
Ausgamers: Scene It? Box Office Smash! Review

Ausgamers: "Scene It? Box Office Smash! is definitely heaps of fun with enough friends - especially for those of us who think we know movies, but it really is still a bit on the Lite side of things when it comes to customisation or the like. There's a huge market for this type of game, and with a Star trek and Seinfeld edition in the works, it's likely we'll see themed versions popping up, which I think is pretty cheap and unfair, but that's the price you pay for successful platforms (just look at Rock Band and Guitar Hero)."

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Fun For The Whole Family

Video Games have developed in order to attract gamers of all ages. Games for children, games for parents, and even games for older people. Long gone are the days of games just being for adolescents and teens. With more and more families having consoles, and multiple gamers, it seems that video games have replaced board games for family fun. The following are a few of the games that are fun for the whole family, not just parents and children, but even stretching beyond that. They are easy for people that don’t play games and reach a wide number of people.

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Xboxist: Scene It Bright Lights! Big Screen! Review

Xboxist writes, "Here's a trivia game that's surprisingly worth playing."


Scene It: Bright Lights! Big Screen! Review (by PS3Informer)

PS3Informer writes, "It's the holidays and what better game to play with the whole family than Scene-It: Big Lights! Big Screen! The quiz show genre of games has really taken off this year, with games like Buzz! and One vs 100 captivating the minds of fans of all-ages across the world. Is Scene-It a worthy addition to your library? Let's check it out!"

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swingingape5407d ago

Hopefully its better than Buzz.