
The Conduit multiplayer demo hits a snag, Nintendo's fault

NintendoDpad reports:
"We all know Sega was supposed to have an event tonight promoting the Conduit's multiplayer but when everyone came in for the press demo it seems as though something happened where the demo could not be played."

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Product5546d ago

im sorry but thats kinda funny.

ZuperAmazingCooKie5546d ago

Hey HHG, I got the perfect headline for your next-show right there.

SinnedNogara5546d ago

First of all, I am getting tired of saying this, the Conduit will sell millions, but it will be a slow process. Most hardcore Wii games start out very slow (Even SSBB, a Nintendo game) and then pick up as time goes on. How can you use weapons like the Shrieker with the PS3/360 controller. SIXAXIS? (sixaxis is the gimmick here).

@ Product:

LOL. I got to admit, that was very funny. Server and computer snags happen all the time, and it wasn't Nintendo's fault. If Nintendo did this on purpose, why did Mario Kart Wii have lag-free online??

rbluetank5546d ago

next gen console should have a working and well establish online service... to be considered next gen!! first but last!!!

phosphor1125546d ago (Edited 5546d ago )

Even Reggie said they are trying to surpass XBL...are you kidding me??? The more I hear about the Wii, the more it makes me mad and lets me realize that Nintendo is full of it this gen.

avantgarde845546d ago

haha thats funny i dont care if your a fanboy or not.

nintendohomie5546d ago

rofl you have to be kidding me

RainOfTerror5546d ago

yea what a waste of time, we were there and no multiplayer ..

doesn't bode well for the game if you can't even get it to work for a press demo. No amount of free booze is going to cover that one up ...

avantgarde845546d ago

Really you were there?
Was everyone disappointed?

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