
Strategy Informer: SEGA Mega Drive Ultimate Collection Review

Strategy Informer wrties: "Looking back at retro games can sometimes smear the good memories you had of them. When you realise that they weren't as great as you remembered it can be a ruinous exercise, transforming nostalgic memories from a beautiful rose-tinted hue to a stinking brown crap stain. It's a risky business then returning to treasured titles of old, even if they have been upscaled to look lovely on your HD telly, you could still walk away with a bittersweet taste in your mouth."

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Top 5 Easy 1000 Gamerscore Games Part 4

Kdin, Matt, and Jeremy take a look at five more games where you can get some super easy Gamerscore!

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Fans Furious At Capcom Again

Eskimo Press: "At first glance Capcom's Arcade Cabinet looks like a must-buy for most old-school gamers -- Section Z, Ghost n' Goblins, Gun Smoke, the list goes on -- but this is not the case at all. It seems as though Capcom are just pissing off their core fans."

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Sako4235d ago

Capcom have been real cheapskates these past few years. They used to be one of my favorite developers/publishers. Back in the day I associated them with quality games that gave players a challenge. Now whenever they release a game I always think that I might as well not get that game until a few months, or a year later, because I know they're gonna release a "Super/ultra/deluxe" edition later, with extra content, and usually at a lower price

AsimLeonheart4235d ago

Man, I too miss the old days when CAPCOM made the classic Resident Evils, Breath of Fires and DMC. At the time I respected them and looked forward to their next game. Now I always look forward to their next blunder...

Welcome2Die4235d ago

Im glad you used the word "cheapskate" because if theres one thing that really infuriated me about Capcom was SFxT.
They used the exact same characters from Street Fighter 4 and put them in SFxT and called it a new game, theyc ompletely ignored the fans requests for the different characters from other games and just cut corners. Then they take more copy/paste characters and charge us 20 dollars for it while they are still in the disc...

Oh Capcom you so classy....

Roper3164235d ago

anyone who supports & buys Scamcom games deserves whatever BS Scamcom gives them. If you haven't figured it out by now that Scamcom is just plain ripping everyone off with there nickel & diming you never will so just live with being ripped off.

The only way anything will ever change is to not support them. When they lose enough money they will either fix the problem of go out of business. At this point either option works for me.

Kratoscar20084235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

LOl so much disagrees for you, it means that people like being scammed by Scammcom/Cahscom/Crapcom, those sheeps. Like Hano below.

Roper3164235d ago

just remember the old saying... "a fool & his money are easily parted."

pr0t0typeknuckles4235d ago

wow i guess there are a lot of people that like to be scamed by scamcom(excellent name btw), otherwise i really cant see why you have so many disagrees, i for one agree with you,stop buying crapcom games and you wont get screwed over and they may actually gain some common sense.

vork774235d ago

i buy them used so crapcom dont get anything from me

JeromeNtheHouse4235d ago

I can't stand Cashcom. I too used to think they were cool (which they were) in terms of the games they released back in the day. But now, they're jus rediculous... On-Disc DLC, cutting franchises short (Mega Man), oh yea...RE5 and RE6.

I jus don't even bother with them anymore.

hano4235d ago

Not this again. I appreciate the crusade against Capcom done by some angry geeks.

However, Capcom remained strong in this business because through out their history they produced awesome games and continue to do so.

Sure the disk locked DLC was a dick move, but if you don't like something don't buy it. Some people just whine about anything Capcom related.

EskimoPress4235d ago

You don't think $45USD is too much for 15 mediocre retro 16bit games? Each to their own, I guess.

lodossrage4235d ago

some of those aren't EVEN 16 bit.

hano4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

I have seen people gobble up bad games like Aliens CM and buy COD map packs for insane amounts of money.

I'm saying that anything Capcom does, some people hold torches and forks and talk shit about the company. But it doesn't change the fact they make great games.

So for this deal, you have the option to wait and buy the full pack for 30$ or buy the games you want individually or don't buy the games at all if you think the asking price is too much. That's the best way to send them a message.

However, some people seem to have it in for Capcom sometimes even if the situation doesn't call for such behavior.

Donnieboi4235d ago (Edited 4235d ago )

So what if Activision does it too? How does one wrong make another right? What the hell kinda void logic...? SMH

wiium644235d ago

thank god team ninja hasn't done that, all the dlc for the wii u version of ninja gaiden razor's edge, all dlc is free, and all the new 25 trial levels, and costumes, and all other extra content on the ps3 and 360 versions, the wii u is going to get all of that content too as a free download. if capcom ever brings tha game to wii u? i will pass, thank you, i love old arcade classics, but not that much. what happened to you capcom? you are all about the money now, how sad,oh well keep it up, and you'll end up like thq!!

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(PSU.com) Classic Tracks: Streets of Rage 3's 'The Poets II'

PSU.com takes a look at yet another classic gaming anthem, this time from SEGA's retro-tastic brawler, Streets of Rage 3, available as part of Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection/Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection.