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CoD4 cheater killing patch incoming

TVGB: "Infinity Ward's Robert Bowling has twittered that Call of Duty 4 on the Xbox 360 will be getting a patch soon that will eliminate cheaters. It's going through certification now and should be available soon."

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Columbo5627d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Lord Shuhei Yoshida5627d ago

The cheaters on Xbox Live are the typical xbots you see on N4G that have no skill in any games whatsoever.Halo 3 requires no skill simply because it mainly involves throwing grenades,jumping and hoping for the best.

Eiffel5627d ago (Edited 5627d ago )

This is Lord's entire life.

Notice certain time breaks, obviously scheduled masturbation.

Ace Killa 085627d ago

ur seriously mad at the xbox 360 comments why? u seriously just go to any post and really throw somethin negative. u have a pessimistic life and i feel sorry for you and for your sister

Mikerra175627d ago

this guy is obviously doing it to get you guys riled up chill out

BX815627d ago

The mighty troll has once again shown his sloppy head.

No Way5627d ago (Edited 5627d ago )

I would say that you are probably a cheater, too..
But, you'd hafta get off this site, and play some games, to be able to cheat..

Sooo, what's mommy cooking for dinner?

oldsnayke5626d ago

Lord, let me ask you this question...

Many of times have I seen people claiming that Call of Duty 4 takes "no skill" but I am left to wonder something. How am I always like 14 and 2 on Search and Destroy and my team mates can barely break a 1.0 k/d ratio? Clearly there is a skill-related element to my ratio otherwise I wouldn't be skyrocketing above my team mates.

I am in no way claiming that I am the best at Call of Duty 4, however, I am saying that I am quite good at the game and could hold my own against a lot of people. I have 40500 kills and 1500 deaths.

You're going to ask "How does this relate to what I am talking about in terms of Halo 3?" well it does simply because all games require skill to an extent.

Last night me and some friends were playing against some punks in a team tactical who claimed that they would "destroy us". Funny, we went like 750 - 200 on them. We beat them in a headquarters match and they said "This game takes no skill" but yet we were beating them. I think they insulted themselves by saying that it took no skill on our part to kill them as easily as we had.

Games take skill to be good at, but not necessarily to play.

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Mikerra175627d ago

I havent played this game for awhile, But I never noticed cheaters besides the occasional noobing.

Even though they made a great game, it seems like they didnt care about all of us and soaked up the money after the first map pack was released. Its good to hear they are doin something

XxSpiiKeZxX5627d ago

i notice them in Xbox Live though b/c of the modded control u know when someone uses a g3, etc. and is shot rapidly

I hope thios patch could fix this issue and not allow the modded control to work

sunnygrg5627d ago

IW has the time to implement these patches on the 360, yet my PS3 version's controller still doesnt rumble!!!

Ghoul5627d ago


well said im so sick of IW double standard. Especially since the Rumble can be ported to ps3 easiliy, its the same tech.....

DragonWarrior_45627d ago

You haven't seen half the stuff ive seen then. Ive seen people literally be invisible even though they were on my team. People flying in the air, again in invisible mode. It really sucks because they take the fun out of the game.

BadboyCivic5627d ago

i saw a guy run faster than Usain Bolt and jumped over a building..
he was on my team but also appeared invisible...

jack who5627d ago

cheating in COD4 isnt noticeable cause its a controller cheat aka modder controller which lets you shot faster(4 builets before you fire 1)...

2FootYard5627d ago

One time when I sniffed too much acetone I thought I was on planet Weezy but I was still on Earth.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III Coming to Game Pass July 24

Everything you need to know about Modern Warfare III coming to Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass.

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darthv7262d ago (Edited 62d ago )

Will be interesting to see what sort of numbers GP users draw in come tomorrow. It is believed that this is one many have been waiting for.

62d ago
thesoftware73062d ago


That is not accurate; this game is old, and most people who want it have already bought it. You might get a small number of subs, but we will mostly see a good influx of players(not new subs) from people with Game Pass who will try it, which is what happened with D4.

CoD: BO 6 will be the test for actual sub numbers.

darthv7261d ago

That's fair... seeing as many have been saying they want CoD in GP. My comment was more of , now that its here... what can it do. Im sure there will be other titles in the franchise that will either entice or turn off different users.

Bathyj61d ago

No one's buying a console and signing up for a monthly bill just to get this game to avoid buying it. That's ridiculous. Besides everyone bagged the crap out of this on release for the 4 hour campaign.

andy8561d ago

Sweet. Never got round to it on release. I'll give the campaign a go

chicken_in_the_corn61d ago

Severly underrated game. Big improvement over 2.


Why MW 2019 is still the best looking Call of Duty to date

MW 2019 is five years old at this point and on previous gen hardware, but it is still the best looking Call of Duty game to date.

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EazyC158d ago

MW was an excellent videogame. They messed up Spec Ops big time, but aside from this it was a huge step in the right direction initially. Most notably, at launch it seemed to come from a very cohesive creative vision that was felt across gameplay, to story to art style/visual direction. It was also very notably written by prominent ex-Naughty Dog guys that quit almost immediately before release.

That COMPLETELY dissolved through post-launch content and the full pivot to a "cross-mode" narrative that completely obliterated the cohesion in overall story direction. Warzone then "became" the new face of Call of Duty and the franchise completely removed itself from anything remotely creatively "good". It is a pure money machine, so I kinda get why they're doing it....but I personally completely lost interest.

I would love to see Infinity Ward move off CoD and get to make their own product with full control. They clearly have some massive talent in their ranks but it's perverted by Activision's corporate interests.


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