
Lost Odyssey this Christmas, Blue Dragon in August

In a pre-GDC meeting with 1UP, Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi revealed that Lost Odyssey, the second RPG from Sakaguchi's Mistwalker Studios, would ship this Christmas simultaneously in Japan and the United States. This simultaneous release comes as no big surprise, as Lost Odyssey seems to be more targeted toward a Western audience. Some of the proof of this can be found in Lost Odyssey's lip-syncing; the game is being lip-synced with English actors and the Japanese will be dubbed. Additionally, Sakaguchi said that the U.S. release of Blue Dragon is currently slated for an August release. In line with Microsoft's strategy for downloadable content, Blue Dragon has plans for downloadable content -- that content includes a new dungeon.

Boink6319d ago

I can't wait for blue dragon

Lex Luthor6319d ago

Now THAT is the game i'm looking forward to.

BenzMoney6319d ago

How is it that Blue Dragon is taking them 9 months to change over to english? NINE MONTHS?! That's like half of a development cycle for some games - unacceptable. I really wanted Blue Dragon, but as time pushes forward and all these other games are on the horizon its starting to fall down my list and might even fall off it completely. Bioshock, Mass Effect, Forza 2, Fable 2, etc, are all higher on my list than Blue Dragon.

Zinswin6319d ago

Blue Dragon is going to miss a lot of sales in the US because anyone who wants an RPG is going to go with the grown up games that are coming out soon -- not a game that is for kids, like just about every other JRPG. Can someone say the FF series? Yuck. Kiddie time.

Now Losy Odyssey looks interesting, but I'd like to see gameplay first.

jpod6319d ago

Blue Dragon just in time for my bday. that will be great. lost odyssey on same day as japan release is good too. can't wait.

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Lost Odyssey Is Still One Of The Best Xbox RPGs Ever

17 years later, it still stands out.

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shinoff2183129d ago

I liked blue dragon more. Lost odyssey is the shit though.

jznrpg129d ago

Two of the few games I still own for Xbox360 . I have Magna Carta 2 , Last Remnant but also have the PS4 version so I may have got rid of it and I have the DS version of Blue Dragon. I think and a few others but I forget what they are since I don’t dust them off. that’s about it.

shinoff2183129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

Another one I still havent got to try is infinite undiscovery. I read it was pretty linear but I usually fk with tri ace(star oceans are great).

Really my only issue with lost odyssey was the level cap they hit you with throughout the game. I enjoy just relaxing and doing some grinding every once in awhile. Could've atleast given the option. Other then that. Excellent game.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The 360 imo had atleast half or more that Gen of being the better jrpg system. I bought one earlier then I normally would have for some, and Alan wake. Japanese devs really got in their feelings that Gen and dropped the ball(thanks Phil phish, cocky ass ign, etc)

darthv72129d ago

You'd be better off playing Lost Odyssey on an XBO or Series X as no disc swapping and it looks and plays much better. Same with Blue Dragon. I still keep my 360 hooked up for games not on the bc list. for everything else, I use the series x now. Just last night I installed arkham origins as there is no 8th gen version like asylum/city.

I love having bc on xbox one/series hardware.

shinoff2183128d ago


When I bought the the Xbox one off a couple worker. That was the first thing indid. Bought blue dragon and lost odyssey. Been waiting to catch infinite undiscovery on sale but I forget to check.

I used to own the 360 versions but I bought these digital. I'd like to track down the 360 ones again but no huge deal. I was actually playing through lost odyssey waiting for starfield to drop.

RaidenBlack129d ago

Is Lost Odyssey coming to PS, too?

cthulhucultist129d ago

The game was indeed amazing. Great characters, gameplay and story!

But the dream sequences penned by Shigematsu were sublime.

I still remember many of these stories and I have integrated in the past in my D&D campaign many years ago.

RpgSama129d ago

I'm not going to lie, I cried on more than on a couple of them

Dabigsiebowski129d ago

Microsoft should have just kept pumping money into these guys. Same with a lot of the other studios... the blundered hard.

Lost Odysee deserved a franchise even though development wasn't smooth

Michiel1989129d ago

Am I the only one who doesn't wanna see every good game get sequel after sequel? It was a great game, but sometimes it's better to just make a one off and then create a new universe. Sadly that costs a lot more money and publishers don't wanna risk it, but I would definitely prefer it

shinoff2183129d ago

I'm fine with sequels in jrpgs, even in the vain of ff sequels, all new stories and characters. It does get old in other genres though sometimes. For the most part I just game by game basis it all.

FinalFantasyFanatic129d ago

They could have done it like Final Fantasy, kept the title name and just start with a new world/characters, it's not like the creator isn't familar with that.

Concertoine129d ago

Idk, Japan never bit for Xbox despite their best efforts around this era. Mistwalker never exploded either, despite future partnerships with Nintendo whichhad a much better chance at success

BrainSyphoned129d ago

It's not like it has had any competition since 2007. Would really like to own the short stories from it in book form.

PapaBop129d ago

360 had some amazing JRPGs in it's early days, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Tales of Vesperia off the top of my head were all amazing games.

jznrpg129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

The problem with most MS games on 360 was they didn’t make the games they paid for them and that makes you less money in the long run and isn’t something you can continue to do especially with declining sales of consoles. MS should have been starting and growing studios from the beginning but they went for paid games and it leaves them without the knowledge and culture of making games.

shinoff2183129d ago

Good points. Never thought of that like that back then.

Sgt_Slaughter129d ago

Not to mention killing the Japanese market that had all sorts of crazy and fun releases up until 2009-2010. They could have gained momentum on Nintendo and kept that going into the Xbox One era, but decided to "unify" efforts and that all but ended their presents in the country. Now, PS4's outsell the Xbox Series S three years into the new system's life cycle, and the 2/3DS at one point was doing the same.

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I Used To Hate This Xbox 360 Exclusive JRPG, But Boy Was I Wrong

I had it all wrong...Blue Dragon is awesome!

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M0chit0290d ago

One of the best of that era. Great game, great adventure!

Kurisu290d ago

I bought this game a couple of days ago, along with Lost Odyssey, while they're on sale in the Xbox Store. I never had a 360 back in the day so I missed out on these games, so I'm glad that I'll finally be able to try them out soon on my Series S.

raWfodog290d ago

Yep, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and Gears of War were my favorite 360 games back when they first released.

Seraphim290d ago

no doubt. To this day it baffles me when this game gets hate. Sure it wasn't as epic as Lost Odyssey, but in it's own right it was a great game.

MrNinosan290d ago

Lost Odyssey is one of the best jrpgs of that era but got killed because it was bought up and released on the "wrong" console.

repsahj290d ago

Is there a chance that Lost Odyssey will be released on PS5? I really want to play it and Blue Dragon, too.

autobotdan290d ago

Both games are owned by Microsoft

andy85290d ago

Great game. The 360 had some really good turn based games back in the day. Absolutely loved Lost Odyssey too. I think they are both Sakaguchi creations.

ZwVw290d ago

Correction. Both Blue Dragon & Lost Odyssey (as well as Infinite Undiscovery) started off as in-house developed projects that went third party after MS killed off their Japanese development studios.

andy85290d ago

Doesn't really have anything to do with what I said though 😂 Sakaguchi wrote them both

Hofstaderman290d ago

This game together with Lost Odyssey, The Last Remenant and Tales of Vesperia convinced me to buy a 360. This game made my 2007 which ended off with mass effect.

CrimsonWing69290d ago

Honestly, a fantastic game, especially if you were a fan of old-school JRPGs. I hate that this genre rarely can come back to these roots.

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Did you play Blue Dragon? Whatever the case might be, it deserves to be remembered

Destructoid: I remember where I was when Blue Dragon was announced. Although I already had an Xbox 360 and was ready for it, some folks I knew bought one just for it given who was involved (Nobuo Uematsu, Hironobu Sakaguchi, Akira Toriyama): as Mistwalker and Microsoft Game Studios made a mad dash to put out more games from Japanese studios on the Xbox ecosystem.

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shinoff2183319d ago

Blue dragon was fantastic. Love that game. It was my biggest reason for getting a 360.

gold_drake319d ago

i wanted to play it, but ...
1. its on xbox
and 2. i missed it when it was on gamepass ha.

shinoff2183319d ago

Kind of a shame it's not on gamepass so more people could enjoy it.

gold_drake319d ago

yeh, i missed it by one darn day.

Tacoboto318d ago

It's only $20 on the Xbox Store.
Lost Odyssey is only $25

-Foxtrot319d ago

I thought it was pretty good but I personally I think Lost Odyssey is better

Also, I know a lot of JRPGs are cheesy but damn…this one was amped up to 11.

shinoff2183319d ago

Lost odyssey lost me when I started to realize my grinding to level up wasn't adding up. So I never picked it up again. I really really despise that.

MontyeKristo318d ago

I really enjoyed, at the time, Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and The Last Remnant.

MrNinosan318d ago

Then you missed out on of of the best jrpgs ever made.
Did you at least reach the point where Jansen qas singing? 🥰

GoodGuy09319d ago

I really wish Mistwalker would remaster these games... they're too busy with mobile unfortunately.

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