
GamesRadar: Flower Review

Flower is likely to inspire the sort of purple prose that always appears whenever games skirt the periphery of 'art'; but to bury the game under a load of pretentious hyperbole is to do it a disservice. The concept – guide a bunch of petals around evocative landscapes, gradually bringing colour and life back to the world – is strong enough that such prose is redundant. This is a beautiful, immediately enjoyable experience in its own right and you shouldn't let the seeming pretension of the concept put you off.

You'll love:
* Fantastic atmosphere
* Good motion controls
* Chance to "be" the wind

You'll hate:
* Pretty short
* Not much actual "game"
* No guns

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Carbide75595d ago

Beautiful game, and "beautiful" is, at least I think, the most accurate word to describe this game, along with "elegant"

Timberland2K95595d ago

how does the review list negative as no guns the reviewing process is fu(*)ked up

gambare5595d ago

It's like Quakers oatmeal, the kids will ask why it doesn't have sugar puffs in it, same with this, grown ups knows that it's good but kids will ask for "guns" in it.

animboo5595d ago

what the hell is that. a game needs a gun or some sort of shooting in order for it to be great, are they on drugs.

BrianC62345595d ago

I hope they were joking under cons where they said no guns. I don't think anyone expects the wind to pack heat or anything.

TheIneffableBob5595d ago

Timberland2K9, it's obviously a joke.

Don't get your panties in a bunch.

hay5595d ago

No guns, zomg. It must be a joke.
But seriously, it's a must have for every self-respecting PS3 owner.

SL1M DADDY5595d ago

So how am I to take this review seriously if they add a comment like that considering that it is not a game about killing and would in fact never need any sort of gun? Wow... Just... Wow.

lordgodalming5595d ago

You've hit it on the head. I played through the first few levels last night, and before I quit for the evening, I played through the first level twice more. Amazing.

SaiyanFury5595d ago

Oh $hit no guns?? That puts it off for me. Wait a second, I grew up on games without guns so it might actually work for me.

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she00win995595d ago

no guns? are you kidding me? does every game needs to have guns in order to be great..

Simon_Brezhnev5595d ago

yeah whats wtf im saying too like u wanna see guns in a damn flower game

interrergator5595d ago

guns and flowers dont mix lol

Coconutz9195595d ago

I'm sure the "no guns" con is just sarcasm. They wouldn't honestly put that! Although now that I think about it... a game with lots of guns and lots of flowers... might actually be awesome.

UltimateIdiot9115595d ago

It would be. I imagine a situation where you get to take the role of a hippie or a government soldier. The government could no longer take these hippies eco-terrorism and their flower powered weapons so a bill was passed to take out all hippies.As a solider you will hunt and shoot down any hippy and anyone who is found using flowers. As a hippy, you can gather different flowers for different power while avoiding soldiers.

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NaiNaiNai5595d ago (Edited 5595d ago )

i think ill get this.


finally, im so happy.

just FYI to everyone, i got MGS4, LBP, and motorstorm 1.

and other good game suggestiions would be fine.
and im not picky i play every genre, >.> except barby horse adventure.

@below, thankys

Araceae5595d ago

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Valkyria Chronicles
PixelJunk Monsters
PixelJunk Eden
Resistance: Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Disgaea 3
Heavenly Sword

GiantEnemyCrab5595d ago

Congrats NaiNaiNai. Definately check out Uncharted Drakes Fortune.

rucky5595d ago

I suggest making Valkyrie Chronicles your priority first if you can. The story is great and I highly doubt it'll leave a bad taste on your mouth.

LeonSKennedy4Life5595d ago

Devil May Cry 4
Fallout 3
Resistance 2
Uncharted: Drake's fortune
Heavenly Sword
Buzz: Quiz TV (If you like pop culture...it's GREAT!)

UltimateIdiot9115595d ago

If you're looking into PSN games, I suggest Wipeout HD, and Flower. Also Lumines isn't a bad choice but definitely keep an eye out for this spring. Titles like Noby Noby and Fat Princess are coming out.

NaiNaiNai5595d ago (Edited 5595d ago )

thanks for the suggestions guys.

btw way my PSN is


seems someone actually got to my name before me T_T. oh well. XD im just happy to get it, and just in time for KZ2

btw, one of my friends just gave me a Killzone 2 code so im gona try it out tonight. so yea, im so happy. XD

Exquisik5595d ago

Why do people always forget about Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction? :(

Get Siren Blood Curse if you're into Horror games as well.

And welcome to the dark side Nai.

Pennywise5595d ago

Another 360 camp die-hard converted. I guess you want to play games this year. Good for you, welcome to the dark side.

GrandTheftZamboni5595d ago (Edited 5595d ago )

Resistance: Fall of Man. It's half price now. I picked it only recently even though it's been out for 2 years. Great game. Great price.

My personal favourite: Warhawk. It took me a while to get comfortable though.

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This is greatly appreciated right now. Gotta fight this cabin fever ;b

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Great recommendations, I love all the games listed that I've played so far. Going a bit stir-crazy with the constant WFH during this time. Thanks!!


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Review - Flower (PC) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Flower is a gorgeous, well-crafted and relaxing game, but I have to say, I don’t get the massive love towards it. Its “story”, if you can call it that, is far from deep and thought-provoking as some say it is, its duration is borderline insulting for its asking price, and it just doesn’t motivate you to replay it after you’re done with its half a dozen levels. Sadly, Flower isn’t as meaty as it should be. A fair point in a way, given it’s a game about plants…"

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