
No Fallout 3 Patch For 360/PC Says Bethesda

Torrence Davis of The Bitbag writes, "There's been a huge misunderstanding about Fallout 3 and the ability to go back and play unfinished quests after the DLC has been applied to your 360 or PC. Apparently, gaming blog Next Gen News credited MTV Multiplayer with the info, but made it sound like there's actually a patch coming to the 360 or PC. There is no patch at all, it's just a part of the DLC functionality."

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DavidMacDougall5717d ago

I've said it once but i'll say it again sense i own the version there are not supporting anymore im going to download the PC version free of charge being that i've already paid my money for a game they don't want anything to do with (im talking about the ps3 version)

rroded5717d ago

Tho my pc doesnt run as well as the ps3...
still at least i get the dlc n whatever mods have been made for it.

Sad to see em sell out like this after they did such a fine job w/Oblivion on the ps3.

LeonSKennedy4Life5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

I don't know.

I'll probably buy the PC version too. They didn't abandon us. They were just offered money. We all need money, right?

tda-danny5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

Doesn't matter is they were or were not offered money. They put out an adiquate PS3 game and called it a day, while they continue to support the other 2 versions.

After I bought Oblivion for the PS3 (goty ed.) and say that they would not add any of the Xbox's dlc, and that they would not patch the glitch which made the vampire quest undo-able (you are stuck as a vamp if you turn into one), I decided not to support Bethesda with fallout. I'm playing the superior PC version... if ya know what I mean.

Meaning I borrowed it from a friend who didn't like it... /sheeesh

dragunrising5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

Poor reasoning and shame on you 1.0 & 1.1 for downloading the game illegally. Sorry your butt hurts but you should have known. This is old news presented as new. I'm not here to say I told you so, but rather it is bad on your part to claim naivety and then justify a trip to pirate bay.

DavidMacDougall5717d ago

I had my PS3 a year before this game was out its BS that they should just turn there back on after releasing a broken unfinished game on it there no better than EA and that whole Orange Box BS!

Im not paying again for this game

TruthBTold5717d ago

LOL, yeah I think I should get the PC version too. I heard it can be very inexpensive *wink wink*. That way I can make sure I can get the DLC. I think I will be getting PC versions *wink wink* of Bethesda games in the future since I know it will be supported with any DLC they might decide to make. And PC versions are always cheaper *wink wink* than console versions.

tda-danny5717d ago

Now your seeing what I'm sayin'

Neurotoxin5717d ago

I hate piracy, but you have a good point there mate. You`ve already paid for it so why not download it, If you buy the game on the PS3 you are basically subsidizing the DlC on 360 and PC.... Its disgraceful, Plus the game is STILL full of bugs and critical System breaking problems, well at least the PS3 version.

Enjoy your Pirated copy, **** Bethesda.

yanikins1115716d ago

this is one instance that i support piracy. If your gonna try and ar$3rape the consumer, then dont be suprised when they knee you in the groin.

dredgewalker5716d ago (Edited 5716d ago )

Ive already said i will not buy the Fallout 3 game..........therefore i will go the *wink wink* route....i wanted a legit way of playing this but since theyre just gonna screw me then to hell to with purchasing copies of their games. Im going to save my money and buy the games of deserving developers.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5716d ago
Pandemic5717d ago

It's funny because it got all the Xbox 360 and PC gamers excited... Then BAM, it's shattered in there face.

panasonic235717d ago

it's funny the ps3 owners still b!tching because Bethesda said fvck you..... Bam in you're face ahahahhahahhhhaahh

Kyur4ThePain5717d ago

Bethesda need gamers more than gamers need Bethesda.

pwnsause5717d ago

it's funny the ps3 owners still b!tching because Bethesda said fvck you..... Bam in you're face ahahahhahahhhhaahh"

or because they accepted the money that microsoft offered to keep the DLC under their platforms you dumb, just as how R* accepted $50 million from them for Exclusive DLC which made them close down 2 studios already.

CaptainKratos5717d ago

i was sooo thinking i was going to be able to play my side missions after the main story...i was so piss wrong. :(

Unicron5717d ago

Once again, I think exclusive DLC on a multiplatform release is a kick to the nuts of fans of any franchise in question. You're basically saying "you're money isn't good enough even though you were kind enough to support us, get lost."

Sad, sad trend here.

Megaton5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

Completely agreed. I'm against all exclusive DLC, aside from pointless crap like skins. It's a huge slap in the face to those who own the platform that gets shafted. It essentially puts a value on your fanbase, making one group appear more important than the other.

dragunrising5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

@ 4 & 4.1- I am not for exclusive downloadable content yet I knew the PC and 360 versions would have DLC exclusive. Don't you think its a bit naive to say that you didn't know? This article is new however it was known a lot time ago this would be the case.u

Edit: I am getting Mirror's Edge for the PS3 on account it has an exclusive downloadable map. Exclusive DLC motivates multiconsole owners to get the version that has it; not in every case yet it is compelling.

Unicron5717d ago (Edited 5717d ago )

It's not a matter of not knowing. I purchased my PS3 long before any exclusive DLC was announced. Again, I'm a Fallout fan who purchased a PS3 because it suited my gaming needs. The 360 did not. So why should I be DENIED the DLC available to other Fallout fans?

Update - Sure, but what of single console owners? Why should they be denied if they have access to the game? It makes it feel "incomplete" and is, I feel, a snub to fans.

Megaton5717d ago

Where did I say I didn't know? I heard it at Microsoft's E3 presentation like everyone else, but I'm not gonna go out and spend $300 on a new console so I can play the extended version of one game, no matter how much I like it.

I hate it when a multiplat title is fragmented for the sake of corporate competition. A large chunk of fans always lose.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5717d ago
Jaces5717d ago

You forget that M$ payed for the DLC, as Sony did not.

It's just business.

IdleLeeSiuLung5717d ago

I must agree with Jaces and Unicron above. Unfortunately, it is a side effect of the way the business works.

Multiplatform games should have multiplatform DLC, but that practically won't happen....

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Cancelled Fallout game gets turned into mod while everyone waits for London's release

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isarai126d ago

How about you actually SHOW wtf you're talking about

Nacho_Z125d ago

Always annoying when articles do that.

I agree with them that the tv show was a bit on the clean side. They got loads right regarding set design etc but there's room for improvement.

gold_drake125d ago

i dont. it hurts my eyes. but im fairly ssensitive when it comes to that sort of stuff.

RyanWritesGood85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Every Fallout seems to have their own color palate... New Vegas is basically brown, while 3 is green and gray. It's only 76 that has a robust color palate.

3 just isn't 3 without the green.


Amazon Prime Gaming May 2024 Games Lineup Looks Highly Promising

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Retroman139d ago

I have Amazon Prime hardly ever use it and these games will not make me jump back to Prime.
Only use Prime for discounts on shipping.

Retroman139d ago

Games line-up looks Highly Promising.
Yeah if you Never played those games before.
or you just started gaming for the First time in your life it would seem "Promising "