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The Top 5 FPS Games This Generation Pre-Killzone 2

The Top 5 FPS Games of This Generation Pre-Killzone 2. It's a weird title yes, but have a feeling that their top choices are about to change come Feb. 27th

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SeanScythe5611d ago

Halo 3's multiplayer is surpassed by R2 and COD4. I mean come on you've got GOTY Multiplayer and 60 player Vs & 8 player coop.

GWAVE5611d ago

Halo's multiplayer is actually quite fun with a bit of tweaking (I turn overshields off). However, it's hard for a lot of people to see that because the Halo multiplayer community -- for the most part -- is rubbish.

I'm disappointed at the lack of PC shooters on this list. Oh well. You can't expect EVERYone to love PCs. :(

callahan095610d ago

My list would look like this:

1. TIE = Halo 3 & Resistance 2
2. Call of Duty 4
3. Resistance Fall of Man
4. The Darkness
5. Unreal Tournament III

I would say that Bioshock is awesome, but not an FPS in the true sense of the word. It's more like an adventure game with RPG and shooter themes. I wouldn't put Oblivion or Fallout 3 on the list for the same reason.

Guitarded5610d ago

1.Shadowrun(Totaly underrated game)

2.Battlefield:Bad Company

3.Halo 3(I don't like the maps much)

4.Bioshock(I used the guns in it more than in The Darkness or Dark Sector so I'll include it)

5.The Darkness(Can't stand the controls in COD or R6:Vegas)

Fallout 3 and Mass Effect are RPG focused and the only shooting in Oblivion was arrows or magic so I'm not sure why you may have included it in your exclusions callahan09. Otherwise nice list.

Marquis_de_Sade5610d ago

Numbers aren't everything. I play both Resistance 2 and Halo 3 regularly and I must say I prefer Halo 3.

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tnkGODimATHEIST5611d ago

dude even if you have 60 players it does not mean its "Fun" Halo 3's multiplayer has a much better quality and its back by Xbox Live.

read disc error5610d ago (Edited 5610d ago )

I've played Counterstrike maps with more people than 60 and it pretty much sucks because it's all run and gun.

personally anything more than 8-10 per team is excessive.

mal_tez925610d ago (Edited 5610d ago )

Resistance 2 had dedicated lag-free servers, a feature of PSN not XBL. Even with 60 people you never lagged. I also loved the skirmishes, dynamic mission objectives and squad based team play made R2's Multiplayer great.

I spent most of the game in the co-op though. The classed based co-op made me have more fun with it than I did with Left4Dead.

I do like the Forge thing Halo has. Custom maps are always good.
I just hate Halo's gameplay though, jump really high and the first person to get the rocket launcher wins.

CoD4 was easily the best Multiplayer FPS I have ever played though, I just hated how dodgy the servers were.

Saladfax5611d ago (Edited 5611d ago )

It's hard to rank games like that, even within their own genres. I'm surprised The Darkness made it in the list, instead of something like Team Fortress 2, or Fallout 3. Or even STALKER

Pretty good ranking overall, however.

oriol0035611d ago

Well Fallout 3 is not really what you would call a "Fluent FPS" Its more like a Hybrid.

thats_just_prime5610d ago

Why Darkness and Bioshock are the only 2 games on that list really worth playing. Both Halo and R2 are boring as hell from start to finish a total waste of time. CoD4 is almost just a boring a few cool cg's in between lvls and some fairly impressive graphics keeps it from being a complete waste

silvacrest5610d ago

halo 3 was average, didnt get to try multiplayer as i dont have xbox live and i was playing on my bros 360

R2 single player grew on me after a rocky start, i didnt get to try multiplayer but overall it was good

panasonic235611d ago

how many people actually play R2

edwineverready5610d ago

But i personally don't like it the guns just feel fake to me and it takes to long to kill people. I think resistance1 was better then 2.

ftwps35610d ago (Edited 5610d ago )

I agree Res1 was some much better and more ingenious then Res2, I mean it was fun and all but It could have been alot more.

I still play it though, and I still have fun.

poopsack5610d ago

"guns just feel fake to me" well they're virtual and based on alien technology.

silvacrest5610d ago

"guns just feel fake to me" well they're virtual and based on alien technology"

exactly, how do any of use no what alien weapons are "supposed" to feel like?

oriol0035610d ago

The guns from Call of Duty feel "real" and the alien guns from Halo are pretty "believable"

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yoge5611d ago

a lot of people play r2

ftwps35610d ago

Compared to other shooters not really.

Resistance 2 is a game that falls into the Unique Crowed, where its not that popular, and is only enjoyed by a relatively small section of people. Its still fun put to hold it up to COD and Halo is a hard comparison to make.

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Ranking Every Halo Game From Worst To Best

Not every Halo game has been a banger, but the franchise still has a raft of the greatest games of all time.

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Community165d ago
HellspawnPR1981164d ago

Infinite is a dumpster fire and as much as I like ODST, in no universe it ranks above Halo 2. This list is trash.

Kaii164d ago

Just exclude Infinite>5>4

ChasterMies164d ago

Best to worst: Halo 3, Halo 2, Halo Reach, Halo CE, Halo 4, Halo ODST, Halo Infinite, Halo 5.


The 7 Best Xbox 360 Games - Console Exclusives Win the Day

The Xbox 360 was a fantastic console in its day with some truly classic titles, but what are the seven best games for the console?

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Community202d ago
DrDoomer202d ago

I'm pretty used to these lists being bad, but this one is particularly s#ite.

raWfodog201d ago

I think Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon should have been added to the list.

BrainSyphoned202d ago

I'll go with,
Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Culdcept Saga, Shadow Complex, Ace Combat 6 with the flight stick,A Kingdom for Keflings, A World of Keflings.
Bonus Kinect Games: Happy Action Theater and Sesame Street.
*Skyrim was so bad on PS3 that it almost deserves to be #1*

Husker42c201d ago

I really loved Shadow Complex.

P_Bomb201d ago

Ah yes, Shadow Complex! Good indies back in the day. Summer of Arcade. I enjoyed Trials Evolution as well.

ChasterMies202d ago (Edited 202d ago )

Was this made by a.i.? No human being would put Shadowrun, Fable III, and Splinter Cell: Conviction into a list of the 7 best Xbox 360 games.

Abnor_Mal202d ago (Edited 202d ago )

Would love to play Ace Combat6 on PlayStation, but Xbox decided to buy exclusivity and keep it off a competing platform.

The only mainline game I never played except for one level at a friends place. Game sold less than any other in the series if I remember correctly.

darthv72201d ago

360 had Namco hitters AC6 and RR6... both quality titles. You should at least bust out the 360 for AC6 if you can score the flight stick. Its great.

Hofstaderman201d ago

When the current gen XBOX offering is so lacking people need to refer to games released two generations back....

Profchaos201d ago (Edited 201d ago )

It's a nostalgia peice same reason we get thousands of YouTube videos on sega genisis. Something people have fond memories for but the era is long gone.

It's xboxs golden year imo it was their genisis years the time where they stuck it to the market leaders Sony.

BehindTheRows201d ago

They stuck nothing. Sony screwed themselves giving Xbox an opening. They would have gotten the usual smack down if the PS3 had launched at $399 and was easier to develop for.

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Xbox 360 Turns 18: Three Cheers to Live, Halo, and Red Rings

The Xbox 360 launched in North America 18 years ago, and is now officially old enough to buy you a drink in Europe.

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Community213d ago
darthv72213d ago

Great platform, and many of its games (not bc) still hold up well to this day. Like the PS3, I keep a 360 hooked up for those games you can't play any other way.

isarai213d ago

The last gasp of greatness from XBox, you are missed, except the RROD that was lame, but amazing exclusives until the Kinect dropped.

TheBrainZ213d ago

So many brilliant games. I still have one stored somewhere.

LG_Fox_Brazil212d ago

I really enjoyed my X360, some great exclusives on it. Used to play the shit out ot Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, two masterpieces