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TeamXbox: Tomb Raider: Underworld-Beneath the Ashes DLC Hands-On Impressions

TeamXbox writes: "Beneath the Ashes is the first downloadable content for Eidos' Tomb Raider: Underworld, and though it was delayed from its original release date, it has hit Xbox Live Marketplace today. We took some time with it and here's a peek at what it was like.

The new chapter in the saga weighs in at nearly 1GB in size and has a price tag of 800 Microsoft Points (or about $10). We downloaded it from Marketplace, then loaded up the main game to play the new installment, but you can download it from within the game as well-just go to the main menu, select "Downloadable Content" and follow the prompts. Once you own it, you can launch it with the "Play Mission" selector on the "Downloadable Content" menu."

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Elven65235d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Elven65235d ago

Great for fans, I love how all the Core Design stuff was shoved in a single box while the Crystal Dynamics stuff was given two separate boxes. :P

I guess it probably has something to do with the fact that every Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider title asides from Anniversary was supposed to "reboot" the series! :O

xaviertooth5235d ago (Edited 5235d ago )


sorry wrong post.


Top 8 Gaming Franchises that Need to Die

PS University writes "Our Top 8 lists make a triumphant return this week and I've decided to do this one up a little differently than normal. While most of our readers cry about how we never included other consoles exclusive titles, we're going to do so now. We may represent PlayStation, but I guess it's only fair to let the other guy compete for our spots in the Top 8 countdown. We're also going to start listing the Top 8 in reverse order and start off at number 8. This Top 8 is all about those franchises that have been going on for a little bit too long now and it's about time the developer and publisher behind the title give it a rest. It's almost as though the team behind the scenes aren't comfortable creating something new and fresh this generation and instead look forward to feeding us the same title we've been playing for the last 10 to 15 years.

Chances are, if you're a gamer and you have a favorite franchise, this list will piss you off and I think that's just something you need to deal with on a personal level. When it gets to the point that you're trying to shove soda down our throats while advertising a game that has already had far too many iterations as it is, it goes too far. When we walk into a retail outlet and the opportunity to buy clothes for your over-produced titles is there, it's time to think of a new IP. Let's try and push gaming forward with something new and exciting. Watching a video game legend have to wear hand me downs year after year is getting a little tiring. If you don't understand the point of the list by now, you're a lost gamer. So without much else to say, let's start the list."

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Relientk775352d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
Relientk775352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

Is anyone suprised that Halo and Mario are on this list?

Honestly I want Crash Bandicoot and Spyro the Dragon to die unless
Naughty Dog gets the rights back and actually make a good Crash game
again, and same complaint for Spyro with Insomniac Games
These companies are ruining the Crash and Spyro series, give them
back to their creators :-/

GWAVE5352d ago

Madden should have been #1 on that list.

mastiffchild5352d ago

I'm all for a few new IP myself too-and though I've been a Resi fan from the first moments of the series I'm sure it needs to be at least put away, if not killed off after changing beyond all recognition over the past two games AND going all crap in RE5, killing off it's best, most iconic character and running away from the SH genre while doing nothing to embrace it's new found action direction(i.e if you wanna be an action game chnage the controls and if you wanna be Resi provide some scares and , above all, stop with trying MP til your game suits it).

Too many issues, too much water under the bridge and I just wish now that RE4 had been allowed to be it's glorious swansong rather than RE5 propelling the series towards a nondescript and tawdry end. Shoot it like a mangey dog!

DavePSU5352d ago

Wow Mastiff, no clue why but I completely let Resident Evil slip my mind. I couldn't agree more. I felt the same way as you about the last two titles. They changed the franchise entirely and while both were good games in their own right, they didn't feel like "Resident Evil" anymore.

SuicidalTendencies5352d ago

Dumb article. No game franchise needs to die. As long as people enjoy the games what does it matter if they make 10 or 100? Honestly, you just write these articles to stir up controversy to get hits on your lame ass site, right?

DavePSU5352d ago

Actually, I write them because I enjoy writing them. I also enjoy seeing how other people would change a list or what titles they'd include themselves. Not everything has to be hardcore news, trailers, reviews and previews.

Lightened discussion about gaming topics like this are a nice change of pace and create good discussion sometimes. If it's not your cup of tea, just don't read it. You're obviously not the demographic I'm trying to reach with my Top 8 lists. They're not for everyone, but that doesn't make them "dumb" or anything else.

They're here for entertainment purposes, which is why they're listed as "articles" and not news. If you can't enjoy something for what it is, that's your own problem.

Raptor5352d ago


After 13 main games, numerous remales, portables and films..

I believe the series deserves a quick clean death.

Isaac5352d ago

What about the Wii series, the touch series, shovelware, megaman and pokemon?

5352d ago
KiRBY30005352d ago

insomniac sold the spyro franchise but they're still makin awesome platformer games now with ratchet & clank. tools of destruction is dope (just started playin it) and i cant wait to pick up a crack in time.

as for crash, same story. naughty dog sold crash and we now have uncharted which is IMO the best new franchise of this gen. i wouldnt say no to a PS3 crash game made by naughty dog but as long as they keep bringin awesome NEW games, its all good for us players.

gintoki7775352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

burn baby burn disco inferno!

SuicidalTendencies5352d ago

You're damn right I'm not the demographic you're trying to reach. These type of articles only cause fanboy wars or are just plain dumb. Maybe you or people who read these articles should realize that maybe they have a favorite game that may never see a sequel again. How about you try and convince them a franchise needs to die? Tell that to Shenmue fans or Chrono Trigger fans. Hell, I can think of a bunch of games I may never see a sequel too again. And honestly, we see about 15 articles a week with a top ten this, or a top 5 that, it gets boring. Write about something useful.

DavePSU5352d ago

I'll write a Top 8 Games that Deserve a Sequel tomorrow for you ;)

foxtheory5351d ago (Edited 5351d ago )

1. Finish Peace Walker
2. Cancel Rising
4. Make a game about Zanzibarland (Solid Snake vs. Big Boss)
5. End the series

This would complete the entire series and answer all the questions that still need to be answered without truely milking it. Rising, from what I've heard, is just a filler that is not needed at all. Plus, I just want to see Grey Fox blow up in a mine field!!! xD

Beast_Master5351d ago

Someone should post the top 8 websites that should die..

somerandomdude5351d ago

The new Super Mario is the only game on the Wii that I wish I could play.
Halo / GTA rakes in to much money to die anytime soon.
Metal Gear should have stopped at 4. No Kajimi = no true Metal Gear
Tomb Raider is on its death bed, especially with the Uncharted series stepping it up.

SuicidalTendencies5351d ago

"I'll write a Top 8 Games that Deserve a Sequel tomorrow for you ;)"

It's already been done....numerous times.

kunit22c5351d ago

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this, do you mean the games are getting bad so they should die off? or they are just getting old and too many games? well either way I would say that sonic should die off already, I mean i'm going to give him one more chance with this new 2D sonic but all of his games since 2000 have been awful, and a new sonic game has came out almost like one a year, but they have all been bad so I don't see how Sonic didn't make the list.

DavePSU5351d ago


Then I guess I'll have to think of something else!

TheReaper425351d ago

Killing Mario is like killing oxygen. That's never gonna happen.

vhero5351d ago

The list is pretty good and although from a PS site its not biased which is good to see as it has the MGS series on their.

ThanatosDMC5351d ago (Edited 5351d ago )

Sonic needs to die.

Final Fantasy is different though. Versus will hopefully revitalize the franchise with it's gameplay and mature blah blah. Kingdom Hearts gameplay FTW!

Good thing there was no more FFX-2 sequel... that was just lame.

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The Meerkat5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

Why is Final Fantasy not on the list?

I know they all have different stories, but they are all just as gay.

evrfighter5352d ago

Normally I would disagree with that. But with each new final fantasy that main character looks more and more like a chick. So I'm going to have to agree.

WildArmed5351d ago

havnt seen a good FF since FFX. x-2 (which the main was actually a girl), FFXI,FFXII all were... stupendous.
if FFXIII n FFXIII vs dont save SQ nothing can. I'mma boycott if they screw these up. I cant wait for another 10 years for them to pull crappy FF games out of their asses.

Madden needs to go too =/ but i guess its the best football franchise around.. so its kewl.

I disagree with MGS series.
Even though the story of Solid Snake has been covered we got alot of story holes I'd like to get filled up from The Big Boss etc etc. and i hope it comes to next-gen consoles, i dont like PSP mgs -.-

grayscare05351d ago

I agree. Pokemon should be up there as well.

shauzy5351d ago

no one talks about ff like that its the best rpg game ever
the best ff game is ffvii then ffiv i hope that ffiv:the after years come out soon, thanks.

vhero5351d ago

I am starting to agree with that FF should stop now but if S-E just released another RPG what would be the difference?? It would only sell less nothing more. So they will stick the FF name on it and use it to sell like hotcakes. FF name is no more than a branding nowadays its not a series like all the other franchises on the list.

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Noob5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

I agree, but some of those games contain classic gameplay elements or characters that make the fans keep picking it up. In a away, they are keeping gaming alive. Pokemon should of been on that list too.

You could say FF but they're all different games.

DavePSU5352d ago

I was going to include Pokemon, but wanted to really limit this to console-specific titles -- and felt Pokemon is more of a handheld production (though I know they do have some console titles).

Final Fantasy wasn't included because of the fact each game could be titled differently and it would still sell and make sense. If FF was 15 continuous sequels with the same characters like the titles mentioned in the list, it would have came in at #1 or #2 easily.

Relientk775352d ago

Thanx for clearing that up DavePSU


WildArmed5351d ago

ah point taken. I guess its not really a franchise vs just a title to put on like saying Kojima Productions... in a way

NotoriousWarrior5352d ago (Edited 5352d ago )

I was hoping that MGS would die with MGS4. The game is best at what it does and the best ending for all the great characters.

I hate the fact that there is a MGS:R. Those of you that have played MGS4 would understand that a new MGS is not needed.

I hope its a prequel to MGS4, that way it still wouldn't ruin the MGS4 ending.

Cenobia5351d ago

I'm pretty sure it is a prequel.

I agree with you though. They should have at least dropped the "Solid" and started a new Metal Gear series without Kojima. I feel like they have him locked in a cage over there and only feed him if he gives them more Metal Gear.

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Lara Croft's Sexy Poses Recreated

Lara Croft made her debut back in 1996 really had the guys going wild, even though they were just polygons crafted together to resemble her breasts and her overly large head. Lara Croft has been remodeled from the old Lara into what you're about to see.

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KingKionic 5458d ago (Edited 5458d ago )

oh lordy...lordy...lordy..

This has my approval.

Bob Dole5458d ago

Lol almost forgot about those old pics. Laura Croft makes Bob Dole's penis sneeze.

Raz5458d ago

I've rediscovered the sound of one hand clapping...

Carl14125458d ago

Of course ;)

How did we ever find old Lara sexy? Hmm...

christian hour5457d ago

Back then, I always wondered why people found her sexy... when she didnt even look remotely human or female at all in any way. She looked more alien-inside-of-a-females-skin to me. Did people REALLY? Or was it some weird mass per pressure hting where every guy felt like they had to say they did?

Anyway thats not the point i came here to make... the point is. The guy in the article says the old lara was unproportional and stuff... so are the new ones. In more places than one. I wont point them out, but look at the first picture... Theres a few problems there but the easiest one to spot is... well... JESUS JUST LOOK AT HER FEET WOULD YOU?!

Carl14125457d ago

What's wrong with her feet?

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ruibo5458d ago

I like her more than Jolie

-MD-5458d ago

I forgot how sexy Angelina looked in that movie... wow too bad shes pure skin and bones now.

SevWolf5458d ago

@ murderdolls..tru dat, she was so hot she was a very beautiful lady, right now all I see is just pointy bones popping out of her skin

SlyGuy5458d ago

some of the original pics a bit more.

ryuyasho5458d ago

at least the original model had a great booty and a great pair of cannonballs... this new one, meh not that much, just a big rack. I'm an @$$man, therefore I like the original better. big breast nowdays IMO are overrated...

rjackson15458d ago

I asking the guys! If she was real would you do her?

ssipmraw5458d ago (Edited 5458d ago )

I'm afraid you must excuse murderdolls, hes still in denial you see for as of last year his testicles shriveled up into his body and manifested themselves into ovaries while his anus eventually split and formed a uterus while his penis remains to be a large clitoris. as of last year he has remained a female thereby being incapable of answering your question.

Kajaah1175458d ago

We need Jessica Chobot to give this a shot. Or Layla Kayleigh...

lost25458d ago

im gonna go and stroke it a lil bit....

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