More Splinter Cell Double Agent Pics

Ubisoft released today some more images of the Xbox 360 version of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent.

FamoAmo6603d ago

This game looks great. A couple of the screens look like art work? But anyway can't wait for this one the Splinter Cell series is one of my favs!!

Cyclonus6603d ago

and those are actual gameplay shots-and before any PS3 f@gs chime in, there IS NO HUD in this game.

And unlike MGS: Matrix, this game doesn't need to wash the screen in green to hide bad textures.

ACE6603d ago

another gr8 game on the 360 ,,,,,

the pictures look amazing ,,, i havent seen the ps3 turn anything close to this quality ,,,,

lol and if it does come to the ps3 then they prob would have to water it down lol!!

achira6603d ago

have you tomatos on the eyes ? the graphic gets worser and worser when new screenshots arrive. this game has no chance against MGS4. only another fps, boooooring. this game comes to the ps3 too, but who wants it to have when there are far better games ?

Marriot VP6603d ago

ohh you mean the MGS4 cutscenes, the not ingame stuff. Dream on and until MGS4 releases some ingame videos I'm not giving it any support.

Cyclonus6603d ago

SC isn't an FPS, you idiot chimp. And it sh!ts all over MUGS4....thats why Snake commits suicide; he's distraught over being a PS3 game.

OutLaw6603d ago

I agree with Paul, all I saw so far from MGS4 is cutscenes. I haven't seen that game in action to say it's better than Splinter Cell double agent

achira6603d ago

outlaw you are principle right, but even MSG3 will be better, surely not graphicly. but it will have better gameplay and better ideas, than this game.

TheMART6603d ago

Achira well that's interesting.

Where did you play the game to say gameplay is better and it has better ideas? Tell me.

If not and you have links on the internet put them here please. With facts, not with Sony lies

FamoAmo6603d ago

MGS4 is competing with GOW not Splinter cell!! Let me say a quote from a media guy at E3 "After just playing the first level in GOW I can honestly say its gonna blow MGS4 out of the water"....And thats the real deal!! Don't compare 1 of PS's best titles to splinter cell.. You can compare to GOW OR H3 but then you ain't got sh!t to say!

FamoAmo6603d ago

PREY will have better gameplay then MGS4.. That releases July 11th in the US and after 11 years of development it's gonna wreck sh!t including MGS4!!

Grown Folks Talk6603d ago

a fps to sony fans? can you not see? oblivion...fps, mass effect...fps, lost odysee...fps, alan wake...fps, star trek legacy...fps, marvel: ultimate alliance...fps, ect, ect, ect. let me break it down so you understand. first person means you see what the character sees. so if it's first person, you can't see the character on the screen (unlike sam fisher) you see what they see if you were there. if splinter cell is a fps, then mgs4 is a fps. 1 last time, first person, can't see the character, 3rd person, can see the character, over the shoulder, can see most of the character. do we all understand now?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 6603d ago
pRo loGic II6603d ago

achira MGS4 will have better gameplay to you as it is you're opinion my opinion is, hiding in boxes and playing with fuced up camera angles is stupid.

Sphinx6603d ago

Hiding in boxes... in the newest one, Snake will make a fort out of the boxes, some chairs, and some bed sheets!

MISSY E6603d ago

You forgot about the beeping?!?! and the booping ?!!?!, (?) marks over peoples heads.

Bill Gates I Am6603d ago

Release day, I'll be there, first in line, kickin' ass and takin' names Sam Fisher style.


dfb19776603d ago

Big fan of this series and the new story sounds awesome. Can't wait

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Looking Back to 2006 With Splinter Cell: Double Agent - Blurred Lines

Darren writes: "Splinter Cell: Double Agent certainly wasn’t afraid to tread new ground in 2006, introducing events that would change the series forever."

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Watch Ninja Gaiden II, Fable 2, Fable 3, and Splinter Cell Games Enhanced for Xbox One X in Action

Microsoft presented a new batch of Xbox 360 games that received Xbox One X enhancements via Xbox One backward compatibility, and here you can watch how they run.

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RizBiz1928d ago

Nothing wrong with more games. As someone who just fundamentally hates xbox, I am pretty jelly that xbox gamers get real BC.

1927d ago Replies(2)
1927d ago Replies(1)
Gaming4Life19811928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

Finally ninja gaiden 2 is BC, I've been waiting on this since they announced BC.

Bane351928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

Yeah i thought ninja gaiden was gonna get remaster because it wasnt announced for backwards compatible til just now tho i would've been up for joy if they announced max payne 3 for backwards compatible today instead

hiawa231928d ago

I am so wanting MP3 on BC and X1X enhanced

Bane351928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

@hiawa23 i think R* has plans to remaster MP3 at this point

Z5011928d ago

You couldn't play your copy of NG2 before this announcement?

Bane351928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

No it just became backwards compatible today

Movefasta19931927d ago

not everybody still has their 360, that's why

Z5011927d ago

Kept your game, but no console to play it on?
No one sells 360's anymore?

EddieNX 1928d ago ShowReplies(1)
bluebenjamin1928d ago

Ninja Gaiden 2 is the main game I wanted bcthen alone one x enchanced is this game is more fun than bloodborne

Gwiz1928d ago

No contest,souls games are overhyped for difficulty.

bluebenjamin1928d ago

Very overhyped just because of difficulty not because of fun

1927d ago
Movefasta19931927d ago

facts, once you beat a souls game and do ng plus, you have the game downloaded. Once you return to ng1 and 2 you still can get your ass handed to you lol, the regular enemies are a threat, still attacking even when they are on the ground dismembered.

Gaming4Life19811927d ago

Agreed dark souls, bloodborne, and sekiro are overhyped games and dont compare to ninja gaiden 1 & , ninja gaiden 3 sucks.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1927d ago
Z5011928d ago

What does BB have to do with NG2?
Why not insert Contra Shattered Soldier while you're at it.

bluebenjamin1928d ago

Ninja gaiden was once considered one of the hardest games ninja gaiden 2 has rpg elements so does bloodborn they have similar combat but ninja gaiden 2 just looks better doing it plus its fast pace and flashy combos removing limbs of foes remember 360 put more enemies on screen than ps3 on this game 360 had more dismemberment of limbs than the ps3 vs.360 had a better gpu but ps3 still to this day has an awesome cpu the ps3 had the prettiest ninja gaiden because of native 720 p while 360 pushed 640p now the one X has both higher rez and 360 style dismemberment But Ok for you contra ps2 version and nes

1927d ago
1927d ago
Movefasta19931927d ago

I do think ninja gaiden 1 and 2 are better than souls games, but they aren't even comparable

Z5011927d ago

Again. Why'd you pick BB?
Ninja Gaiden has ninja dog mode = easy
NG2 has a jump and block button
BB has none of those.

You could've picked a Devil May Cry or Bayonetta game. They're more similar to NG2 than BB.

What does PS3 have to do with this announcement? Your insecurities are showing.

Gaming4Life19811927d ago

I think they are being compared because of difficulty but I dont even think that is comparable imo. Ninja gaiden games are better though that's just facts.

Hungryalpaca1927d ago

And Forza is Better than MARIO Kart!!!!!

See how stupid that sounds?

bluebenjamin1927d ago

No Mario Kart is the best racer ever almost anyone can play

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1927d ago
timotim1928d ago (Edited 1928d ago )

Amazing news! NG2!?!? Three Splinter Cell games!!! Fable 2&3 (the first is already enhanced)!!! This is what separates Microsoft's version of BC from others...its that they enhance both the performance and visual quality of these titles to keep them current in a lot of cases, instead of playing them exactly how they played and performed back in the day. Whats even better...I don't need to do ANYTHING but download the new patch...amazing.👏

Keep it coming Xbox!

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More Splinter Cell Games Are Now Playable on Xbox One

Splinter Cell Blacklist and Splinter Cell Double Agent join the Xbox One backwards compatibility list. Xbox One is the home of Sam Fisher, it would seem.

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EnViiDisnuCCa2187d ago

I mean splinter cell did start on the xbox tho

Sgt_Slaughter2187d ago

As well as every other console at the time. Heck, even the N-Gage got a Splinter Cell game.

Tazzy2187d ago

I never knew Splinter Cell was on that that's crazy.

Sgt_Slaughter2187d ago

It was the first adaptation of the book so I imagine they wanted it on every platform they could.

Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, PC, Mac, Gameboy Advance, N-Gage, and Mobile.

RJ920092187d ago (Edited 2187d ago )

You know it was a timed Exclusive for the original xbox for almost year? Also had way better lighting and graphics compared to the game cube and pS2 version. So Technically it did start on xbox... 2002 November then 2003 sometime for ps2 and gamecube. I quick Google search will also confirm this

micdagoat192186d ago

First Splinter cell was exlusive to xbox for a while I felt like

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2186d ago
Sam Fisher2187d ago

Wtf are you talking about it was on almost every console, the only "exclusive" was conviction after that all others were multiplat

MattE2187d ago

Yep, original was only exclusive for holiday 2002 then it came to PC and other platforms the following year

Grown Folks Talk2184d ago

The 1st was originally exclusive to Xbox, & utilized the system's advantages. Worlds better than the PS2 or Gamecube versions. You couldn't shoot out most of the lights on PS2, & levels were constructed differently. Same with the old Ghost Recon games. Always better on Xbox, which IMO was why Playstation only people pretended SOCOM was good.

Yi-Long2187d ago

Absolutely loved Blacklist. My favourite game in the series. I only have the PS3 version though, so sadly I won't get to take advantage of this BC, unless a good sale comes along.

Jinger2187d ago

Ironside was missed in Blacklist though

Goldby2187d ago (Edited 2187d ago )

It was so weird not hearing his voice, and the fact they made Sam much younger.

And built in mechanics to reward people for not being stealthy. Kinda defeated the purpose of what Splontercell is all about

Switch4One2187d ago

It's gonna come to GWG eventually.

Vegamyster2186d ago

It's currently free on the XBL store, they haven't pulled it down from last night yet.

Switch4One2186d ago

You are thinking about Conviction

DaMist2187d ago

id be so happy if the mp servers would still be online...i wonder

micdagoat192187d ago

I want the Originals now so I can play them all in Order

2187d ago Replies(3)
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