
Nintendo Life First Impressions: Muscle March

Muscle March stands out for several reasons. First it's a port of an arcade game (anyone know what the cabinet for this looked like or what the controls were like?), second it was published by Bandai-Namco, one of the largest and oldest Japanese game publishers, and finally it involves guiding a bodybuilder (or polar bear) in pursuit of a protein powder thief through openings in walls made by said thief, through a variety of landscapes, by adopting different body-building poses.

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Shnazzyone5504d ago

Is this homosexual... or just seriously and androgynously messed up?

deshon095504d ago

is this all nitendo has for it fans not cool quite lame

Myst5504d ago

..I..I'm scared...

Yet it doesn't seem to bad judging from the comments on the article, though I wonder how many people are going to take the characters as role models and start pumping some iron.

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Video Games You Will Be Judged for Playing

vgPWN: "Most gamers have impressive libraries full of huge hits; but hidden among those gems just might be a few embarrassing titles."

DarkOcelet2910d ago

Some games are meant to be played alone :D

2910d ago
popopdc2910d ago

haha, I am guilty of playing a couple of these

ChrisW2910d ago

A couple of these you'd be judged for NOT playing!

scottypops2910d ago

what's the shame in playing Just Dance?

equal_youth2910d ago

Just bought onechambara ^^ judge me pls:P

Godmars2902910d ago

At this point what game aren't you judged for? People who play Gone Home judge those who play GTA, multiplayer games judge singleplayers especially if they don't play multis with them, and speaking from my own perspective I certainly judge those who play FF13, admit to it's flaws, yet still defend it as a "good" game.

KentBenMei2910d ago

Everyone should judge people who play Gone Home.

Chocoburger2910d ago

I really liked FF13, it is a good game, judge me all you want. I won't let it affect me.

Godmars2902910d ago

Yeah, thing is do you realize/admit that it -and only talking about the first game here- was the most linear entry in the whole of the franchise, that there was no narrative, that the characters did nothing but rather just moved from scene to scene and that as the player all you were allowed to do was move them from scene to scene?

Square made two other whole games to try and legitimize what they did with the first, and even then they distanced those efforts. Threw out whatever central theme it supposedly had. Lightning went from being a rebel -without a clue- to types of willing goddess/servant.

Featuring_Dante2910d ago

Still complaining about a game that was made almost 7 years ago, and preaching it for that matter.
Life must suck pretty bad for you.

Youngindy212909d ago

I actually liked FF XIII. Enough to beat it and we all know Final Fantasy games are long.

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Wii-rd Games: Muscle March

Sven Wohl writes: "When I started this series of articles, I had a couple of games I really wanted to cover from the very beginning. Muscle March is among these titles and for some very good reasons: It’s probably one of the strangest games I’ve ever played to date and also one of the most interesting games the Wiiware service has given us. It’s also very fun and quite unique, but let’s dig deeper, shall we?"

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The natural order of things

Stephen Beirne writes about keeping women, the Irish, nerds, and others in their proper place within the realm of video games, which celebrates these diverse groups with nuanced aplomb echoing the real world.

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