
Gamestop's The Conduit LM not what you think

Nintendo Dpad reports:
"We all heard about the Gamestop's Limited Edition of The Conduit and what exactly came in the pack but now it seems as though things are not what we first thought they were."

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avantgarde845633d ago

The ASE does look much better

Suga Shane5633d ago

I had planned on pre-ordering the game but when I heard of the Limited Edition I stepped it up and ordered it sooner than I was going to. Funny thing though, when I told the GS employee that I wanted to reserve it, first he asked me which system the game was for and then he and his fellow employee were clueless about the in-game upgrades......oh well I goss it!

Product5633d ago

Thats sad they dont even know what they are selling, but they do know when they are selling you a used title at a new price.

Shoko5633d ago

Like Killzone 2? Like Halo 3 (Single-player)?

And since when was being generic a bad thing? Also, we haven't had a stylized shooter ever since Bioshock. (And don't you dare say Fear 2)

roflmuffins85633d ago

The Secret Agent skin looks awesome. Since they refer to it as Limited Edition, won't they allow us to buy it later on as well as pre-order?

avantgarde845633d ago

hmm does that mean every body could potentially get this codes? does reserving your copy at Gamestop even matter?


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