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Is Rockstar still working on the PS3 exclusive?

PSU Writes:

"In June 2007, director of third party relations at Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) Michael Shorrock revealed on the Official PlayStation Blog that Sony and Rockstar had come to an agreement on developing a new PS3 exclusive.

"As part of our long standing relationship with Rockstar, and the incredible success for both companies with the cultural icon that is Grand Theft Auto, we've agreed to the PlayStation exclusive rights of the next great franchise from the Rockstar studios," Shorrock wrote.

"Rockstar really wanted to make a game that you can truly only do on PS3, harnessing the power of CELL and Blu-ray disc and this deal lets them do just that...This is really a win-win situation for both companies."

President and CEO of SCEA Jack Tretton further discussed the new agreement with Rockstar on Spike TV's Game Head show with Geoff Keighley, confirming that the unnamed project was not L.A. Noire and that Sony was able to release Take-Two from GTA IV exclusivity in exchange for acquiring the rights to the publisher's next franchise.

"What we're really excited about is the next great franchise from Take-Two and in exchange for letting them out of that exclusive (Grand Theft Auto IV), we've got the rights to the next great franchise from Take-Two."

So, what could the Rockstar PS3 exclusive be? Let's take a look."

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Confused5529d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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If it's a PS3 exclusive, Xbox 360 shouldn't be included.
cupogoodness5529d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
voice_of_ reason5529d ago

I doubt it's vaporware. It doesn't seem logical that Sony would just back out of a huge business deal with Rockstar.
"What we're really excited about is the next great franchise from Take-Two and in exchange for letting them out of that exclusive (Grand Theft Auto IV), we've got the rights to the next great franchise from Take-Two."
If Sony is willing to give up exclusivity of GTA IV, be sure they want something for it. No information doesn't necessarily mean no progress. Here's hoping anyway.

Jpinter5529d ago

I agree. If this is true:

"Rockstar really wanted to make a game that you can truly only do on PS3, harnessing the power of CELL and Blu-ray disc and this deal lets them do just that..."

Then the game probably is a 4-5 year project. I'm sure we will hear something soon.

Jamegohanssj55529d ago

Screw that. Just give me an exclusive GTA: VC and I'll be good.


MURKERR5529d ago

sony released exclusivity from gta iv because of the low instal base at the time so that next time around gta v could be exclusive as ps3s install base would be much greater by the time it releases, and considering rockstar have complained that they couldnt execute all of their ideas for gta iv due to lack of disc space and not every 360 having a harddrive it really seems likely

FlameBaitGod5529d ago

Well Sony made a 3 game contract with Rs, so one of em is bound to be in E3. If its not.... when r they going to start lol!

Death5529d ago

The system with the lack of disc space that doesn't have a HDD on all consoles has the longer game when you add in the episodic content. Apparently there is a way to make bigger games without Blu-Ray.

The install base has not grown enough to warrant console exclusivity again. If anything, the Xbox 360 has the larger install base, so why would they go with the PS3? You can forget creative freedom, it doesn't exist. Developers are in this business to make money. I can assure you that nobody at Rock* or Take Two has said "Let's take longer and make a more expensive game that sells half as well as GTAIV".


GarandShooter5529d ago

How does that episodic content work on those HDD-less consoles?

flOw5529d ago

Yea... i think it's Red Dead Revolver 2 ou Bully 2.

solidt125529d ago

I hope they announce a new IP. There are enough sequels out there and Sony has been going strong with new IP's so why stop now.

PotNoodle5529d ago

I don't know why it would be a GTA that is exclusive.. GTA's have never been exclusive to sony's platform before.

Jager5529d ago

if the Xbox 360 user base is all so larger than the PS3's, why did GTAIV sell pretty much 50/50 between the two consoles?

PotNoodle5529d ago

@ My disagree's, care to name a Playstation GTA exclusive?

andron5529d ago

They are exclusive to the PS brand at the moment, only on PSP and PS2. So technically you are incorrect Deathrow...

somekindofmike5529d ago

@ Death

"You can forget creative freedom"

Go tell that to Kojima,

PotNoodle5529d ago

andron666, i forgot about those. But none of the main GTA games have been exclusive to the playstation, the stories games were just spin-off's.

aksmashh5529d ago

How Much More Can They Push The 360?

I Think Games Like Infamous & Uncharted Are Making Them Change Their Minds Because If They Need To Bring A Game To Challenge Those. I Still Play GTA (Not Often) But Most My PS3 Friends Don't. Even Tho They Sold Loads But Its Clear Not Many People Bothered To Go Back.

ThanatosDMC5529d ago

Why would you want Vice City when there's a sexy San Andreas next to you?

Parapraxis5529d ago

ThanatosDMC , the 80's music!
There are few times when i've been playing games that were more awesome than listening to Sister Christian as I mowed down oodles of un-suspecting civilians in VC.

ThanatosDMC5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

I know, i love the 80's music too. I grew up listening to them while our driver drove us to school. But San Andreas is just all encompassing it has a desert,forest, mountain, etc. Maybe if they add an 80's music station?

Also, if y'all watch the video on the link:

Is that a new Lair game in the back of Jack Trenton and Geoffe?!?!?! Nvm... is this old?! ARGH!

JaPo5529d ago

You morons do realise 'new franchise' means essentially the same thing as 'new IP', right?

Things might have changed without us knowing, but based on this information, we're getting a new series. I bleeding hope it isn't GTA V, either way.

Consoldtobots5529d ago

and there it is folks.........360 owners got to play GTA-IV because SONY LET THEM HAVE IT. Now what is that all the fanboys were saying about Sony losing exclusives?/

lh_swe5529d ago

You know how well GTAV would sell, it would not only sell tons of games but consoles as well. The loyal following of the GTA franchise would have to purchase a PS3.

The Lazy One5529d ago

Go look at lifetime sales again.

It sold 50/50 for the first few months. It's closer to 60/40 now.

Elven65529d ago

Murrker: Why would Sony "release exclusivity" for GTA IV because of install base? Wouldn't they keep it because lets face it, GTA when exclusive can push consoles.

silenius5529d ago

I think the exclusive game they talk about is L.A. Noir...
If i recall right it was only for Ps3 while there was a rumor for Xbox version...

irish-leprecaun5529d ago

what does tgsi mean. pm me plz. thanx!!!

pain777pas5529d ago

The game will not be GTA5. GTA is the cash cow whore on every system and I for one am not complaining because GTA games are one of the few that you can play only that game and have played like 10 titles if you break everything inside up and they do a very good job with everything. Now LaNoire has been so quiet that you could say its a multiplat that is being optomized for the 360. I just don't know. Another Bully type game maybe? I have no idea all I know is that what ever game it is that will be exclusive from one of the sure fire developers like R* I am already excited at all the possibilities.

xxBATTLECATxx5529d ago

"You can forget creative freedom, it doesn't exist. Developers are in this business to make money."


a little bit of my love for gaming just died today. sad sad sad how the current is moving in todays gen.

No Way5529d ago

Haha. I would like to have a new Bully.
I hope they make Bully 2.
The first one was fun.

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lh_swe5529d ago

Who knows it could be another manhunt or bully for all we know. But since they said its soemthing that'll utilize the ps3 to the fullest it might even be an entirely new franchise.
Either way I'm happy, Rockstar make brilliant games and I'm definetly sold on any game that comes from them.

40cal5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

Its going to be a new IP, and I thought that this was a 3 game deal? I don't know if that means a trilogy, or 3 different IPs.

But yes I am sure that this will be one of the bombs dropped at E3 this year. Sony seems to be getting a lot of info out on its first party titles as of late like Infamous, MAG, Uncharted, and Heavy Rain. It makes since to free up some space for E3 if they have big 3rd party exclusives to show and tell.

Skyreno5529d ago

well it been said that they will put vice city ..liberty city and las vegas from each grand therft auto game maps into one big game together with all maps together hey it could be grand therft auto 5 or change name a bit

JaPo5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )


That hasn't been said. You may be getting confused with the PC mod which combines all three areas from GTA III, VC and SA.

Of course, the prospect is fairly awesome, but I don't think the execution will ever match the conception.

+ Ohmygod wowie I hope English isn't your native language.

Foxgod5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

Utilizing the power of the cell does not equal profit.
Since Rockstar is a third party developer, why in the world would they utilize the cell, if its gonna cost them money.

Not to mention that utilizing the cell isnt anything more impressive then utilizing the cpu of the competition.
E.g Gears of War 2 Compared to KZ2, there isnt much of a difference, besides some pre rendered smoke, which isnt featured in GeoW2 because the unreal engine doesnt support it.
However, the Crysis engine supports it, and will provide the 360 as well as the ps3 with real time rendered smoke.

ssipmraw5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

you can ask many companies that exact same question, like square enix, many Japanese games have sold quite well on the ps3 in japan compare to that of the 360s but they continue to support it.

Lou-Cipher5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

Why are you trying to compare Gears 2 to Killzone 2 graphically, when Gears 2 cant even outshine Uncharted, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (THE DEMO) Little Big Planet, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Wipeout HD (BTW this is just a PSN game)

BTW, it is not just the Cell that is very lucrative for developers wanting to make quality games, it is also the fact that they are not limited to only 7 gigs of storage.

GTA 4 took a large leap in the wrong direction, not because they didn't use the cell processor, but because they could not fit everything on a last gen DVD disc.

If GTA 4 did not add a multiplayer function, add better graphics, add better physics to the game, then the DVD would be fine. (but that is not the case, now is it?)

The bottom line is that we will never have a GTA game as good as Vice City or San Andreas, with next gen graphics, with 7.1 HD sound as long as it is limited to only 7 gigs.

PirateThom5529d ago

Heh, you'll never get an answer.

Square Enix supporting the 360 even though no one buys the games makes perfect sense, but Rockstar making a PS3 exclusive doesn't for some unknown variable.

Foxgod5529d ago

Dvd is not limiting games like GTA.
Dont forget that LA NOIR, Mafia 2, any many other sandbox games are all coming to the 360, and they look way better then GTA4.

But hey, if you prefer to life in your delusional fantasy about supposed power that the ps3 may have, then go ahead.
But i am telling you, and Sony themselves know it as well, The ps3 has no untapped power.
What you see is what you get, and nothing is holding it back, the ps3 simply cant do more then the 360.

PirateThom5529d ago

Nothing has been seen of LA Noire. Mafia 2 is, most likely, been only running on PC.

So, to say they "look better" doesn't hold any weight, if we haven't seen them on 360.

When the 360 has a game that looks like Uncharted and Killzone 2, please, do come back to me.

cereal_killa5529d ago

"Dvd is not limiting games like GTA."

"The Xbox 360 doesn't have a built-in hard drive as the previous Xbox and for retail games it uses DVD-9, which is starting to look outdated compared to the Blu-ray Disc solution used by the PlayStation 3.

One of the problems with the 360, and it affects games like Grand Theft Auto if you think about how much content we put in the actual machine, is the fact that they don't have a significantly larger storage medium than the previous systems. It's a slightly bigger DVD disc."

Shane Kim5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

Fúcksgod, stop crying and buy a PS3 if you want to play an exclusive R* game and tons of other great exclusives you bots can only dream about.

Pennywise5529d ago

Funny at one point of your worthless existence you xbots might of sounded like you actually had a point. Now you guys just seem deluded and desperate. It sounds like at this point, you spend more time spewing garbage from your mouth to reassure each other rather than convincing others. It just stinks of desperation.

Mr_Bun5529d ago

I love how Foxgod pretends he knows what he is talking about especially when he is proven wrong time after time...Ignorance is bliss apparently

Pennywise5529d ago

Ignorance is bliss to the ignorant guy. But to all the people having to read his BS, its annoying. Ignorance is annoying.

talltony5529d ago

Your the one living in denial if you think gears 2 is on par with killzone 2. If the ps3 has no special power over the 360 then please explain to me why nothing on 360 looks better than uncharted 1???? Oh wait your living in denial so you cant, never mind...

Salta_nelas5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

"E.g Gears of War 2 Compared to KZ2, there isnt much of a difference, besides some pre rendered smoke, "

...Seriously, lol.

Blind fanboyism at its finest. Just keep fooling yourself if it makes you a happier person, obviously you ve just proven you dont understand squat about games.

tawak5529d ago (Edited 5529d ago )

whats with the smoke?
man,he sure loves smoke =)

gambare5529d ago

The lack of sexual life makes Foxgod a sad boy

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voice_of_ reason5529d ago

Watch, it's going to be Table Tennis 2 lol. That would be one hell of a ping pong game though...

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Red Dead Redemption 1 Isn't As Good As People Remember It To Be

RDR 1 was a great game, but the lack of screen time for some characters, boring horse riding, and lack of mission variety takes away the fun at times.

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jambola4d ago

It's as good as you remember
Feels like one of those "10 HARSH realities of Re-watching" articles

just_looken3d ago

I love how it seems a extreme few remember that red dead redemption is red dead revolver 2.

red dead revolver now that is rough red dead redemption for its time was groundbreaking and it still has way better cover system/dlc/mp content then red dead 2.

I remember all the bugs the game had day one like donkey lady so dam funny

Cacabunga3d ago

RDR1 is a legendary game!!!

Really how to cope with a slow news day…

just_looken3d ago


I know i said that

Oh boy let me guess no one here knows what red dead revolver is

Or you all never played version 1.0 of rdr 1 i bet its that so many on here have the stench of being in gaming for 10 years at most.

Cacabunga3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Stop pretending being superior in knowledge to everyone else..

The article title is about RDR1 and the thumbnail also confirma that. No one (at least i dont) care about what you say about RDRev.

You are the only one who spoke off topic abt another game.
If it makes you glad that you are the only one who knows what RDRev is then congratulations.. just pathetic

“ red dead revolver now that is rough red dead redemption for its time was groundbreaking and it still has way better cover system/dlc/mp content then red dead 2.”

Oh and thanks for the laugh ..

jznrpg3d ago

They didn’t name it Red Dead Revolver 2. They named it Red Dead Redemption

neutralgamer19923d ago


It was made by Capcom until they gave up and R* bought the IP. Hopefully one day we get a complete remake of the original to bring it in line with rest of the series along with other quality if life features. Another great is Gun very under rated

On topic:

If we are going to compare RDR to current generation games then we will surly find some stuff that's lacking but for it's time it was a masterpiece and for me it's one of the best games I have ever played. I hope it ends up on Pc where nodding community can take full advantage and make the game even better. Other than that's no it's not overrated at all. We don't even get that many western games and it's to me the best one (yes better then RDR2)

jeromeface3d ago

is also so damn funny how no one agrees with you

just_looken12h ago


Really so that gaint R symbol on the box is just a myth


the disagrees with actual evidence just shows how many on this site ignore truth fact.

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shinoff21834d ago

Junk article. Game was dope and still is. The swimming part sucks though.

just_looken3d ago

It does but the game was made originally for ps2 back after san andreas so for the dev window and timeline it makes sense.

just_looken3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

red dead revolver was back in 2004

after this they were making gta iv and a squeal that became read dead redemption

But you all will hate this because facts are scary

"Red Dead [Redemption] has been in production for six years (mainly because of horrible management/lack of direction due to fear of disrespecting Rockstar NY) and it will never get the money back in sales it cost to create for those six years," claimed another source.

From a 2010 article hmm what is 2010 - 6 hmmm

The swimming in red dead one made sense for the time period and dev hell it was in

Again though it seems alot on here have 0 game knowledge before 2018.

jambola3d ago

Nobody asked about or mentioned revolver
Why are you bringing it up in every reply?

shinoff21833d ago (Edited 3d ago )

Just looken

I could agree with you about the swimming part but I was swimming my ass off in San Andreas which pre dates

Either way it's not a deal breaker and the game was dope af

-Foxtrot3d ago

I liked it a bit better because I didn’t think it had many “small nitpicky” things RDR2 had that on its own meant nothing but when a lot built up it was annoying. For example getting off your horse and you had to reselect your weapons again or walking around the camp slowly. None issues but built up with others sometimes it was a little frustrating at times.

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The Best Cowboy Games on the PS4

Yeeehaw! Howdy, partner! Saddle up and mosey on down to check out the best western-themed video games you can rustle up on the PS4 today.

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SimpleSlave13d ago

While not on the PS4, if you want a pretty imaginative and downright fun Cowboy game you should check out Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. Not only is it a great arcade FPS in its own right but one that has some Narrative Elements that interact with the Gameplay in a pretty surprising and novel way. Something a few of the AAAAAAAA games should be looking at in order to marry the Narrative with the Gameplay better.

The best part is that you can get it for a few dollars on GOG or STEAM during their sales.


25 Games We Want To See Get A Sequel

BLG writes, "Do you ever get that feeling after you’ve finished a game that you just wish there was more? Or do you spend years hoping and praying for a sequel that never comes?

This list compiles some of the top games we desperately want to get a sequel. Please give us more of our favorite games!"

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DefenderOfDoom224d ago

Would love to see a sequel to the 7th gen FPS campaign SINGULARITY from RAVEN Software..