
GamerLimit: Yakuza 2 Review

The Gamer Limit reviews Yakuza 2, giving the game a perfect score (10/10). Many gamers have been looking forward to seeing the following Yakuza titles, Ryu ga Gotoku! Kenzan and Yakuza 3, being released in the states. Yakuza Kenzan was released to critical acclaim in Japan last year, yet poor sales of Yakuza 1 and Yakuza 2 in the America's don't bode well for the franchise' future abroad.

GamerLimit writes:

"If perfection were more than an abstract notion, Yakuza would, in fact, be a perfect game. It literally cannot be any better than it currently is. Yakuza 2 sold wildly in the land of its birth, spawning both a prequel, Ryu ga Gotoku! Kenzan, set in the Era of Warring States (Sengoku) and a sequel, Yakuza 3, the sheer, overwhelming quality of this title ought to be self-evident. Unfortunately, Yakuza's performance in the West has been substantially less-than-stellar. Poor sales for Yakuza 2 (despite almost universal critical-adulation) put the future of the series outside of Japan in jeopardy. When you buy Yakuza 2, you're not just getting your fingers one one phenomenal game–you're also increasing your chances of getting to play two more titles that ought to be equally exceptional. Do me a favor–do yourself a favor: get your hands on Yakuza 2."

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chrisjc5649d ago

What a sick game. Can't wait to buy it

Gambit075649d ago (Edited 5649d ago )

WOAH! a perfect score for a Sega game? am I dreaming?

edit: Never mind I thought it's for Yakuza 3.

Canary5646d ago

It's still a sega game....

sonarus5646d ago

lol. Yakuza 3 is probably better than 2 anyway. Not saying i expect perfect scores or anything but i expect a good game


Best villains in video games

GF365: "For a story to be compelling and engaging, a great villain is mandatory in most cases – be it a novel, movie, or video game. Of course, there’s a multitude of wonderful, brilliantly written villains in video games. Do keep in mind that this is our opinion. So, here’s our list of the best villains in video games, ranked in no particular order. We’re limiting our list to games since 2005."

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Leeroyw609d ago

Handsome Jack Borderlands 2
Andrew Ryan Bioshock
Vaas Montenegro far cry 3
Glados portal 2
My internet connection

608d ago
Terry_B609d ago (Edited 609d ago )

No List of good Villains in Video Games is complete without Handsome Jack and Geese Howard. In other words..this list is bs.

608d ago
HyperMoused606d ago

Would love a modern fear game


The Longest Cutscenes In PlayStation History

Cutscenes pull a game's story together, but sometimes they can be a bit much. These are the longest cutscenes in PlayStation games.

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Palitera621d ago

Kojima, Kojima and Kojima?
By far, the worst aspect of his games.

621d ago Replies(1)
CrimsonWing69621d ago

Man, it’s actually the aspects I look forward to the most in his games.

Phlacky621d ago

Not the most for me but I certainly appreciate his affinity for the cinematic. It's certainly one of the many reasons his games hit for a certain type of gamer and that combined with unique sometimes obtuse gameplay mechanics makes for one of a kind compelling experiences.

porkChop621d ago

It was only a problem for me with MGS4. I don't mind when long cutscenes are balanced with long gameplay sections. In MGS4 though I'd get a long cutscene, play for like 5 minutes, and then get another long cutscene. That gets annoying, though all the cutscenes were really well done.

roadkillers621d ago

Atleast they were entertaining cutscenes. Star Ocean put me to sleep

Shane Kim621d ago (Edited 621d ago )

Same with recent Tales of Arise. Cutscene after cutscene.

TheEroica621d ago (Edited 621d ago )

Sorry you got so many down votes for being so practical. No one in gaming takes advantage of our time more than Kojima. His cutscenes are our pure drivel and severely hamper the overall enjoyment of what's supposed to be an interactive medium. If the writing was good? Maybe that could be forgiven, but it's not... It's layers and layers of insanity pressed into hour long cutscenes.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 621d ago
MrVux000621d ago

Let me guess ... MGS4 on the first place? :D

Abnor_Mal621d ago

First thought was MGS4, seems like everyone so far had Kojima on the brain.

ManMarmalade621d ago

^^^^this. But Xenosaga is so good though.

MrNinosan621d ago

DualShockers didn't play Xenosaga I see.

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8 Yakuza games coming to PlayStation Plus in 2022, starting this month

Includes Yakuza: Like A Dragon and the entire  Kazuma Kiryu saga.

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Majin-vegeta730d ago

I already own all these digital+physical.So good to see more people will get to enjoy them.

Wonder why Fist of North Star isnt being added

italiangamer730d ago

Because it's not a Yakuza game, simple as that.

CrimsonWing69730d ago

Yep, licensing fees and whatnot.

RpgSama730d ago

So excited about the next Yakuza Like a Dragon I enjoyed that game much more than I thought K would have, went and got the platinum and everything.

IMissJimRyan730d ago

Yeah. I played them on GamePass, but it's good to others play those games.

Mobis-New-Nest730d ago

I'm still wondering why Horizon Forbidden West Delux Edition hasn't been added yet. Still hopeful it might get added in September 2022. Come Sony, do the smart business move and add all your first party games Day 1 on PlayStation Plus Premium.

mkis007730d ago (Edited 730d ago )

How is that smart? you just admitted to want to spend $18 for one month whenever a game comes out rather than $70 per game? Their sales are perfectly fine so low sales isn't a valid reason. Relying on subscription numbers is a losing game. You can't guarantee enough people will sub. 20 million subs doesn't beat 10 million copies sold at $30. (my average of the cost of a game over 3 years) For one game you make 300 million vs for the sub plan at 20 million paying 10 dollars a month (200 million) you have to pay out to all those developers before you can even count your money.

No chance it comes to plus plus this year. It will come when sales die down.

SeTTriP730d ago

This is a dumb idea for a franchise thats almost certain to hit 10mil lifetime.they would lose 10's if not a hundred million dollars.

Two years from now when the horizons, ghost and gow's do come to the service xbox might be in trouble.they have nothing to compete with this line even years down the line.

Its called strategy.

SeTTriP730d ago

I just brought judgement the game is great don't know how I missed it so now I'm planning on buying all the yakuza games so this is great for me.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 730d ago
andy85730d ago

It's early days but this new service is looking better and better. The full Yakuza series! And with the monthly games this month too. Fantastic month

Muigi730d ago

Never played any of them, good excuse now to try these out.

SegaSaturn669730d ago

That was the only Yakuza game I was missing. Might be the best month of all time for me.

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