
UK Sales Charts All Formats & Multi-Format Week Ending 14th March

No surprise to see Resident Evil 5 blast into the top of the charts on both Xbox 360 and PS3. Killzone 2 hangs in there in second place with Tom Clancy's HAWX staying firm in second place in the Xbox 360 charts. Wii Fit is an unmovable object at the top of the Wii charts and Empire: Total War enjoys another week topping the PC charts for the UK sales ending March 14th.

Please note, this post contains the top 10 multi-format sales chart AND the top 10 for each individual chart including Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP and PC.

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XxZxX5673d ago

Killzone outsold HALO WARS.. Wow unexpected.

green5673d ago

A FPS outsold an RTS.. Wow expected.

chrisnick5673d ago

that is and will always be a lame excuse...wii fit has been outselling everything since the day it came out.....and we all know its crap..pure shovelware, doesn't make a difference, it sold more cuz ppl wanted it more, the end. lets move on.

Unicron5672d ago

"A FPS outsold an RTS.. Wow expected. "

So if Halo Wars outsells KZ2 in the NPD data next month, and someone says "A Halo named game on a system with a larger install base outsold KZ2... Wow expected."

Then we won't hear any arguments, spin, or BS from you? Interesting.

I don't get the whole KZ vs Halo Wars argument personally. More fanboy pissing matches.

Kushan5672d ago

RTS games haven't been that popular for a while. Console RTS games even less so. And if KZ2 DIDN'T outsell everything, it being the most hyped up PS3 game so far, then I'd say something would have to be VERY wrong.

JokesOnYou5672d ago (Edited 5672d ago )

Halo Wars is a great but I don't care whether you're talking about the US or Europe I don't think any creditable source ever expected Halo Wars to outsell KZ2, I mean this is THE PS3 GAME that sony themselves spent 4+ years and a ton of money on to SHOWCASE the ps3, its sony's biggest game this gen and will likely be for quite some time, if KZ2 doesn't outsell HW's everywhere it would be a huge disapointment for sony. Its almost as if it were reversed and we were comparing lets say maybe Ratchet & Clank sales to Halo3, and hell R&C is a established fav for sony but nobody outside of a insane asylum thought it would have sales on par with Halo3, furthermore platformers are much more on consoles than RTS.

lmfao, yeah I know (especially on n4g) the brand name of Halo is thought to have mysterious mind control powers and sure its a definite plus, still it is what it is a great "RTS" -on a console and history shows the genre has NEVER been huge, HW's has already changed many peoples minds about what is possible on a console, thus with HW's likeability and what I think will be very good sales it has already been successful. SONY THEMSELVES HAVE SETUP KZ2 AS THEIR BIGGEST GAME THIS GEN the truth is IF theres even a need to have a conversation where HW's has sales which are in the ballpark of KZ2's in the next couple of months would be embarrassing for sony. -Deny it all you want but there isn't anyone that can say its NOT true with a straight face. -HW's success has been a welcome surprise and hopefully KZ2 will at the very least meet sales expectations.


II Necroplasm II5672d ago (Edited 5672d ago )

Wii Fit is not even a game. it's for exercise and being on the Wii with 50 million consoles sold, so of course it has sold tuns like it has.

Knowing a FPS will have hotter sales over a console RTS game is common sense.

Death5672d ago

FPS and RTS games are not even remotely close genres. Sales are not close between FPS and RTS's either so you can't really compare the two. The closest thing to compare Killzone 2 with is Halo 3, but that isn't exactly fair either since Halo 2 is a couple years old. Killzone 2 is a good game, does it need to outsell anything else or can it be respected on it's own?


+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 5672d ago
SmokeyMcBear5673d ago

call of duty 4 at number 9 for the 360.. whats that about?

chrisnick5673d ago (Edited 5673d ago )

that means that's the 9th best selling title in their recent line up of stellar titles. im seriously ticked off at ms...they need to give me something soon other wise my already unused 360 is going out to pasture.

II Necroplasm II5672d ago (Edited 5672d ago )

could be because of Xbox live and more Xbox 360's being owned than PS3's. that's a thought

sak5005672d ago


Well it means we 360 owners haven't had a decent fps after COD4 in a long time. I dont want DLC, RTS or JPRGS i want my fpses which the xbox was known for.

cayal5673d ago

good to see the Sega Mega Collection in there. I bought it the other day, brings back good memories.

Irish-Republican5673d ago

was thinking about geting that is it woret it

cayal5672d ago

Depends how much if costs where you are. It's $54 (I think) down here which is cheap for a new game.

If you get it cheap it is definitely worth it.

Sunny_D5672d ago

DAMN!! Is the 360 really lacking that many games? I mean it's way over a year and yet it still has COD4 at number 9 LOL!!!
Flamesuit on.

Lariat5672d ago

Damn, Professor Layton is a massive hit. I guess it already sold a million in the UK alone.

ExcelKnight5672d ago

And yet Suikoden Tierkreis is nowhere to be found... Hopefully it's because they stopped tracking on Friday.

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Resident Evil 5 - 15 Years of Being the Most Misunderstood Resident Evil

Resident Evil 5 launched 15 years ago today - and it continues to stand as a stepping stone from the good to the bad.

TheBrainZ204d ago

One of my favourites because of the co-op. Then Resi 6 arrived and the series nosedived further.

Knightofelemia204d ago

I enjoyed the game co-oping with a friend I know the game in solo the AI can be an idiot but RE5 is way better then RE6. I played RE6 with a friend if it wasn't cheap when I got I would have avoided RE6.

thesoftware730204d ago (Edited 204d ago )

5 was excellent, still play Mercs with my brother.
I would love a fully remastered RE:5, with some added, reworked content. The DLC for 5 was also excellent.

6 was awful.

CrimsonWing69203d ago

I never understood why the game was misunderstood. It was a fantastic game at launch and is still fun today to play. It’s as action packed as Resident Evil 4 was, yet that’s regarded a masterpiece 🤷‍♂️

chobit_A5HL3Y203d ago

it was "misunderstood" because they introduced co-op into the franchise at a time when people loved to have fake rage about co-op. like, you could play the game as a solo experience, but people chose to have their bandwagon rage because it was cool at the time lol

-Foxtrot203d ago (Edited 203d ago )

What the hell are you talking about? Fake Rage? Bandwagon? Come on.

You can play it solo but you are forced to carry around a shitty AI partner you have to micro manage. It wasn't as fun solo.

Co-op sucked all the horror, tension and suspense from the game because having a partner covering you was like a safety net. Enemy trying to sneak up on you? No sweat the AI will just automatically lock on, alert you while they shoot first telling you where they are basically.

It was the start of Capcoms fall with the Resident Evil series where it basically become an over the top generic action game which betrayed it's own survival horror roots. Least RE4 had a good blend of both but Capcom just went the wrong way with RE5, especially going off what they were going to do during the RE4.5 beta phase before co-op was added.

franwex203d ago

At least the game was a ton of fun tho. If the game was bad, the outrage would’ve been justified. They simply pivoted for a couple of games. At this point it’s bad because it’s called Resident evil 5? But if was called something else it would’ve been good? Please.

chobit_A5HL3Y202d ago

like i said: fake baby rage and bandwagon hate. res4 wasn't really that scary, either, and was already taking the series into more of an action-oriented direction at the time. 5 was a good game that people fake-hated because of co-op that you didn't even have to play lol hence the fake rage and bandwagon hate. i mean, it obviously did well enough for capcom to go ahead and make 6 the way they did, right? if 5 was so bad, they would have changed what 6 was during development. the difference is that 6 was actually just bad.

people "hate" 5 because res4 was so good, and 5 was just unfortunate enough to be its successor. like i said, 4 wasn't scary, either, and relied more on tension than horror, but it was already more of an action game. if you don't wanna like 5 because it's not scary or whatever- that's fine, but it wasn't meant to be strictly a horror game anymore at that point anyways. the gameplay was a lot faster-paced than 4, so saying that the ai helping you by potentially shooting someone that was sneaking up behind you is a moot point. there were more enemies that were more aggressive, along with newer threats.

5 isn't as good as 4, but it's not a bad game by any stretch.

RNTody178d ago (Edited 178d ago )

What? I always thought RE5 had fake controversy because it was set in South Africa and you shot a bunch of black zombies. I live in South Africa and thought the game was absolutely awesome, played the whole thing co-op with my brother.

@Foxtrot I think you're confusing the garbage Dead Space 3 with Resident Evil 5. Resident Evil 4 was already a hyper action game and had zero fear factor other than the grotesque appearance of some enemies.

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The Best Co-Op Horror Games You've Missed in Halloween

Try to cope with your friend through terror with this list featuring the best horror Co-Op games you can play today.

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Complete Global Saturation! Is Resident Evil 5 Really the Best Choice for the Next Remake?

An exploration of whether RE5 is truly the most logical next step for a remake, or whether there are others in line who deserve their day in the sun.

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ocelot07363d ago

Remake of Resident evil outbreak as well as file 2. Same gameplay as the recent remakes. Choose what ever character you want to play as. With online co op.

DarXyde362d ago

I've been dying to see Outbreak come back for years.

Even RE Zero and Code Veronica would be excellent.

But for the love of God, not RE5 or RE6.

One they get around to the aforementioned games, why not remake the original Devil May Cry trilogy? That would be a much better use of time. At the very least, the first two games.

justsomeoffdude363d ago (Edited 363d ago )

code veronica should be the nest remake

neutralgamer1992363d ago

CV is good candidate for a remake but requires way more work for today’s standard. People look at CV through their tinted glasses. I think capcom wants to remake every game up till 6 and fix the plot holes so they can continue the series in one straight story path

Also not sure why only RE have to get remade when there are other capcom games that would be better suited for remakes like oninusha

DVAcme363d ago

That's PRECISELY the reason Code Veronica needs a remake. All the other RE games aged pretty well, considering the limitations of the time, but Code Veronica is the game that would be served the best bybremaking it because it feels so archaic these days.

neutralgamer1992363d ago


But it depends if capcom wants a big project or a quick remake. CV will require a lot more work than RE5

IMO they should remake other games before doing RE5

TheEnigma313363d ago

how many times do we have to say CV is the next best one?

CrimsonWing69363d ago

Nooooo! Why the hell can’t they do Code Veronica? I just don’t understand.

1Victor363d ago

RE5 is the closest to the bottom of the pot(a little smoky flavor but passable in a emergency) before we get to the burned crust that is 6 that not even the pigs would eat

CrimsonWing69363d ago (Edited 363d ago )

Unpopular opinion here, but I enjoyed 5 and 6. I just think, in terms of Remakes, the classics are the one that should get the treatment above the modern takes of the franchise.

Don’t get wrong, RE4 definitely was an outstanding Remake, but RE5… I just get less excited about a Remake for that over something like Code Veronica.

RaidenBlack363d ago

Rather remake other past Capcom & non-mainline RE games ... IF they have to continue churning out Remakes.
I'd rather want a new 3rd person RE spin-off
Dino Crisis and Onimusha Reboot
New IPs after Pragmata ships

jeromeface362d ago

show this man the door... he overserved himself.

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