360Sync: X-Men Origins: Wolverine Review

360Sync writes: "X-Men Origins: Wolverine has a lot going for it, especially since the game officially falls into that ill-fated category of movie tie-in. Not only does it let you control one of comic's greatest anti-heroes but it allows you to do so with a great deal of flair, control, and bloody violence. This is a hero whose entire arsenal is a set of adamantium coated claws and serious attitude, which begs the question; just how many ways can you slice and dice a human opponent?

To this end, the developers utilized a graphics engine that hits home just how insanely dangerous Logan really is as he tears through a literal army of opponents. Kill animations are bloody and amazingly varied with virtually nothing held back as you sever heads, impale chests, gouge eyes and tear enemies completely in half before flinging their bloody entrails at surrounding opponents. Another amazing effect is Logan's mutant regeneration ability which looks absolutely fantastic on screen..."


5 of the Best Underappreciated Licensed Video Games

BY MOSHE SWEET: These are the best licensed video games that are not Spider-Man or from the Batman: Arkham series.

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offtherecord348d ago

I had a blast with a Bugs Bunny game on PS1 as a kid. It is probably trash now but at the time, it was awesome.

purple101347d ago

"50 Cent: Blood in the sand"

Ps3 scored 6/10 all round loads of review sites but was so much fun while not a technical masterpiece in any way has a worthwhile engaging story and script and of course an unbeatable soundtrack.


Cues That Marvel's Wolverine Should Take From The X-Men Origins: Wolverine Game

As Insomniac looks to bring Marvel's Wolverine to the gaming world, developers can take inspiration from the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game.

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With Jackman's Wolverine coming back to movies, it's the ideal time to play the best Wolverine game

Everyone's favorite spandex-wearing, cigar-chomping Canadian furry hasn’t been in many games – so it’s time for the X-Men Origins: Wolverine redemption arc.

darkrider575d ago

Both teasers are very cool. Yes, sony will hit the jackpot with another billion dollar franchise in the works, but 2024 is still far...