
dbTechno: Gold's Gym Cardio Workout Review


"Gold's Gym Cardio Workout is, in my opinion, a great game to compliment Wii Fit. The game does a great job of allowing you to get a very strenuous cardio workout in to get those calories burning. If you aren't the type to get a cardio workout in by running on a treadmill, in place, etc. Gold's Gym Cardio Workout is well-worth checking out on the Nintendo Wii."

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Diehard GameFAN: What's Worth Keeping On the Nintendo Wii?

DHGF: These days I limit myself to a total of twenty physical copies of games per system. Yet for the past two console generations, I’ve have a hard time finding enough games to reach my maximum of twenty per system. That’s where you, the reader come in. With each column, I’ll give you my list of games I’ve found worth keeping along with a list of games I’ve reviewed for the system. Then begins what I hope to be an in-depth dialogue with multiple readers. You can name games you think I’d like that might make my permanent collection. You might suggest losing Game A in my collection for Game B that I haven’t played as well. It gives you a chance to say what games you would keep if you had to pare down your collection. It lets you get a better look at my preferences and tastes. Most of all, lets you recommend things to me instead of the other way around. After nine years of me reviewing hundreds of games, this might be a bit of fresh air for all of us. Let’s see what happens.

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GusBricker4858d ago

The only game on Wii that worth anything to my family is Wii Sports Resort and that's because my wife and boys love frisbee golf. If it wasn't for that, I doubt we'd turn on the Wii, honestly.


Nonsense Gamer - Nate Largent's Post-Holiday Buyer's Guide - (No)Nonsense Corner (Opinion Piece)

In a slightly more nonsensical addition to the (No)Nonsense Corner, Nate Largent of Nonsense Gamer writes:

"Christmas is over and you have a fat wallet thanks to the cash you received from family and from returning that copy of Rogue Warrior that Santa brought you.

What do you do what all of those dollars?

Let Uncle Nate tell you what to buy and what to stay away from…."

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5367d ago
5366d ago
5366d ago

Save Big on Wii Balance Board Games Sale at Best Buy

This week only Best Buy is having a sale on variety of Nintendo Wii games that utilize Wii Balance Board. List of games on sale include EA Sports Active, Gold's Gym Cardio Workout Jillian Michaelas Fitness Ultimatum 2010 and many more.

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ninfan5371d ago

Trying to stay healthy after New Years so just bought EA Sports Active> Nice find