
X Edge Screenshots

52 new screenshots of X Edge (Cross Edge) has been posted on a X Edge fan site.

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Gue15569d ago (Edited 5569d ago )

I seriously don't know what's the point on bringing this game to America (slated for march apparently) because nobody will care. Most people doesn't even know who are more than half of the characters in it (fan service for people that aren't fans) and it is a classic strategy game(=borigness to the extreme) with PS2 graphics without a single CGI or anime cut-scene and probably bad story...

Where's my OneeChanbara PS3? A hot girl on bikini slaying zombies!? I like that!

Or namcoXcapcom ps3 version? I know most of the characters so I approve this fan service!

Tatsunoko vs Capcom PS3? I love Street Fighter and the freaking G-Force!

^These are the kind of niche tittles that I want!

X edge is a niche tittle with characters from niche games for... niche of niche lovers? That's too niche for me. LoL

5569d ago
Chris3995569d ago

If you own a PS3 and like RPGs, buy this game.

There is a demo on the Japanese PSN store as well. The graphics are quite nice, and the gameplay seems tight - fighting/ RPG hypbrid. This is a must have if you're into anime, as there is a tremendous amount of fanservice to be found in this title.

From what I've read though, the plot doesn't rely on prior knowledge of the characters, so if you're new or oblivious to anime, it won't really matter.

The_Perverted_Ninja5569d ago

wiimaniac change your picture please... I can't stand looking at that pale ugly bastard. :(


US release of Cross Edge delayed for Trophy support

NIS America is bringing quirky (and low budget) JRPG Cross Edge to the States. While it was expected to release this March, the game has been quietly delayed. The reason? Nippon Ichi is spending a bit more time on the game, adding a feature missing from the original Japanese release of the game: Trophies.

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Kamikaze1355552d ago

I remember, I believe it was Insomniac games, who said that a trophy patch would not take longer than a week if the developer is dedicated to it. NIS America is taking 2 months to add the patch? What a lazy bunch.

However, the delay might have more to do with them getting their ass chewed by NIS HQ in Japan because of the last game that came out who's name always escapes my tongue. The translation was so horrible (not to mention bug infested), that they were scolded for it and experienced a few lay offs. Now they're re-reading each and every line they translate multiple times over and testing each game a load of times.....

I can't wait to play this game though. It looks like a lot of fun.

kazuma5552d ago (Edited 5552d ago )

lol yeah, that's ar tonelico 2. the translation was awful and it had at least one game-breaking bug (if you didn't pass a certain boss before he used a certain attack, you couldn't get past it)


so awesome XD

SaiyanFury5552d ago

A sh!tty deals. Oh well, i guess it'll satisfy those that just have to get all the trophies. I was hoping to get it in March, but whatever. I'm importing the Asian version of Demon's Souls so that'll most likely keep me entertained until it comes out.

The gaming GOD5552d ago

This is a "good" delay in my eyes. The original japanese version doesn't even have trophy support. So we shouldn't be mad about this one. In fact, we should be thankful they are including the support BEFORE releasing it to the U.S. and Europe

Kamikaze1355552d ago

It's like I stated on my first comment. They got their asses chewed for the horrible translation of Ar Tonelico 2 (thanks,kazuma for reminding me of the name, lol). They're basically going to translate the game, look over it again and again to make sure there are no typos or bugs within the US version. Also, to make up for that mistake that was Ar Tonelico 2, they're adding trophy support.....dammit, Disgaea 3 needs trophy support as well >_>

The gaming GOD5552d ago

That makes sense. And I didn't know they messed up Ar Tornelico 2's translation. I do remember them messing up Ar Tornelico 1's though.

In any case, I'm just happy for the trophy support. And yeah I agree, Disgaea 3 trohpy support would be nice while they're at it lol

Da One5552d ago (Edited 5552d ago )

It's also reported the NIS fired some of NISAmerica's staff after Ar Tonelico 2, according to some guy on gamefaqs a NISA rep told him that NIS was uber pissed at the job NISA did on Ar Tonelico, thus people had to get cut

edit-------------take this with a grain of Salt


Confirmed Characters For X Edge

X Edge will feature characters from Darkstalkers, Disgaea, Ar Tonelico, Spectral Souls, Atelier Marie, and Mana-Khemia 2. Fan site CrossEdgeX.com has the current list of characters that are confirmed to appear in Cross Edge

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PS3 RPG X-Edge (Cross Edge) Coming to America in March 2009

RPGamer.com interviews Nao Zook, Jack Niida, and the rest of the NIS America crew, asking:

"X-Edge just seems to have NIS America all over it. It features characters from Disgaea, Mana Khemia, Ar tonelico, Spectral Souls, and the Atelier series. I mean, come on, there are even Prinnies. When should we expect to see it in North America?"

NIS responds: "...The release date isn't finalized yet, but it's going to be in March 09."

The gaming GOD5624d ago


I was upset because I thought I'd have to import this.

I love NIS

callahan095624d ago

I'm pretty excited for it as well. I can't wait to play it in English. Definitely going to have to reserve this as soon as Amazon gets a listing for it.

The gaming GOD5624d ago

Games like this have a hard time getting out of Japan.

I was shocked when Chaos Wars made it stateside. And I'm sure we'll never see namco x capcom with the exception of roms and patches.

So hell yeah I'm excited :)

callahan095624d ago

Good point! I'll definitely be giving them my dollars... I support any company that localizes niche Japanese titles like this. I did with all the Eidos FRESH releases back in the early 2000's for the PS2 and GameCube (Mad Meastro and Mister Mosquito, booyah!) and I'll keep doing it, too. I've already picked up, just this year, Mana Khemia and Persona 4 for PS2, Disgaea 3 and Valkyria Chronicles for PS3.

UltimateIdiot9115624d ago

Sweeeetttttttt, I was hoping the rumors was true back then.

tako20005624d ago

um~ hate to be party pooper but Xedge wasn't a good game...

I played JP version, and I would give it 6/10

The gaming GOD5624d ago

we can judge that for ourselves whether it's good or not

One man's trash is another man's treasure as the saying goes

callahan095624d ago

If you played it, why don't you go into some depth. What didn't you like? Why a 6? If you don't elaborate, you can't expect your opinion to mean much.

Dir_en_grey5624d ago

I was gonna import this, but then I tried the demo...
I'd say this is definitely not a game to hype up as a PS3 exclusive RPG or anything like that...
All I gotta say is try the demo...

UltimateIdiot9115624d ago

I enjoyed the demo but the ultimate problem was I don't understand Japanese so in the end I just button mash.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5624d ago
dericb115624d ago

Just a another JRPG for us with a PS3. Things are looking good.

Gambit075624d ago

How were the Famitsu reviews for this game?

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