
Eurogamer: Deadly Creatures Review

Eurogamer writes: "It doesn't speak too highly of the innovative thinking in the games industry that a simple cosmetic makeover can spark talk of originality and freshness. Deadly Creatures is a third-person action-adventure, with a heavy emphasis on melee fighting. It just happens to have a tarantula and a scorpion as its heroes, instead of a cyborg space marine ninja avenging the murder of his twin brother who was also a wizard.

To begin with, at least, the change in perspective is compelling enough to make up for the rather threadbare construction. Alternating between the tarantula and scorpion, you explore your desert environment, occasionally fighting against each other as well as local predators, munching on crickets and grubs to top up your health afterwards. Each objective met, and each enemy slain, earns you points which unlock new moves when your total hits certain preset points."

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Fozzy255695d ago

What happened here? Is this a one off, or are we to prepare ourselves for another year of flops on the Wii.

PS360WII5695d ago

wow that dude is not playing the same game as I am 0.o


10 Most Underrated Wii Games You Should Play

Beneath all the Smash and shovelware, the Wii really did have quite a few gems.

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Venoxn4g759d ago

Not a bad list.. I would add Excitebots, Kororinpa 1 & 2, Bit.Trip series, Geometry Wars: galaxies


Deadfall, Darksiders & a Horse-Sized Duck – We talk to Nordic Games Martin Kreuch

In an enlightening interview with Laser Lemming Nordic Game's Martin Kreuch reveals the swedish publisher's plans for their recent haul of THQ ips, including Darksiders.

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ZodTheRipper3966d ago

How about no Darksiders at all? I never understood how people could play this game from start to finish, both belong to the worst games I played in the last 10 years.

KrisButtar3966d ago

The 1st is one of my favorite games

AntoineDcoolette3965d ago

Darksiders is an amazing Zelda style game with terrific art direction, great characters, fun gameplay, and something severely lacking from this generation BOSS FIGHTS! The first also had a pretty decent story and its ending is one of my favorite endings in video games.

I also agree with the notion of the first being better than the second.

ELpork3966d ago

Horse sized duck... Well now I'm hungry.

RBlue_Desire3966d ago

Oh maaan, please continue the story of darksiders series.
Also if you do manage to get older developers, i hope you guys remove the rpg-ish element. <_<

The game was much better without it.

AntoineDcoolette3965d ago

Agreed! I feel the RPG/loot esque style detracted from focus that could have been spent on more memorable characters and gameplay.


Game Informer - Replay – Deadly Creatures

Game Informer - One of the most unique Wii titles revolved around a spider, a scorpion, and actors Billy Bob Thornton and the late Dennis Hopper. THQ released Deadly Creatures in 2009 to little fanfare, but many that played it were charmed by its quirkiness. This week, we see if that charm holds up.

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4221d ago