
The Anti-Fanboy Manifesto

Binge Gamer intern Perry Piekarski examines fanboyism and explains why it is hurting the very industry it tries to support.

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Capt CHAOS5639d ago

I just wish the owners of this website would take not and maybe comment.

Leio5639d ago (Edited 5639d ago )

Fanboyism is needed it makes gaming communities more fun and alive (just imagine N4G with no fanboys)....but like all religions there are always some deluded extremists without any limits...

Montrealien5639d ago

(just imagine N4G with no fanboys)

I do everyday, and believe me, it would be a better place.

Incognegro5639d ago

Fanboyism is a good thing? I'll admit, it's funny at times hearing the verbal diarrhea that some people spew, but it stopped becoming so laughable when it was seen to be contagious, and everybody feels as if they have to defend their console if another just so looks at their respected console wrong.

It's just become so ridiculous that people blindly defend something that they hold no stock in. Sure it's human nature to defend what they like, but why does it have to be filled with hate to the point it's no longer defending but attacking? The internet's anonymity contributed greatly to this catastrophe. I doubt it will, but I can only hope that it gets better eventually.

DERKADER5639d ago

The 360 has crappy hardware and RRODs on you.
The PS3 has crappy software the XMB doesn't have cross game chat/game invites.
The 360 makes you pay for online.
The PS3 took away backwards compatibility.
The 360 doesn't come with wi-fi.
The PS3 doesn't come with HD cables.

If we hate on both consoles they both might get better.

Montrealien5639d ago

If we criticize both and discuss it in a mature matter while respecting someones valid complaint, that makes sense. But Hate never amounts to any good.

Incognegro5639d ago

Constructive criticism I don't have a problem with. That and competition is what breeds better products. That's one reason I don't get fanboys. They bemoan one product and act as if theirs is ultimately superior. They're not doing anything constructive to make their product that much better at all.

Without the competition, the experiences we have now wouldn't have happened. If Microsoft never entered the ring, do you honestly think that the PS3 would have the online support that it has now? No.. No trophies, in game xmb, hell maybe not even a PSN store or ID.

If the PS3 didn't have such a big first party studio, do you think Microsoft would feel so pressured to get 3rd party content to the degree that they are doing now? I highly doubt it.

Instead of acting as if each person's respective console is the greatest of all times, it's better to ask what can be done to make it better. And unless you're having problems with money, I really don't see the need to only rely on one console and that console only.

Brock Danger5639d ago

This is the longest streak of rational, intelligent thought I've ever seen on N4G. Practically made my day.

We do need the competition, but to blindly attack and dismiss one console over another, as many have said, is a sad and counter-productive "cause."Granted, N4G is a microcosm of the video game world and a sad hole for a large number of PS3 fanboys, but it is still reflective of what has happened this console generation. I'm not saying we should all "get along," but there has to be some rationality to the arguing. Bringing up actual points so we could all actually discuss games would be a breathtakingly sweet experience.

When something as stupid and trivial as Red Faction: Guerilla screen shots opens up an endless argument of pure hate talk, it's time to get up, look at yourself in the mirror (if you own one), stare into your doughy, pale face, and get a goddamned grip on your shamefully shallow lives. Even professional athletes will admit that it's just a game, and they've got a lot more going for them than you.

Eddie201015639d ago

No....Microsoft is not arrogant at all. Over three years on the market and they really haven't done that well, most of there lead is because of the year head start, If Microsoft were a trusted company and did things a like a trusted company, like compete fairly they may have sold much better than they have, fact of the matter most people don't trust Microsoft as a company, with good reason, they have broken many trade laws and have many law suites against them for being basically anti competitive.

This is the comment I made and was banned for 7 days for, please tell me why I should be banned for this comment, the moderator gave me no reason.

I said nothing that wasn't true, I called no one a fanboy.

Maybe the Moderator that banned me is a fanboy.

rockleex5639d ago

I don't think N4G is ruled by Sony fanboys.

I think its just that more people tend to read Sony news, therefore they end up seeing more Sony fanboys.

But even if there are more Sony fanboys, what does it matter? Fanboys are fanboys no matter what system they "support". One is not better than the other.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5639d ago
caseh5639d ago

It made things more fun...when I was 12 and people were fighting over Sonic/Mario in the playground...In PERSON! Not retarded mis-informed ramblings over the internet from behind their custom built PC running Windows '1337' edition in their mothers basement by leaching the neighbours tinternet connection.

A bit of banter is fun however a comparision of EVERY cross-platform game released or '23 reasons why my console is better than this one' started wearing thin about a year ago.

Montrealien5639d ago

I agree, when we where having the Nintendo vs Sega arguments in the late 80`s and early nighties in said playgrounds it was in person, face to face, and at the end of the day, we all wanted both. Now we have anonymous (enthusiasts) that stand their ground on very retarded statements. And I still think that to this day, deep down, if they could they could have em all, cause any real gamer would like to have all the games he would want.

There is a reason mostly all fanboys are anonymous, they are ashamed of themselves.

LordMarius5639d ago

well I can say your an anti-fanboy fanboy, Still makes you a fanboy

Montrealien5639d ago (Edited 5639d ago )

Another new account? how sad. Every new (anonymous) account, is another sign of why I am better then you.

notpill5639d ago

fanboysm is the mother of every blog about videogames

Jockamo5639d ago

...everybody nowadays needs to be right. They can't seem to get much perspective. Who cares who is right and who is wrong...I mean really. After seeing the blind rage that is shown in his examples (and in many comments in N4G), it's clear that gamers can't handle the wealth of information available on the internet. Instead of making an informed opinion about something, they take bits and pieces of what they can find through google and make it fit their viewpoint.

A truly informed individual, I feel, needs a wider perspective. They need to look at gaming as a whole and not as a series of rival factions.

In other words, fanboys need to get out more and see the world. I think a little real life experience can do wonders for their bitter feelings about games, people, and life.

I think it'll get worse before it gets better, that's for sure. We've seen it in the last presidential election, we see it in these national tea parties--we'll definitely continue to see it in gaming, as long as the internet and its unfathomable wealth of knowledge is available to the public.

Th3 Chr0nic5639d ago

I dont see why this site doesnt change its name to B4G as in Blogs 4 Gamers.

im sure I will get banned again for speaking out so see ya later fellas.

MaximusPaynicus5639d ago

...that 80% of all gaming news sites are blogs, right? Kotaku? Joystiq? D'toid? All blogs. Good blogs in the case of D'toid and (to a lesser extent) Joystiq, but blogs nonetheless.

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15 Hardest Games for the Super Nintendo

Who doesn't love a good challenge? If everything was easy, there would be no joy in getting it done. In the realm of video games, the late 1980s and 1990s were the perfect era of "get good" gaming with multiple big-named titles that put a player's skills to the test. The Super Nintendo, one of

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Gamingsince19814d ago

Didn't the snes come out in 1990 in Japan

Profchaos4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Sure did I can only assume the article is talking about old-school games in general

Also the thumbnail used in the article for super Mario bros the lost levels is a screenshots of the Famicom game


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Knightofelemia7d ago

Even if they do crack down all a person needs is an Everdrive and a regular old school machine. Or modify a disc based console that has a dead laser to boot off an SD card. Some of those illegal devices look neat and some of them are just plain crap.

XiNatsuDragnel6d ago

This won't stop it unless you have a great service.

Inverno6d ago

What a stupid thing to be wasting time, money and effort. Aren't these guys literally drowning right now? Maybe y'all should focus more on that instead trying to stop people from playing old games no longer being sold.

Inverno6d ago

Pretty sure I've read and seen parts of Italy experiences/ing pretty bad floodings. Id argue that's more important than trying to prevent the sale of emulation devices.


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TheNamelessOne9d ago

It's sad to hear. Really enjoyed the guy's stuff.