
Is Factor 5 working on Pilotwings?

The NintendoDpad editorial states:
"We all remember the terrain and lighting Lair Engine built for Wii by Factor 5 but what if that engine was being made for another Wii franchise and not Kid Icarus?"

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avantgarde845643d ago

i wish, that would be a nice title to have since Motion Plus is coming out soon.

nintendohomie5643d ago

so true so true. I realy hope they make it an actual game, i have this feeling it is going to be in the new Wiisports resort as a mini game just like Waverace :(

Product5643d ago

Basically but i have a feeling that picture of pilotwings will be more realistic than the simple Wiisports look.

Stubacca5643d ago

Lair was actually really good. Seriously under-rated

Ninty fans should be looking forward to this!

n4f5643d ago

i agree with stu
lair was actully decent im happy there a game with this engine for the wii

CobraKai5643d ago

Lair was awesome. i didn't seem to have problems with the control like most people did. Now how bout a Star Wars game on the PS3. I just want a Star Wars that looks and sounds as good as Lair.

Uzesgelen_Goo5643d ago

Lair was good game and still i have my copy (^_^)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5643d ago
ape0075643d ago (Edited 5643d ago )

was one hell of a game

deep yet simple and satesfying gameplay,I hope f5 deliver this time

avantgarde845643d ago

man i loved the n64 one......it was a core game hidden behind a simple idea.

FlameBaitGod5643d ago

Man i remember those games, brings up good times :)

Cajun Chicken5643d ago

On the other hand...why not Starfox?

nintendohomie5643d ago (Edited 5643d ago )

thats a great call but since pilotwings has been in production for years upon years now i would have to bet it would be pilotwings. I think Kid Icarus will be in house.

Product5643d ago

Good point although there is alot of information pointing towards Pilotwings

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A New Kid Icarus Can Be The Perfect Celebration For The Switch 2

After being benched for 20 years, and returning only to be forsaken again despite being a splendid game, it's time Kid Icarus gets salvation.


6 Classic Games That Deserve Remakes

BY FRANKLIN: When putting together a list of the best remakes and remasters for modern consoles, I started thinking about many of the classic games that also deserve remakes. Some more popular games been re-released on digital platforms or ported with no updates to the original game, but a direct port is not as satiating as a remake. These games deserve to be remade from the ground up, or at the very least have a graphical refresh.

These are 6 classic game remakes that we want to see in 2023.

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offtherecord501d ago

I'm lucky that the games I'd always hoped would be remade already have been

sadraiden501d ago

Nah. New games or gtfo. You want to play Super Mario RPG? Hop on archive and download it.

Rebel_Scum501d ago

Amen. Reboot if you must but enough of the remakes.

gold_drake500d ago

not sure i agree with that.

sone of the games definitely deserve a remake. you dont have to buy them if you prefer the original tho.

amazinglover501d ago

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic already has a remake coming, though it has had a rough development moving from Aspyr Media to a Saber Interactive studio it is still set to come to PS5 and PC.

FinalFantasyFanatic501d ago

I will gladly take remasters and ports of older games, would love a remake of Link to the Past in the same style as Link's Awakening, I'd also love a remake of Super Mario RPG.

jznrpg999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

I really enjoyed Commando as a kid and it’s not listed . I bet it’s cheap maybe? Beat all 99 levels just to find out you start all over again .

djl3485998d ago

You must be talking about Captain Commando and no it's not cheap...going for about $130.

Jiub999d ago

I'm surprised Illusion of Gaia doesn't cost more

Knightofelemia999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

Any retro console is still worth buying in 2022 whether a Genesis, NES, SMS, TG16. Some systems command a higher price then others but a SNES is still reasonably priced and worth grabbing you can mod the NA SNES to play Japanese games throw in an Everdrive and you're set. I feel sorry for some of the consoles I see on Ebay that have holes in them, yellowed to death, modified with shitty mods that barely work. The SNES might need a little work great way to learn if yellowed just use peroxide and UV light and it will turn white again. If you have a hobby of repairing older consoles that are listed as untested broken for parts some of the repairs are basic you can save money that way when buying a retro console. I just bought a $20 NES listed as broken on Ebay disable the lock out chip and new 72pin connector and it works.

Jiub998d ago

I imagine restoration work on retro consoles is going to become much more important as the years wear on. Sure, hundreds of thousands of certain consoles were made, but fewer exist every year.

Knightofelemia998d ago (Edited 998d ago )

Depends on the console a SNES for sure needs retrobrite the plastic grows brittle and literally falls apart same with the NES. A White Dreamcast also needs retrobrite if I remember right the TG16 needs new capacitors it suffers the same issue as the Game Gear. Most of the old handhelds need new screens since they fail with age my Game Gear had new capacitors put in and a McWill mod done to it. The NES needs the lock out chip disabled when the power light turns on and off maybe throw in a new 72pin as well. Sega Master System has an issue blowing out the 7805 voltage regulator. OG Xbox depending on the board revision needs a clock capacitor removed or it leaks and fries the board. N64 controller needs a new thumbstick Sega Genesis model 2 suffers from the solder around the power supply is prone to cracking hence the system will not power up. Sega CD model 1 the laser dies fast model 2 the rubber feet supporting the drive fail and the model is know to throw the pico fuse so it dies fast as well.

It also depends how you treat the system also I baby my shit. I don't throw it around like a football the systems I see that might need the most help going through the years are the ones that use lasers and discs. I know some systems have problems due to how they were built as well like again certain board revisions of an OG Xbox and the Game Gear. I have bought broken systems and picked them for parts. I actually enjoy fixing older systems it's relaxing and a great way to teach yourself new skills.

Retroman999d ago

Turning 64 this year.....my days playing video games are Now over.... time to move on to Jesus Christ .....I wish all of you Happy New Year . Game on Dudes!!!
It was fun while it lasted.