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ONM - Punch Out!! Review (full transcript)

A full transcript of the UK's first review of Punch Out!! by Official Nintendo Magazine has been posted up on the High Def Geek website...

"In fact, it seemed to us that anyone who'd played the SNES and NES games would have no problem breezing through the 13 opponents, all of whom (with the exception of Disco Kid) featured in previous instalments of the series. And as we got to the thirteenth and final opponent after only an hour and a half, we feared this would be the case.

We were worried. Sure, anyone who hasn't played Punch out!! on the NES or its SNES sequel would indeed take a lot longer than a couple of hours to play through the game, and they'd probably get a lot more enjoyment learning how to defeat each opponent. But nobody's been looking forward to this game more than Punch Out!!'s long time fans, and as we finally disposed of our 13th foe, we couldn't help but feel let down by how easy it all was. We had this review all planned out in our head: "great for newcomers, but far, far too easy for Punch Out!! fans. 70%" And that's when things got interesting...."

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ChickeyCantor5626d ago

But its not a new IP....=(...*explodes*

A 9,1...well wasn't expecting bad scores.
Wonder if they will bring super punchout too.

eagle215626d ago

he lost to Glass love Punch-out!! :)

Labwarriorbot5626d ago (Edited 5626d ago )

Thats 5 times shorter than Heavenly Sword.
And the press went nuts on Heavenly Sword. Remember that people.

Its because one is on the PS3. And the other is not.

91%...I wouldnt have given this more than a 70%. I didnt expect anything less from the official Nintendo magazine though.

eagle215625d ago

Seriously, did you even bother to read the review? He lost to Glass Joe, if you want the details find out why he lost to the worst fighter in the history of boxing. And most people who haven't beat Punch-out!! will take much longer to get through World A. World A? If you read the article you can understand what World A means. :) lol

ZuperAmazingCooKie5625d ago

"But its not a new IP....=(...*explodes* "

Well it just shows you how lazy Nintendo can be and of course how willing they are to squeeze their old IP. Not like that's a bad thing but I wonder if the game is being *truly* judged by its own merits or if the nostalgia is making a few reviewers and consumers blind.

Not saying this is a bad game, I am as excited to play this one as you are, but in the midst of all these remakes, rehashes, last-gen ports, demos and shovelware wouldn't you be pleased if there was something fresh to be found? You know, like the competition has been doing every year...

Trebius5625d ago

You are a FUKCING idiot...

...that is all...

----------------------------- -----------
On topic:

I guess my Wii is gonna be dusted off when this game releases.

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infamous_275626d ago

The ssurprize is probably some sort of stripped down online mode :(

infamous_275626d ago

Actually its more likely a time attack mode!

raztad5626d ago

After reading the review my question was: Who wrote this, Nintendo PR bureau? and then I saw the name, Official Nintendo Magazine. Now Labotwarrior there is your 91%.

Worst thing is that game lacks a good multiplayer. Another casual game I suppose.

MasterChief36245625d ago

First time player here, and I downloaded the first Punch Out game for the NES via the Wii's virtual console. Already put about 10 hours into the game, and I still can't get past Bald Bull in one run, lol.

To extend playability, I rarely use passcodes. That's where a lot of the time comes from: Replaying the first few people :P

King Hippo had me completely puzzled. I had no idea how to beat him, lol. But finally I figured out his pattern, and I think he may now be the easiest opponent in the game. I have knocked him down 10 times, and each one, he is down for the count. That's why I think he's the easiest. Knock him down once, you're finished.

Great Tiger is who I get stuck on the most now. His patterns are recognizable, I understand them. But when he does his super uber punch thing, where he goes around in circles, if I lost my footing with my timing with just one of his punches in there, I'm screwed for the rest of it, for some reason. And he pulls those super punches out a LOT more in the last round of the fight. I just don't know how to defeat him before then. That's my problem, ha.

...Don't know exactly why I just posted this whole story about my experience with the original Punch Out, but oh well :P

Back on topic, I can't wait for this Wii one to come out. After playing the NES one finally, this one has shot up to the top of my list of most anticipated Wii games of the year, right next to Sin & Punishment 2 at number one, Klonoa at number two, and Pikmin 3 at number four.

Yay! :D

eagle215625d ago (Edited 5625d ago )

The best part about the Punch-out!! series are the puzzles, and once you master the fighters puzzles you wonder why you ever got whooped in the first place! This Wii Punch-out!! allows a fighter to learn from his mistakes after you beat him the first time. :)

SinnedNogara5625d ago

Well, I was wrong. I thought it was going to suck, but it turned out to be awesome (hope the same thing happens to The Conduit, and Overlord: DL). I have to play it at this point (still wish it had online).

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You can now play the classic NES game Punch Out in first-person via Doom Engine

DSOGaming writes: "Punch-Out and Doom fans, here is something really special for you today. Modder 'ddadd' has released a must-have total conversion Punch-Out!! mod for Doom 2."

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Community1580d ago

6 Franchises Nintendo Needs to Resurrect on Switch

The Punished Backlog's David Silbert writes:

"Nintendo is widely known for its deep, eclectic well of beloved franchises. From The Legend of Zelda to Wrecking Crew, there’s no library in gaming as rich in history or as popular among fans.

2019 is shaping up to be a banner year for Nintendo, with representatives from Mario, Fire Emblem, Zelda, and Pokémon all gracing the Switch platform before the year’s end. At the same time, there are still plenty of Nintendo franchises that lie dormant this generation, in desperate need of the “Switch treatment.”

While there are plenty of legendary series worthy of a revival, here are six in particular I would absolutely kill to see on Switch in the near future."

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dsilbert1912d ago
BlackIceJoe1911d ago

A new Golden Sun and Mother would be great, but I wish I wasn't the only one that wants a new StarTropics.

1906d ago

5 Franchises Nintendo Should Revive

With E3 2018 on the horizon, many are expecting a lot of surprise announcements. This includes progression on currently announced titles and new reveals. Nintendo has some of the biggest franchises in gaming but some have been put on hiatus. Here are 5 franchises Nintendo should revive.

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Community2329d ago
Fullmetalevolust2329d ago

Kid Icarus on the 3ds needs to be remade in HD, that game was really fun, the controls were a tad awkward and I'd cramp up. It'd benefit from a more comfortable controller. I really enjoyed my time w it. Advance Wars is a no brainer, come on Intelligent systems!

CyberSentinel2329d ago

2)Punch Out!
3)Kid Icarus (2D Metroidvania style)
4)Star Fox

gangsta_red2329d ago

Kid Icarus has the potential to be another Zelda. The very first game came out at the same time Metroid did and had many of the same gameplay elements. I'm sure it could be updated into a Zelda open world format.

Einhander19712328d ago

F-zero, Pilotwings, Kid Icarus, Starfox, Luigis Mansion 3 for switch.

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