
PopMatters: Crayon Physics Deluxe Review

Given the creator's claims to continue supporting the game with patches and his excellent delivery so far, Crayon Physics Deluxe seems like a solid investment. For $20 you get a puzzle game that comes with an excellent selection of levels, interesting challenges to solving them, and the promise that the only limitation will be yourself. Leigh Alexander once wrote that engagement is a choice. With Crayon Physics Deluxe you certainly need to make that choice, but the nice thing is that you can engage quite a bit if you do.

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Humble Indie Bundle 3 Impressions

GameBlurb: "I thought it would be a good idea to set aside my backlog and play these games in the context of a sincere plug for the awesome folks who put this thing together for the third time now."

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halocursed4806d ago

This is how you end software piracy.


Humble Indie Bundle Released, Brings in $600,000

"Having only been available for less than 24 hours, the Humble Indie Bundle #3 has sold 130,000 copies raising more than $600,000 in the process. In return each customer now has access to the following five brilliant indie titles: Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, And Yet It Moves and Hammerfight with a combined value close to $50. How much do you get them for?"- The Stoned Sheep

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maxcavsm4809d ago

Jesus, really? Those are insane numbers; and I thought the last one did well.