
Wii MotionPlus Delayed?

The writing was on the wall when Wii Sports Resort dropped off Nintendo's release schedule, but now there's further fuel being poured on the "MotionPlus delayed" fire, courtesy of IGN's Wii podcast.

Final_Rpg5551d ago

...the wii really does need this feature ASAP. I'm not sure if I'm going to be bothered forking out whatever it costs for it seeing as I only have a handful of games for my Wii.

ChickeyCantor5551d ago

Do realize that games that were build with the current Wii-SDK won't work with Motion-plus.

So even if this thing comes out now, developers will end up in a rushed product. The delay could actually give those developers a bit more time to polish their Wii-motion-plus enabled game.

I'm not happy with the delay, honestly, but if this gives developers a bit more time, its also a good thing?

Pennywise5551d ago

So basically Nin released a machine with a half baked waggle system which should of been 1:1... half the world buys it and realizes that the waggle is not too accurate, so NIN comes up with this new add on to make the system work like it should have day 1 and they will make people buy it.

Sounds to me like this should be free and handed out with apology letters. I have played the Wii, it felt very gimmicky.

I know people are going to bash me because of what I said here, but why does Nintendo always get a free pass?

PirateThom5551d ago

Pennywise, I've been saying this for a while.

The Wii was released, we were all expecting and essentially promised 1:1 movement and we never got it. Now Nintendo are trying to shill yet another add-on bundled with another tech demo.

Pennywise5551d ago

I think people are realizing it now... Its a shame the motion plus with the new sports games will sell over 20mil.

What are they going to do with the new games released for the new motion plus when people never bought the motion plus?? I think this is going to hurt nin more then help.

ChickeyCantor5551d ago (Edited 5551d ago )


No did not release that, From an interview you can clearly read that motion plus was actually a developers demand( an more accurate device that is).

Nintendo never promised 1:1, the Wii-mote does what it does. Consumers just expected 1:1.

At least they are bringing it to the console. You can't just turn the switch and expect everything to be going right. Lots of developers were pissed of the sudden announcement. Cause lots of their concepts could have made great use of motion plus. It wasn't a friendly move at all.
Nintendo should be happy that these developers didn't walk away and just flipped the finger.

Also, motion plus enabled doesn't mean there won't be a scheme for normal waggle controls.
some Wii games can use the GCN controller, and designing two different schemes is harder than to "down grade" to waggle.

Also also, its Wii-sports resort.
WII SPORTS. including a motionplus add-on...how will they not own it.

Product5551d ago

You guys do understand that Nintendo has always stated that the tech inside Motion + was to expensive of a feature to incorporate into a mass marketable item when the Wii first launched right?

Now we are only getting this $30 add-on because gyroscopes are now cheap enough for mass market.

Xander-RKoS5551d ago

If you look into it, no third party company seemed pissed off about the announcement. I believe Ubisoft stated that Red Steel 2 was in development with the motion plus for a long time (and this was pretty recent after the motion plus was announced) and there is a virtua tennis game that will use it, and even Krome Studios said that they weren't willing to wait half a year for the motion plus to release their Star Wars games.

The whole "developers are pissed" thing was Game Informer propaganda, it was an article that had no pictures, quotes, or anything else and then Krome studios comes out to prove that they were lying.

ChaoticStupid5551d ago

@pirateThom, Please provide a link where Nintendo promised 1:1 motion. From what i remember they even came out and said the console wouldnt do 1:1. SO I'd love to see the proof for what you are claiming.

@Product, Nintendo has said numerous times that M+ will be as cheap as they can make it so that everyone can buy it and that it is not expensive at all to make. M+ will not be 30.00.However you are right that Nintendo never promised 1:1 on Wii at launch and that they couldnt have addedM= at the begining.

@pennywise, Sad that someone who does as much trolling as you do is not perma banned. Guess that is what happens though when you run with the same comapny the mods do. You're free to trash any console and act a complete ass. Had any Nintendo fan or MS fan acted the way you do towards Sony they'd have been perma banned already.

ChickeyCantor5551d ago

Actually there were some developers pissed because it was so sudden.
They wished they could have used them in their current projects.
Designing a game for 1:1 is not simply just adding the extra code.
They would have to take steps back and redesign some elements. They have deadlines, of course Redsteel 2 will use it but that game isn't comming out Q4-2008 or Q1/2-2009.

If i were to be a developer i would be pissed too since wii games rely on motion gaming but its limited to some axis. Meaning i would have to make my concept different since Motion plus goes from "waggle" to 1:1.

Of course in the end we are all happy that its there, but in the time period Nintendo announced M+ People were making projects that could make good use of it. And redesigning it would mean it would never reach deadlines.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5551d ago
FinalomegaS5551d ago

I believe it when Nintendo puts out a PR on the delay, can't believe everything that IGN says.

If true then it should give big N time for them to polish the M+ games but I am curious to what EA thinks.

dkgshiz5551d ago

Just like the wii itself.

dkgshiz5551d ago

More wii scams. Just like Wii fit,Wii music,basically every game made for the wii besides 4 decent games. The wii can go screw itself.

ChickeyCantor5551d ago

motivated and persistent.
Haters are awesome these days.

Professor PGX5551d ago

These Wii haters are gettin' old. Its accepted that wii got this gen in the books, yet these fanboyz here keep hatin'. Only on N4G. Only on N4freakin'G

Gr815551d ago

Changes the game..again. Haters are going to find it hard to use the same catch phrases they've grown used to using to bash the Wii. This year seems to be like the year the Wii starts to inherit the "DS effect"

Furthermore; why on earth are these haters on a news post concerning WM+ to begin with? Only to say something nonsensical or irrelevant to the discussion.

Product5551d ago

Haters should do more research before posting on Nintendo news is all im saying.

They dont follow Nintendo news then when a story like this comes around they kinda........miss the boat.

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Relientk77859d ago

Because we all miss accidentally throwing our Wiimotes at the TV, so let's throw some Joy-Cons.

Neonridr859d ago

VR is the same way, wrist straps for a reason.

Neonridr859d ago

I loved the golf from Wii Sports Resort.

Cuzizkool858d ago

I was always confused by Nintendo’s decision to kill the franchise. “Super” stayed with Mario titles even after the Super Nintendo. They can still use the Wii name. Hell it’s been so long that releasing a new one, or even an HD remaster, will tap into that nostalgia market.

DazaMc858d ago

Super Mario launched on the NES not the Super NES.

septemberindecember858d ago

Super was never because of the Super Nintendo. Super Mario Bros launched on the NES. The Super is because it's an indirect sequel to Mario Bros.

They can just call it Nintendo Sports or something, but using the Wii name would be a bit confusing.

Bigman4k858d ago

Yeah i agree but i don't think Nintendo will be bringing wii sports to the Nintendo Switch samething goes for diddykong racing


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ApocalypseShadow1941d ago

Bring Red Steel 2 to VR please.


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TheGamez1002020d ago

I would hope for a twilight princess hd port for the switch? But uhh....the mobile part worries me.

XiNatsuDragnel2020d ago

Mobile twilight uhhh no thanks