an MGS game is going to the 360. If it wasn't an MGS game, there wouldn't be a MGS in the title.

LO had no restrictions, it was very linear and you didn't need to swap discs back and forth...unless you are talking about Blue Dragon, then you may be right since i have yet to play that game. And with the option to install all FF XIII discs on the HDD, i don't see too many issues. Atleast those that have a large enough HDD and available me =)

ultimolu5580d ago

Man_of_the_Year, no one knows how much Square will have to cut out to make the game equal on both consoles. If Versus ever goes multiplatform, it will be the same exact thing.

Man_of_the_year5580d ago (Edited 5580d ago )

Again what do you mean "no one knows how much Square will have to cut out to make the game equal on both consoles"?

How do you know that anything will be cut out? Your quote says that things will be cut out but nobody knows how much. Why do you think anything will be cut out? SE have said that both versions will be the same. Are you saying you know more about the game and the development of the game than SE does?

Or is your fanboyism/fangirlism clouding your mind. Are you one of the many PS3 idiots that are still really hurt over a GAME going multi-platform from a 3rd party developer?

Your comment is full of ignorance and assumtions yet you say it as if there was some kind of common knowledge that the 360 version is going to be the dumbed down version.

I am glad i have both consoles so that i do get the option to choose which console to get it for, but what are YOU going to do if like the other 90% of multi-plat games, the superior version is on the 360, dispite multiple disks?

ultimolu5580d ago

Man_of_the_Year, you're an idiot.
Learn how to read. I said that no one knows how many disks the 360 version will be or if things have to be cut out. And you honestly believe Square? The same Square who claimed they would work on the PS3 version first and yet there was a demo at Microsoft's conference?

Good for you if you have both consoles. I don't care. Owning one console doesn't stop me from enjoying games.

And look who's f*cking talking about fanboyism? Says the guy who calls PS3 fans droids.

Get the hell out of here.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

That's all I heard from you.

Get over yourself.

Amplitude5580d ago

To start, the 7.1 uncompressed PCM sound will be cut out of the 360 version - which is something practically all PS3 exclusives have had.
So, since the 360 doesn't have the disk space nor the hardware to decode uncompressed audio in real time, it will either be cut out of the PS3 version (in which case, the audio has been compromised), or PS3 owners will get a feature that 360 owners dont.
So, it's either the PS3 version will have better audio (compromised), or the 360 will - yet again - fvck up another multiplatform game due to their cheap POS hardware.

Seriously. The 360 has ruined "next-gen" gaming this year. Countless times, games are obviously toned down for the 360. Look at prototype for christ sake. Now look at inFAMOUS.
Anyway. Point is, no matter what, the uncompressed audio either will not be on either system, or will only be available on PS3.

evilmonkey5015580d ago

So basically, this article says, well try and make em the same, but this game is maximized for the ps3 first and foremost. :) Uncompressed, multi-language and on one disc.

user39158005580d ago

Another title that has to be sacrificed due to sony PS3 inferior hardware and lack of buffer, frame rates, and mediocre visuals. I for one most said that sony should get out of the market once and for all, they are a worthless company that dont know anything about design, gaming, hardware, software nor reliability.
About the only thing they can do right its sucker up fanboys by the millions and its enough to keep a broken company going.
Sony sucks forever and there is no product worth buying from them except UMD LOL, WAIT THEY DONT MAKE THAT ANYMORE poor psp owners, go on and cry, tell some one about yuor broken feelings or suck your thumb and go to sleep since your panties most be wet by now.

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PirateThom5580d ago

I don't know where development of FFXII stands anymore.

First, they said 360 development wouldn't start until the PS3 version was finished.
Then, they had 360 English gameplay at E3 and that the 360 version was two months old.
Now, they're working on the PS3 version first?

I dunno, if the PS3 version is finished and localisation has already started, where's the game?

SpoonyRedMage5580d ago

Well the parts they're working on on the 360 are already finished on the PS3.

You know even if FFXIII is ready to ship right now it still won't get released because if you haven't realised they've just released a new Kingdom Hearts and at the end of the summer they're releasing a new Dragon Quest. No way are they going to have their three biggest cash cows going to market at the same time! That's just common sense!

vhero5580d ago

PS3 version is almost finished most probably but need localization as its due out in Japan long before its out over in US/Europe.

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The 7 Best Final Fantasy Characters: Unveiling the Legends

While FFVII ranks highly, there's more to the series than one game. Here's Chit Hot's picks for the seven best Final Fantasy characters.

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The older it gets, the more I respect Final Fantasy XIII

Alex Donaldson: "Hindsight is a hell of a thing, however, and in the years since Final Fantasy XIII, my respect for the decisions its developers made has skyrocketed. In the two Final Fantasy titles since we see both the brilliance and the folly in alternative approaches - and in Final Fantasy VII Remake, we get a more nuanced understanding of what FF13 was trying to accomplish from many of the same development leads."

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Einhander1972277d ago

FFXIII is actually one of the best Final Fantasy games.

I also sort of was disappointed at the time, never as much as the bandwagon. But really all the fantastic 3D rendered cutscenes and I actually liked the characters and the story though convoluted was actually fantastic and the ending was extremely emotional. So much budget and time were put into that game Square had such big plans, I actually have always felt kind of bad for how things played out.

I have been thinking for years how great it would be to get all three games on one disk for PS4 or 5.

Nyxus277d ago

I always liked this game, and I agree, a rerelease for current gen would be nice.

Shane Kim276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

Gotta take off the nostalgia glasses. It's the worst FF. Shiva as a bike, I mean come on.

Elda276d ago

Shiva as a bike is strange but saying FFXIII is the worst FF is not at all a fact, that's simply your opinion.

Terry_B275d ago

*One of the 3 equally bad FF's

DivineHand125276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

When I got my series X a year ago, I bought FF13 for nostalgia reasons but ended up being disappointed. When I first played it around the time it launched, I didn't have a lot of experience with final fantasy games, so I enjoyed it. Fast forward to when I played it again, I found that the game had many unnecessary filler moments instead of just giving us meaningful content.

The game is also very linear and a quote on the article said it best. "It is like a sewage pipe that leads to the ocean until it opens up on Grand Pulse."

The story didn't make much sense either and I believe it is my mistake as I played the FF7 remake on PS5 prior which is a night and day difference in terms of pacing, storytelling and likeable characters even though cloud is aloof.

FinalFantasyFanatic276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

Probably was a mistake to play any of the golden era FFs first (e.g. FF6 through FF10), it makes it harder to enjoy some of the FFs that aren't as good. I think FF12 was where major issues with the series started becoming apparent, and it just got worse from there.

FinalFantasyFanatic276d ago (Edited 276d ago )

I didn't really care for it that much, the only saving grace was that it had a better story than 15 (overall it was better than 15) and possibly 12, and even then, you had to read some of it through primers, like reading a book. Plus the battle system was reasonably fun for what it was, even if it was more the spectacle that was exciting for me (e.g. summoning). And to be fair, the 13 trilogy got better with every games, I still don't like Snow though.

Gamingsince1981275d ago

Ff13 is only good if you haven't played a ff before, or any other games that are decent for that matter.

-Foxtrot275d ago

It is in fact no way the best Final Fantasy game, it's one of the worst

Linear corridors, Cutscene, Fight, Cutscene...rinse and repeat

Dialogue and characters are pretty bad, especially Lightning as the main FF hero, they literally said they tried to make a "Female Cloud" and they failed.

Story was pretty awful

I could go on

I think the only alright thing that came from the game was the music.

Elda275d ago

That's not a fact that's your personal opinion. The game sold 11 million copies between its 2009 release up until 2014 including critically reviewed as an 8 out of 10 or an 80 out of 100. The game does have some issues but it's not at all a fact as one of the worst FF games.

-Foxtrot275d ago


Not just mine mate

A large majority


Traecy275d ago

N4G commenters such as yourself aren't the majority. The game was well received.

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gold_drake277d ago (Edited 277d ago )

i liked the game alot but i didnt like how they handled the terminology.

i dont mind reading data logs but it had soo many.

but i always loved the music and how it looked. the battle system wasnt too bad either.

but i like 13-2 more :)

i still dont understand why we never got a remaster of the trilogy

Eonjay275d ago

Xbox kinda did. Besides the video files of course which are still best on PS3 due to bluray.

Snookies12277d ago

XIII is a pretty solid game, but XIII-2 is WAY better. XIII-2 was one of the few games I decided to go for a Platinum trophy in, early on. Had so much fun the entire way through getting it too!

Eonjay275d ago

Totally agree. FF 13 was okay but 13-2 is my favorite FF game ever.

shinoff2183277d ago (Edited 277d ago )

I hated this to when it released. I haven't much liked a ff game since ff10 as much , aside from ff7remake. I decided to give it another shot on my series x since it's not on a current ps and was liking it quite a bit(just takes me some time to get over things ) until star ocean 2 remake came out I was all over that.

Square should definitely remaster it or something for ps4 ps5

KillerB276d ago

my favorite jrpg trilogy ever

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Interview: Making music with Masashi Hamauzu

Square Enix Blog: "How do you compose iconic songs that help define a legacy? We speak to legendary composer Masashi Hamauzu about his work on Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XIII, and Final Fantasy VII Remake, and how to make unforgettable music."

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