
Will we see 'Eight Days' and 'The Getaway' this year?

Gary A Swaby of TheKoalition.com writes: Sony have recently hinted that they have a number of surprises still up their sleeve for 2009. Scott Rhodes spoke in a recent interview saying "There are several titles that are in the works that we have yet to announce, It's one of those things where we're seeing the fruits of all those initial investments. They're all just starting to hit and stack up for 2009."

In my very own opinion, I feel that Eight days to Vegas and The Getaway are back in development. If you recall, Sony put these titles to the side to focus all their attention on Killzone 2.

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Leio5651d ago (Edited 5651d ago )

"Eight Days" was canceled right?

butterfinger5651d ago

they were both canceled, but maybe Sony is planning to bring them out anyway. I really hope we at least get one of them. They both sounded pretty fun.

Leio5651d ago

Dam thats bad.. "Eight Days" looks very interesting

Kain815651d ago

only the media said it is cancelled but Sony said its stopped

Cancelled =/= Stopped

Darkiewonder5651d ago (Edited 5651d ago )

Yoshida's quote:

"I think that we have more projects that we want to do than we do have resources. So, the cancellation of Eight Days was not necessarily because that project was failing, but because we looked at how it fit in the portfolio and where it fit as a production."

DavidMacDougall5651d ago

Right i don't make games and im not a company but when they say "Canceled" that don't mean there going to delete all the work they have done on both games? It means they'll put it somewhere right? It would be like throwing money away cause they could use them some other year

stevenhiggster5651d ago (Edited 5651d ago )

I agree with David, they won't have cancelled it and then destroyed all record of it's existance! They will still have everything that was done, so if they wanted they could easily put it back into development. I don't imagine that this will be the case though but it would be nice if it was as Eight Days looked pretty interesting.

Freak of Nature5651d ago

I have a former co artist friend that "Stopped" work on eight days long ago now...

I like to believe that he is now working with "SCE Studio Cambridge" on a next gen PS3 "Medievil" genre style game... ...Blink,blink......

pain777pas5651d ago

The Eyetoy game is what those teams are working on and until that is done and probably announced at E3 to come out this year you wont see those games come out. Maybe next year?

rockleex5651d ago

Because they know it will take time to get them out.

And now we are seeing the fruition of their hard work. ^_^

I have a feeling Sony will just keep stacking more and more games on top of their already packed list! >_<

SlyGuy5651d ago

I am wondering if some of the tech from 8 Days is being used in it.

E.g. the cover system.

Mainman5651d ago

I dont really care for Getaway, but I really hope Sony will pick the development of Eight Days back up, because that game looks too awesome.

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koston36475651d ago

i swear to god when i first saw that eight days footage my jaw dropped it looked so fun to play if that was gameplay and looking at the leaked animation tech footage from a while back just make me wish it wasnt COMPLETELY CANCELLED

ShAkKa5651d ago

and since then was "Eight Days" called "Eight Days to Vegas"?
on topic i hope both games get release some time in the future coz Eight Days looks real cool and i have always liked The Getaway series.

EastCoastSB5651d ago

I think the author of the article had it confused with another game "Two Days To Vegas".

ultimolu5651d ago

I hope they bring one of those games back.

_Q_5651d ago

You do? grrrrr

<regains composure>

Anyway I would have a nerdgasm if Eight Days went back into dev
It looked so cool.

Sevir045651d ago

They have reallocated the resources to a title that was shown at GDC09 this year from Sony japan... In fact I've been apart of the focus group and can confirm that The game that was shown behind closed doors at GDC09 was using both the an update graphics and animation engine that was used for 8-days.

8 days and Getaway will not be making any return.. Most of the tech that was allocated for 8 days and getaway 3 was split up for 4 other titles.. 1 of them you saw last year was Eyepet, the other was the game I've been apart of the focus group for and the other 2, one being Syphon filter and another unannounced title that early in development.

ultimolu5651d ago

Sevir...I hates you so much. >o<

Now E3 has my tummy nervous with excitement.

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Triple_A5651d ago

Eight Days and Getaway 3 were put on hold.

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The story of Eight Days, one of Sony’s canceled big bets

Polygon: "We look back at Sony London’s dropped PlayStation 3 buddy-themed action game."

Kiwi661768d ago (Edited 1768d ago )

So Sony cancelled Eight Days but didn't know that it was them who cancelled The Getaway 3

neutralgamer19921768d ago

Getaway series should be brought back especially now that Sony has more diverse developers. Getaway 1-2 HD remakes by bluepoint


What Happened To The Once-Anticipated PlayStation Exclusive Eight Days?

What went wrong for the co-op action title?

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isarai1839d ago

I thought It was well known that it was canceled because they felt it was competing with too many other cover based TPSs including their own Uncharted. Wish they would've brought it back, but by now I'm sure Londin Studios isn't interested in making it anymore.

ApocalypseShadow1839d ago

Yup. Pretty much. Sony thought it was redundant when they were downsizing to streamline the company. I wanted this game so bad. It was right up my alley. Action, action, action. Still think Ving Rhames would have been the black guy and used his likeness. Maybe Sony could also have paid Jason Statham to be the white guy.

Would be cool if brought back and rebooted for PS5 with all its destructive backgrounds.

After Blood and Truth's high octane action elements, I'd even take a full PS5 PSVR game. The car shooting from the helicopter, driving in the streets gunplay, shooting set pieces with glass and things flying around like in the gas station in the video above. That's Blood and Truth gameplay right there.

Give me 8 Days VR. Lol! Wonder what Sony's VR Studio Manchester(formerly North West Studio) is doing or making? They haven't announced anything yet.

SkatterBrain1838d ago

More Like 8 Years Amirite?

-Foxtrot1838d ago

Considering Uncharted is kind of over and done with as a main priority maybe they should bring this game back.

However I'm not sure if they should keep the heavy co-op or stick to being a pure single player game. Just seems like playing with an AI if you are by yourself might get annoying in a game like this.

CaptainCook1839d ago

What happened to PlayStation exclusive, Agent?

Greatness Awais.....

milohighclub1838d ago

It never made it past concept and rockstar shut it down.

Research before mocking cos u look like a fool.

Brave_Losers_Unite1838d ago (Edited 1838d ago )

Its funny that you make fun of PS4 when we literally have the better games

OldGuyStillGaming1838d ago

This is a question for last gen

Everyone knows it was canceled

Profchaos1838d ago

The trailer was completely faked and they didn't have anything actually working according to a Eurogamer video

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Eight most promising looking games that were cancelled

In this article, we try to list eight cancelled games that looked the most promising. Before we start, if you haven’t already, be sure to read this list over cancelled games, too.

Phil323046d ago

Mega Man Legends 3 is the one cancelled game that sucked the most for me. Blaming it on the fans was a real jerkish move, too.

TGG_overlord3046d ago

Well, ain´t that the truth of the day...

3046d ago Replies(1)
The 10th Rider3046d ago (Edited 3046d ago )

Promising? Maybe they sounded good, but, for instance, Redwood Falls and Shadow Realms never saw the light of day because they weren't anything exceptional. The tragic ones are the ones like Star Wars 1313, which was cancelled because of Disney's buyout of Star Wars, or Insane, which was cancelled because THQ was going out of business. I can only guess that Agent, Eight Days, and Starcraft Ghosts never made it anywhere because they didn't live up to expectations. Maybe they weren't any good, maybe they were too ambitious, maybe the tech at the time couldn't support them . . . we simply don't know.

I was once excited for the Pirates of the Caribbean game, Armada of the Damned, but chances are it was cancelled because it wasn't living up to expectations, so there's really no point in being letdown by it.

quent3046d ago


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