
The Conduit 's Eric Norfsinger: "The game won't be for every one"

Eric Norfsinger answers the question, will this game be bought by casuals?

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avantgarde845622d ago

I doubt any casual will buy this but it would be great if it did happen.

Product5622d ago (Edited 5622d ago )

It would be nice for some casuals to become more traditional gamers, and what better game than The Conduit for them to make that transition. IMO

N4g_null5622d ago

I know casual FPS player and I will junk talk them into some lan parties then it's over! The hunter mode is going to be good.

Every one will be a casual player until they go to a lan party! Hell I never played quake online till quake 3 when we took over a computer lab at college and had a 32v32 play brawl with T1 lines LOL!

When I think about it this is what really sold halo 2 and 3 the lan parties. Also the wife is not playing wii fit all the time and a good FPS match will work up a sweat LOL.

The conduit controlls are Wii sports easy many that could not hang will join the ranks of hardcore FPS with this game!

SpoonyRedMage5622d ago

I think what this game needs is a marketting campaign. Madworld couldn't be advertised pre-wtershed because of the gratuitious gore but I think they could advertise this without showing the gore.

Just make it look cool.

N4g_null5622d ago

Conduit needs lan parties! That is all a knock down drag out contest with some of the best fraggers out there! Like quake con!

SinnedNogara5622d ago

@ scissor_runner

He!! yeah!!!!


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