
NWR: Tatsunoko Vs Capcom : Cross Generation of Heroes Review

It is a shame that the accessibility of Tatsunoko vs. Capcom's gameplay is somewhat negated by the unlikelihood that it will see a release outside of Japan, but those willing to brave the obscurity (and expense) of the import scene can rest assured that the language barrier is not a particular problem. Indeed, despite its relative obscurity, this game feels almost tailor-made for anyone eager to reconnect with the kind of fighting experience that's been in short supply on Nintendo consoles since the end of the 16-bit era. The outrageously fun but equally well-conceived fighting won't disappoint, and if you have friends you've just been longing to beat up with a giant transforming golden cigarette lighter robot, then Tatsunoko vs. Capcom carries the highest of recommendations.

* Smooth and striking graphics
* Carefully streamlined controls
* Well thought-out fighting mechanics
* Wonderfully over-the-top action

* Some generic backgrounds
* Thin single player content
* No online multiplayer
* Ineffective incentives for unlockables

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panasonic235706d ago

man i wish this game would come over here in the usa.

Product5706d ago

i really wish they would do a something like this only for the western market instead.

People keep saying Marvel vs Capcom 3 and that would be great but even a new Alpha game for wii with these type of graphics would be awesome imo.Hell bring out a new Darkstalkers.

To me there is nothing better then 2d fighters.Unless its 2.5d that is.


The Capcom Crossover Fighting Game People Hardly Ever Talk About

Ever wanted to see Mega Man’s sister, Roll, beat the crap out of Yatterman-1 from the series Yatterman! Gan Takada? TvC has you covered. Did you know that the game only released on the Wii? Fortunately, it supports fight sticks and GameCube controllers in addition to the Wii Remote and Nunchuk. Unfortunately, Capcom’s licensing deal with Tatsunoko lapsed sometime in 2012, so we never got a sequel.

PhoenixUp2075d ago

Because not many western audiences are familiar with the Tatsunoku brand.

I’m grateful for this game existing because it led to some of its devs to also work on the later MvC3

Majin-vegeta2075d ago

Also didnt help that it was only on the wii.Instead of the other popular platforms

DarXyde2075d ago

MvC3 was broken too. Dark Phoenix and the infinite combos really made that game a drag to play online.

I love Marvel and grew up loving the comics, but I got more out of TvC. I also loved Tatsunoko growing up.

Both games are hilariously broken fighters, but MvC3 was perhaps more frustrating. Sure, TvC has serious problems that could not be patched.... but the fact that Capcom left MvC3 in that condition when they COULD have patched it and preferred to release UMvC3 is perhaps worse. They gave some flimsy reasoning about the earthquake in Japan.

gangsta_red2075d ago

We need another Capcom SNK crossover. In fact throw in Namco for the ultimate in fighting game goodness

DarXyde2075d ago

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom was a blast, but it had some serious balancing issues. I guess it wasn't really practical to allow for DLC and patches on Wii, but it was pretty bad in terms of balance. I had modded my Wii to play the original Japanese version which was, in my opinion, better than the western release. Western release added Zero, which seriously broke the game.

Vandamme212075d ago

I wanted to play this game but it was a wii exclusive

Segata2075d ago

Not only the one people forgot but it's actually the best Capcom Vs game there is and the best fighting game Capcom made in the 7th gen and they have yet to top it in the years since.

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Combo Breaker: Coping With Simpler Control Schemes

Corey Moore writes, "Game developers have also created ways to ease reluctant swimmers into the deep end of the gaming pool. Capcom, for example, is at the forefront of such a movement and did so by simplifying the controls for some of their popular franchises. But this casual approach to what otherwise should be 'hardcore' titles has caused quite a bit of upset among seasoned gamers. To this I simply say: Deal with it."

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Baka-akaB4241d ago (Edited 4241d ago )

"To this I simply say: Deal with it."

Cool , but "to this i simply say" your oversimplified crap doesnt sell in the case of DmC , hence failing the entire purpose of said exercice of simplification .

MVC3 and tatsunoko actual retains most if not , all the depth and complexity of the VS genre , it was just a simplified button schemes , wich was complained about , but not nearly as much as implied . All the fans know VS capcom games proposes simple controls schemes and basic special moves input

nugnugs4241d ago

"Deal with it" or alternatively = "Bend over and take it"


Ten Wii Games You'll Want To Keep For the Wii U

Just because your system has been upgraded doesn't mean you shouldn't play your older Wii games on it. Prima Games suggests ten you should keep.

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guitarded774327d ago

I originally sold my Wii about 1-2 years into its life cycle because I was unhappy with it... however I got my Wii U on Sunday and I'm very happy with it so far. One thing that has been awesome is playing some of the Wii games I've missed like SSB Brawl and Wii Sports Resort. I plan on checking out some of the JRPGs and Nintendo 1st party exclusives I missed too. I wish they would upscale the Wii games though. Switching from Wii U mode to Wii mode gets all fuzzy. I'd rater have sharp jaggies then SD fuzzies.

SilentNegotiator4327d ago

Why not just title it, "Wii games still worth playing"?

Because people that HAVE the game don't need to be told if it's worth keeping; they can figure that one out on their own.

Summons754327d ago

Where is The Last Story???

My list is

Last Story
Zelda SS
Kirby Collection
Animal Crossing
Xenoblade Chronicles (even though I really didn't like the combat)
Trauma Center

Mario Kart and Smash Bros are guaranteed to be right around the corner for the WiiU so keeping those seems a bit silly, especially since Nintendo confirmed that Smash Bros is in development for it.