
COD4 has 11m Live, 4m PSN players

Call of Duty 4 has racked up 11 million unique players since launch on Xbox Live, and over 4 million on PlayStation Network, according to Infinity Ward's Rob Bowling.

Bowling revealed the sensational figures when accepting one of COD 4: Modern Warfare's three BAFTAs in London on Tuesday night.

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TheColbertinator5584d ago

Cod4 rules!!!

Even in Prestige Mode Gold Cross,I still play this game every week

The Peoples ARMPIT5584d ago

Um it's cause the majority of ps3 owners are playing Killzone2 online on a daily basis lol. See we have something new to cling on to unlike the pleasefixme owners. Their still playing a multiplat game from 2007 lol.

360 man5584d ago

peoples armpit just be quiet man

do yourself a favour

Why dis5584d ago

Sure they are played it once online lol.

commodore645584d ago

@ tpa

I don't know which stinks more:

Your armpit or your comment?

NOOBSTATION 35583d ago (Edited 5583d ago )

you just have proven to everyone how dumb you are. kz2 online figures ARE NOWHERE NEAR to COD4 and NEVER will be. kz online figures would not even rank in the top 20 on live, maybe around the level of viva pinata or something, LOL!

so go and play your average shooter with those few ppl that are on psn, the home of lag, SUPERNOOB!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5583d ago
GrieverSoul5584d ago

No wonder it has so many players on XBL and PSN.
The game is simply awesome!!!

Even though its not, I wish that each one of those 15 millions players were actually 15 millions copies sold! IW deserved it!

mugoldeneagle035584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

Never has a shooter given Socom II (my heart and soul) a run for it's money in terms of addictiveness and COD4 came damn close...

On a side note "Over 4 Million PSN Users" is a great number. Especially considering the major success there has been since then. When did COD4 launch? November 2007 right? That was way back when N4G was still running "WHY THE PS3 IS FAILING" articles...Oh wait...

JokesOnYou5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

especially when you consider people have to pay for Live, while psn is free....or maybe you can look at it like, since you pay for Live you play online alot more to get your money's worth.


edit: vvvvv Blademask, relax, now take a deep breathe...there ya go. Now where did I play with #'s? I simply made at statement based on the numbers IW themselves provided, and yes in compared to psn numbers they are dominate, you give your reasons why, OK so be it...still the end result is what it is.

@ nycredude....first of all the 360 has a ton of variety in its gaming library, and then this: "it could mean there aren't many other games worth playing right on the 360" -uhm, thats pretty weak theory, I've heard that statement made in reference to quite a few 360 games but when you look at the sales data for 360 games that excuse doesn't hold water. -You should put more thought in your excuses.

Blademask5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

You guys love playing with numbers..Old game #'s.

but i guess its all you can play these days.

nycredude5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

Yeah agreed, you can take these numbers to mean anything. It could mean alot of illegal copies, or it could mean Ps3 has variety of games, or it could mean there aren't many other games worth playing right on the 360. But to each his own.

Edit: BTW did COD4 sell 15,000,000 copies? Hmmmm.

Mindboggle5584d ago

Hang on according to VG chartz COD4 has sold about 11 million total, thats 360 and PS3. And it also says it has sold 7 mil on 360.

Ok now I dont always agree with Vg chartz numbers but..

Either VG chartz are 4 million sales out on 360 (even with VG Chartz falling credibility, I find hard to believe, they are never that far out)

Or there are 4 million people playing pirated COD4 copies online.

Or the figures are false, as the article does say this news was reported by someone who was basically drunk.

Rampant5584d ago


So much for the disagrees in the live vs psn thread!


IdleLeeSiuLung5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

WOW, that is a huge gap with almost 3:1 in favor of the Xbox and even more suprising considering Live is a paid service.

I always assumed that Live would have more due to the headstart, but that this would be negated by the fact that PSN is free and that people would always choose free. It could be just for one game since PS gamers aren't as keen on FPS games. CoD4 is always on the top 3 list of games played on Live though. What about on PSN?


It is possible that there are more gamers than copies because

a) game is lended (or borrowed)
b) game is sold on the second hand market i.e. gamestop, ebay, craigslist & etc
c) multiple unique Xbox Live accounts exists on one Xbox 360 (which makes the PS numbers even more dubious)
d) rentals

PirateThom5584d ago

Doubt it's piracy, but when you take rentals, multiple accounts and various other things into account (for example, I loaded up the online of CoD4 on my 360 ONCE under my account - never really liked it), the numbers do start to add up.

Aquanox5584d ago

A good sign that Xbox Live customers believe that the service with totally worth its price.

Excellent numbers for an excellent game.

Ju5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

I have another theory. People play the Live Gold Trial, and then another one, and another one. 7M copies sold by 11M people played. That's weird.

JokesOnYou5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

this usually means different or seperate gamertags or psn id's not games sold, which means 1 household may have played the game with multiple accounts but obviously only own 1 copy of the game itself.


edit: pixelsword "You can't assume PS3 buyers will buy CoD4 any more or less than a 360 player"
-uhm I never assumed anything, what are you talking about? I made a statement about the 11m vs 4m playing online being a dominant figure in 360's favor, -nothing more and I never said anything about consoles sold, are you OK?

pixelsword5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

You can't assume PS3 buyers will buy CoD4 any more or less than a 360 player, so it's not like mathematically the game will sell at the same percentage across the board; if that was the case, then you could get the actual numbers of how many consoles are sold for each company based on that number.

That's flawed math. Severely flawed.

BRG90005584d ago

Used game sales may explain a chunk of the difference in games sold and users playing. COD4 is 16 months old now, and I bet a significant percentage of copies have been sold to a second owner through ebay or Gamestop, and some even a third owner since the people who buy used games are probably also people who sell games.

pumpkinpunker5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner.

It's used games sales and rentals. These figures are also over COD4's lifetime so there have been some Xbox live gold members who dropped the service during that time and some new ones who picked it up.

Arnon5584d ago

I wish it was like that.. I tried to do that 'scam' where you keep using free gold cards, and it doesn't work. I used the one from Gears of War 2 to make a separate account so my friend and I could play L4D and talk at the same time. Then I tried to reactivate the account with the Fable 2 card, and all it did was eat it up, rofl.

tda-danny5584d ago

Maybe cause PSN players have moved on to Killzone2 and R2...

Live users have moved on to... well they don't have anything better to play =S

Ju5584d ago

@Arno. But you should be able to create a complete new account with a new trial ? No ? I got two of those but have never activated any. I don't want it and I don't need it.

lowcarb5584d ago

It use to be that way but now MS only allows 3 free gold activations on Live. I've done it myself and see this as probably what happened. Now the question would be how many of those 4 million Playstation owners opened multiple accounts? Anyways I dont see why we care so much about this, but oh well.

Jerkstore815584d ago

That's because the other 7 million are playing Killzone 2.

MNicholas5583d ago

... according to this press release


Someone's making a big mistake.

pixelsword5583d ago

I was talking to someone else, but pasted the wrong name.

rockleex5583d ago

Do you have to create a new account in order to use the free Live Gold trials?

If so, that means each user can do it three times. Multiply 4 million by 3 and you get 12 million. Which is pretty close to 11 million.

Not everyone will use the 3 Gold activations. So that means there's probably like 5-7 million users, and some of those used all 3 activations which bring up the number of unique users up to 11 million.

Either way, I don't doubt that Live has more COD4 players than PSN.

Parappa The Rappa5583d ago

I can hear it now.
Can you hear it?
Its the sound of excuses....the cries of fanboys....

"MS made this up, they payed IW to say this"
"This only means everyone who has a PS3 is playing Kz2" <---and yet there are only a million copies sold.

Stop Arguing.

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 5583d ago
outlawlife5584d ago

now i guess that puts the dispute over sony's number of PSN users in a bit of perspective

Jager5584d ago

Really? a Game that came out 2 years ago? Seeing as how there was what? 8 Million PS3 owners when CoD4 came out? Love how Xbox fanboys love to throw "Attach Rates" when ever a 360 game sells poorly in japan compared to a PS3 game there, yet they always ignore it when ever its the PS3 game selling poorly somewhere... ooo the double standards.

soxfan20055584d ago

The article says "since launch", which means 2007-present. It is not a reflection of online players AT launch. It's not like the game is out of print either. Anyone who bought a PS3 or 360 between 2007 and today can buy the game and play online.

shadowfox5584d ago

how? PSN accounts are shared between PSPs and PS3s. They never claimed 20 million PS3 PSN accounts. Plus, that not all PS3 owners necessarily own the game either.

pixelsword5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

Like I said above:

You can't assume PS3 buyers will buy CoD4 any more or less than a 360 player, so it's not like mathematically the game will sell at the same percentage across the board; if that was the case, then you could get the actual numbers of how many consoles are sold for each company based on the number of people playing.

That's flawed math. Severely flawed.

outlawlife5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

what about killzone 2?
what does that have to do with anything?

i wasn't bashing ps3 i'm just saying this helps put it into perspective how many people actually play on psn

not ever 360 owner owns the game either, so whats your point?

it is unique users since the game launched 16 months ago cumulative
that means since it launched 11m different 360 users logged on, where as 4m ps3 users did

with a game such as call of duty 4 that sold incredibly well on both platforms correlations and conclusions can be made from the amount of players toward the actual population of the network

if we got other comparisons from other games that launched around the same time on both platforms we could see if a pattern exists

but given the amount of copies sold per system i'd say this is a pretty good game to go by

pixelsword5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

I copied and pasted from an earlier post, sorry.

Actually, I'm going to change it across the board because I was trying to be funny and phailed... hard. :D
"Unique people" basically means people on XBL and PSN which has nothing to do with console numbers. For example: HHG already said he had 10 accounts on his PSN, so if he plays CoD4 on all ten he already is skewing the numbers in terms of any accuracy.

The only thing you can use that number on is people who play that particular game, not for anything else; so for you to make a comment about "the numbers" in terms of putting the actual number of people playing online is baseless.

That's also assuming that they're not counting the PC's numbers for live, since you don't need a 360 to get an account for live.


outlawlife5584d ago (Edited 5584d ago )

games for windows live is a different service, the gamertag can be shared but those are not counted in the xbox numbers unless they have been activated on an xbox

i went into this a few days ago in further detail in a different story where somebody said the same thing but the point is:

you CANNOT have an xbox live account without a console

Dmitry Orlov5584d ago

um, WRONG :)
You can make an account via internet browser, pay for gold subscription, download it on your Games for Windows and play online.
With that kind of logic, people wouldn't be able to play online in GfW kind of games (Shadowrun, Universe at War, Uno, Dawn of War 2, etc).

DelbertGrady5584d ago

The quote says "I’m delighted that we just reached 11 million unique players on Xbox Live"

"on Xbox Live", not "on Games for Windows". I don't think IW count in same sneaky manner as Sony counts their PSN users.

Arnon5584d ago

1. This is talking about Xbox LIVE. Not Windows LIVE. XBOX-LIVE.

@ Jager

2. What do Japan sales have to do with anything. Also, why are you rooting for Japan sales, anyways? Compared to Europe, America, blah blah blah, their sales are low.

3. This is counting all unique PSN and XBL users that have played CoD 4 since it's launch. Not the unique users that PLAYED at launch.

Someone just stepped off the failboat.

Gamed5583d ago

I don't think Sony has 20 million single users on PSN, by the time I get me a PS3 in a couple of years, they should have. That was somthing Sony should have never tried imo. They should have just said we have fewer active users than Live but we are growing.

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Marie5584d ago

Modern Warfare 2 is day 1 360.

LeonSKennedy4Life5584d ago

Could be a day 1 PS3 also...

...unless it's not as good as Killzone 2.

I have faith in IW though.

DelbertGrady5584d ago

I'd get the 360 version in any case cause I think it's controller is better suited for FPS games. Especially the analogue sticks.

Arnon5584d ago

Agreed. The thing that separates me from the PS3 controller for FPS is the fact that the controller is big (which helps me get a better grip), the analog sticks have a concave effect to them so your fingers never slip out, and the triggers are actually triggers.

Which is why I kind of want to take a 360 controller casing and put the PS3 controller motherboard inside of it so I can play with a 360 controller for Killzone 2.

Ju5584d ago

What I've never understood is why anybody would want to fire using the trigger buttons. Shoulder R1, perfectly fine (why would you want to have a longer way to pull a trigger ?). But maybe that's just me.

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5584d ago Replies(4)
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EazyC68d ago

MW was an excellent videogame. They messed up Spec Ops big time, but aside from this it was a huge step in the right direction initially. Most notably, at launch it seemed to come from a very cohesive creative vision that was felt across gameplay, to story to art style/visual direction. It was also very notably written by prominent ex-Naughty Dog guys that quit almost immediately before release.

That COMPLETELY dissolved through post-launch content and the full pivot to a "cross-mode" narrative that completely obliterated the cohesion in overall story direction. Warzone then "became" the new face of Call of Duty and the franchise completely removed itself from anything remotely creatively "good". It is a pure money machine, so I kinda get why they're doing it....but I personally completely lost interest.

I would love to see Infinity Ward move off CoD and get to make their own product with full control. They clearly have some massive talent in their ranks but it's perverted by Activision's corporate interests.


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neutralgamer1992345d ago

I really hope we get other activision games on GP soon. My dream would be Scarface but I know the license probably expired

P_Bomb345d ago

Love me some Scarface! I even bought the comics. Yeah, licensing would probably be an impasse.

4Sh0w345d ago

hmmm, coincidence? Either way this is a good sign for gamers after the ABK deal.

porkChop345d ago

I played through Scarface again last year and it still holds up. Such a fun game. I would love for Xbox to get the rights back to remaster Scarface and make a sequel. It sold well and they had plans for Scarface 2, 3, and 4. With how long it takes Rockstar to make games the market is wide open.

TheColbertinator344d ago

That game was so much fun. Expected a cheap GTA clone but it was a good drug empire building game.

shinoff2183344d ago

They didn't just have plans but there's actual gameplay out there for scarface 2

neutralgamer1992344d ago

Seriously man we need games like

True crime
Sleeping dogs
Watch dogs( more like original not legion)
And proper saints row

GTA can’t be the only option we need other games

P_Bomb344d ago

Gun was Activision as well. Nice open world Wild West there imo.

neutralgamer1992343d ago

Gun is such a underrated game

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 343d ago
SlothLordPootus344d ago

None of those games had dedicated servers on console in the first place? Were always player hosted. Did something change?

Rutaprkl344d ago

Older cods like Mw, Mw2 and WaW were way better than Call of Dutys nowadays

GoodGuy09344d ago

Make activision remaster mw2 (2009) multiplayer please xbox.