
Pocket-Lint: Virtua Tennis 2009 Review

Pocket-Lint writes: "Infectiously appealing, the Virtua Tennis series has been a big hit with gamers for almost a decade. Originally appearing in the arcades before a pair of appearances on the ill-fated Dreamcast console, it's blend of immediate simplicity and well hidden depth has helped make it one series that all gamers keep a keen eye out for."

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A retro gaming guide to Wimbledon

This feature aims to aid you when watching Wimbledon this year, because with so many matches going on in the next fortnight it's sometimes hard to know which ones to watch.

With this in mind it looks to recommend specific players to watch if you're a fan of a certain gaming series or title. So without further ado, let it serve you up some suggestions…

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Old School Multiplayer Games We Can't Get Enough Of

Call of Duty? Nah, let's take a break and get some of these games on.

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ThichQuangDuck4276d ago

Why does nothing from this generation multiplayer wise really feel like it will be truly missed? Over sequelization and feautre creep. The cost of high production values.

tdogchristy904276d ago

I already miss halo 3...then they cod'd it with reach and 4.

A7XEric4276d ago

I don't really see it with Reach, but def Halo 4.

ThichQuangDuck4276d ago

Halo 2 was my personal favorite,but Halo 3 was still. Great the companies become so obsessed with making money rather than keeping the core of what made series great

tdogchristy904276d ago


I miss the fun antics arcadie, almost college buddy pick up and play feel it had. I guess a lot of that comes from my enjoyment in college. It was almost like a "party shooter" just fun.

Knight_Crawler4276d ago

Well said Thich...one game that I miss from this gen and wish they made another one is Lost Odyssey.

paydayp4276d ago

i just reply about this in a ni no kuni thread to guy who said he hasnt play a good JRPG since the ps2.

lost odyssey was so great loved the text stories and how they were set up with the sound and art. it worked so great.
the overall story was great also there´s still so much potential for a sequel. i would love it

kristoforsparrow4276d ago

The majority of my favorite multiplayer games are on the N64. That console was built with multiplayer as the focus, with 4 ports for controllers.

EddieNX 4276d ago

The Gamecube and wii were both great multiplayer consoles and so is now the wiiu.

It only take a go of Nintendo land , NSMBU or Rayman legends Demo to see this console is trying to keep local multiplayer alive and kicking...

Y_51504276d ago

I had a blast playing Rayman Legends at my local Gamestop with my Bros. Can't wait till it's time for me to get a Wii U!

Blastoise4276d ago

Bomberman! Had that on the Snes. That was a classic multiplayer game

Venoxn4g4276d ago

its amazing, I'm still mad at konami that there are no news (or maybe even cancel) or Bomberman 3DS

paydayp4276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

wasn´t bomberman owned by hudson soft who went bankrupt?

Venoxn4g4275d ago

@paydayp Konami bought Hudson

Cam9774276d ago (Edited 4276d ago )

Here are some old MP games I enjoyed playing alongside mates:

• 007 NIGHTFIRE - a classic! This game had fantastic MP, I would love a HD remake.

• CONFLICT: Global Storm - acting like a fireteam with my friend where one person takes a buddy and the other does that too before departing down a different path was great fun! I personally loved the desert level with the Jeep.

• MOH (PS1) - OOoh yes, this game had funny personas and great gameplay; in my books, another worthy classic.

TheFirstClassic4276d ago

Still play mario kart and smash bros with some buddies from time to time, the n64 was the best system ever for local mp imo.

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Ten Gaming Tens For Ten/Ten/Ten

Connor Beaton writes: "It’s a day not quite as important or well-recognised as, let’s say, November 5th 1955, but this Sunday falls on the tenth day of the tenth month of the year twenty-ten, and that deserves at least some recognition. One of my local coffee shops has decided to slash the price of their coffee to ten pence at ten o’clock in the morning since this Sunday nicely coincides with their tenth birthday. Unfortunately, gamers don’t really have anything to celebrate today, nor does any form of commemoration seem to be incoming from any developers or publishers. In response to this injustice, we’ve compiled a list of ten gaming “tens”, most of which rely on bad puns and stale jokes. Enjoy!"

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